discount applies on orders over $50.00 major update start 9/22/24

NO   LABEL          NO.         NAME                              A/B SIDE                                            PRICE   GRADE     COMMENTS
M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M  M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 
2301  ABC          11152         Mascots                  MOREEN/baby, you're so wrong                                $ 10.00  vg+       promo 5.00 vg promo label tear
2301a ABC-PAR.     10280         Mark III                 man/VALERIE                                                 $  5.00  vg        promo, x
2302  ABC-PAR.     10494         Marlin/Mermaids          at weeki wachee/the ballad of silver springs                $  8.00  m-        (2)
2302a ABC-PAR.     10629         Marvelows                my heart/I do                                               $  7.00  vg+       5.00 vg (2)
2303  ABC-PAR.     11101         Montegtos                theme of a broken heart/most of all                         $ 20.00  m-
2304  Aladdin      3309          Monitors                 tonight's the night/candy coated kisses                     $ 75.00  vg+       close to m- small wax fade no. on label
2404a Allrite      620           Magnetics                the train/where are you                                     $ 40.00  vg+       label rub b side white label brent music
2404b Alto         2001          Tony Middleton           I need you/untouchable                                      $ 20.00  vg+       sm stk
2305  Am.Arts      8             Margo/Marvettes          say you will/cherry pie                                     $ 15.00  m-        promo, label tear 10.00 vg+ promo 5.00 vg promo
2306  Ampen        222           Johnny Moore             every streets a boulevard/pretty face (no gp)               $ 30.00  vg+
2307  Argo         5290          Monotones                book of love/you never loved me                             $ 10.00  m-        6.00 vg+ (4) 3.00 vg
2307a Argo         5301          Monotones                tom foolery/zombi                                           $ 25.00  m-        10.00 vg 
2307b Argo         5321          Monotones                the legend of sleepy hollow/soft shadows                    $ 25.00  m-        promo, stk (2)
2308b Astra        1018          Monorays                 face in the crowd/step right up                             $ 10.00  m-                    
2308c Atlantic     45-1006       Clyde McPhatter/Drifters money honey/the way I feel                                  $ 25.00  vg        promo
2308d Atlantic     45-1019       Clyde McPhatter/Drifters LUCILLE/such a night                                        $ 15.00  vg
2309  Atlantic     45-1048       Clyde McPhatter/Drifters white christmas/the bells of st. marys                      $  8.00  vg        yellow 5.00  m- 2nd press red label
2309a Atlantic     45-1055       Clyde McPhatter/Drifters what'cha gonna do/gone                                      $  8.00  vg        yellow sm tape (2)
2309b Atlantic     45-1070       Clyde McPhatter          hot ziggity/everybody's laughing                            $  8.00  vg        yellow, sm stk
2309c Atlantic     45-1078       Clyde McPhatter          LUCILLE/such a night                                        $ 35.00  vg+
2310  Atlantic     45-1077       Clyde McPhatter/R. Brown I gotta have you/love has joined us together                $ 20.00  vg+       10.00 vg
2311  Atlantic     45-1081       Clyde McPhatter          I'm not worthy of you/seven days                            $ 15.00  m-        (2) 10.00 vg+ (4) 5.00 vg
2311a Atlantic     45-1149       Clyde McPhatter          long lonely nights/heartaches                               $ 10.00  m-
2312  Atlantic     45-2028       Clyde McPhatter          since you've been gone/try try                              $  8.00  vg+ 
2313  Ave. D       6             Memory                   under the boardwalk/daddy's home                            $  5.00  m-        black wax
2314  Bambi        800           Mood Makers              DOLORES/dream a dream                                       $ 40.00  vg        some scuffs,sm stk
2315  Bamboo       511           Johnny Madara            vacation time/a story untold                                $  8.00  vg        x
2316  Baronet      2             Metallics                itchy twitchy too/need your love                            $ 75.00  m-        1st 50.00 vg+ 1st 20.00 m- 2nd 10.00 vg ribbon (3)
2317  Baton        231           Mello-Maids              oh-h-h/will you ever say you're mine                        $ 15.00  m-        stk
2318  Bigtop       3116          Marci/Mates              let us part for a year/shall I tell him you're not here     $ 30.00  m-        promo (3) 15.00 vg+ promo, x
2318a Bingo        1008          Masters                  a lovely way to spend an evening/dore's blues               $ 50.00  m-        promo
2118b Blast        206           Mascots                  once upon a love/hey little angel                           $ 30.00  m-
2319  Blast        210           Magnificent Four         the closer you are/uncle sam                                $ 15.00  vg+       5.00 vg (2)
2320  Butane       778           Mar-Vells                how do I keep the girls away/go on and have yourself a ba   $ 10.00  m-        8.00 vg+  
2321  Cadence      1310          Metronomes               I love my girl/I'm gonna get me a girl somehow              $ 60.00  m-        20.00 vg       
2321a Cadence      1339          Metronomes               dear don/how much I love you                                $ 20.00  vg        sm stk (2)
2321b Cameo        305           Johnny Maestro           lean on me/it's harder to make up my mind                   $ 15.00  m-       
2322  Candlelight  3073          Mellows                  moon of silver/you've gone                                  $125.00  m-        75.00 vg+ 60.00 vg clean record
2322a Capitol      4507          Mavricks                 angel with a heartache/sugar babe                           $  5.00  vg+       sm wrt
2323  Capitol      4591          Manhattans               I ain't down yet/the molly brown medley                     $ 20.00  m-        sm wrt
2324  Capitol      4730          Manhattans               sing all the day/la la la                                   $ 15.00  vg+       # on lab
2324a Capitol      5596          Mustangs                 everything I do is for you/moanin' blues                    $ 10.00  m-
2324b Chattahooche 628           Murmaids                 popsicles and icicles/huntington flats                      $  5.00  m-        (3) 4.00 vg+ sm stk (2)
2324c Chattahooche 628           Murmaids                 popsicles and icicles/blue dress                            $ 10.00  m-        5.00  vg+ late press diff flip stk sm wrt
2324c Chattahooche 636           Murmaids                 he's good to me/heartbreak ahead                            $  5.00  m-        3.00 vg+
2325  Checker      806           Bobby Lester/Moonglows   shoo doo-be doo/so all alone                                $ 50.00  vg+
2325a Checker      912           Moonbeems                cryin' the blues/teen age baby                              $ 25.00  m-        15.00 vg      
2325b Checker      1016          Magnificents             the dribble/do you mind                                     $ 10.00  vg+       promo, x vert
2325c Checker      1129          Bobby Moore/gp           searching for my love/hey, mr. d.j.                         $ 20.00  m-        maroon 10.00 m- pale blue 5.00 vg+ red/white/blue label (3)
2325d Chess        109           Moonglows                we go together/please send me someone to love               $  3.00  vg+       blue/white label, late press
2326  Chess        1581          Moonglows                sincerely/tempting                                          $ 10.00  vg        silver top stk (3) 5.00 m- red/blue label  5.00 vg+ gold label sm name 5.00 blue vert (2)
2327  Chess        1589          Moonglows                most of all /she's gone                                     $ 15.00  vg+       10.00 vg (2) 8.00 vg+ black label 10.00 m- blue lab stk 10.00 vg+ multi lab
2328  Chess        1598          Moonglows                slow down/foolish me                                        $ 50.00  vg        1st  
2329  Chess        1605          Moonglows                in love/starlite                                            $ 60.00  m-        50.00 vg+ to m- 40.00 vg+ 30.00 vg clean record 10.00 vg-
2330  Chess        1611          Moonglows                in my diary/lover love me                                   $ 50.00  m-        stk (2) 15.00 vg silver top 10.00 vg- silver top 7.00 m- blue stk
2331  Chess        1619          Moonglows                we go together/chickie um bah                               $ 30.00  vg+       25.00 vg+ stk 25.00 m- label tear 10.00 vg stk (2) 5.00 vg+ blue (2) 
2332  Chess        1629          Moonglows                when I'm with you/see saw                                   $ 25.00  m-        sm stk 20.00 vg+ (5) 6.00 vg (6) 5.00 vg+ blue lab
2333  Chess        1646          Moonglows                over and over again/I knew from the start                   $ 30.00  vg+       slow ver. 15.00 vg+ (2) 10.00 vg (2) stk
2335  Chess        1661          Moonglows                mr. engineer/please send me someone to love                 $ 30.00  m-        sm stk (3) 15.00 vg+ (2) x 10.00 vg (3)
2335a Chess        1669          Moonglows                the beating of my heart/confess it to your heart            $ 30.00  m-        (2) 20.00 vg+ 10.00 vg
2336  Chess        1681          Moonglows                too late/here I am                                          $ 25.00  m-        promo
2337  Chess        1689          Moonglows                soda pop/in the middle of the night                         $ 25.00  m-        gold label 5.00 vg label scuffs
2337a Chess        1705          Harvey/Moonglows         ten commandments of love/mean old blues                     $ 10.00  m-        5.00 vg 3.00 vg+  blue/red sm stk
2338  Chess        1717          Moonglows                love is a river/Ill never stop                              $ 15.00  m-        10.00 vg+ promo 7.00 vg (2) 
2339  Chess        1734          Miracles                 bad girl/I love you baby                                    $ 30.00  m-        sm scuff blue 25.00 vg+ blue  
2339a Chess        1768          Miracles                 I need a change/all I want                                  $ 30.00  m-        sm stk 20.00 m- lg name on lab 10.00 vg-
2339b Chess        1794          Mandells                 darling I'm home/who me                                     $ 40.00  vg+       wrt flip promo
2340  Chest        2203          Nathaniel Mayer/gp       village of love/love me (pete hartfield/supremes)           $  5.00  m-        some kind of late press (2)
2341  Chex         1009          Majestic's               baby/teach me how to limbo                                  $ 25.00  m-
2341a Clifton      90            Magic Moments            lost love/good goodby                                       $  5.00  m-        red wax
2341b Climax       110           Murals                   ambush/see you in september                                 $  7.00  vg        price stk
2341c Coed         545           Johnny Maestro/Crests    model girl/we've got to tell them                           $  5.00  vg        promo, stk
2342  Coed         549           Johnny Maestro/Crests    what a suprise/the warning voice                            $ 10.00  m-        promo or reg (2)
2343  Coed         552           Johnny Maestro/Crests    test of love/mr. happiness                                  $ 10.00  vg+       promo 5.00 vg
2344  Coed         582           Marva/Savoys             don't let him go/just in your imagination                   $ 10.00  vg+       reg or promo x 5.00 vg
2345  Coed         570           Trade Martin/gp          we'll be dancing on the moon/that stranger used to be my gir$  7.00  vg+
2346  Colpix       186           Marcels                  blue moon/good bye to love                                  $  8.00  m-        5.00 vg+  
2347  Colpix       196           Marcels                  summertime/teeter totter love                               $  8.00  m-        (2) 5.00 vg+
2348  Colpix       612           Marcels                  heartaches/my love for you                                  $  8.00  m-        (2) 4.00 vg+ stk (3)  
2349  Colpix       617           Marcels                  merry twist-mas/don't cry for me this christmas             $ 25.00  m-        15.00  vg+ 15.00 m- label tear flip
2350  Colpix       621           Marcels                  my melancholy baby/really need your love                    $ 30.00  vg+       promo,x (2)
2351  Colpix       624           Marcels                  really need your love/my melancholy baby                    $ 20.00  m-        promo, 15.00 vg+ 
2352  Colpix       651           Marcels                  loved her the whole week through/friendly loans             $ 25.00  vg+       10.00 vg promo  
2352a Colpix       665           Marcels                  lollipop baby/alright ok you win                            $ 15.00  m-        sm scuff    
2353  Colpix       694           Marcels                  teeter totter love/one last kiss                            $ 20.00  vg        promo
2354  Colpix       718           Matadors                 I gotta drive/la corrida                                    $ 25.00  vg+       promo 20.00 vg  promo or reg
2354a Columbia     40486         Metrotones               write me baby/even then                                     $  5.00  vg+       promo, stk, wrt
2355  Columbia     42510         Gene Montgomery          I gotta do the latest dance/a picture of you                $ 40.00  m-        promo  
2355a Conroy       510           Majenics                 I want to dance/up on the roof                              $ 30.00  m-
2355c Cozy         1000          Mel-Tones                honeysuckle rose/I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a$  5.00  vg+
2356  Cross Country100           Mario & the Flips        once in awhile/nobody's sweetheart now                      $ 25.00  m-        sm stk 20.00 vg+ (2) label stain
2356a Crystal Ball 100           Ernie Moralas/Lavenders  I'm so lonely/little bit of everything                      $ 15.00  m-        (3)
2356b Crystal Ball 154           Mike and Chordliners     she's gone/don't know what to do                            $ 10.00  m-
2356c Debra        1003          Magics                   chapel bells/she can't stop dancing                         $ 40.00  m-
2357  Decanter     350           Vinnie Monte             I believe/after you're gone                                 $ 10.00  m-        promo 
2357a Decca        31026         Misters                  why don't we do this more often/too many girls              $  3.00  vg        pop record
2358  Derby        45-804        Mclauria Betty/gp        my heart belongs to only you/I won't tell a soul I love you $ 20.00  m-        10.00 vg (2)   
2358a Diamond      172           Mamselles                love him/paradise is where he is                            $  5.00  vg        promo, lots wrt flip side
2358b Dig          133           Arthur Lee Maye          a fools prayer/whispering wind                              $150.00  m-        small spot were stk removed
2359  Dooto        462           Charles McCullough       my girl/zorro                                               $ 25.00  m-        2nd (3) reg or promo 20.00 vg+ 2nd
2360  Dootone      347x45        Medallions               the letter/buick 59                                         $ 75.00  vg+       15.00 vg blue  10.00 vg red label 10.00 m- 2nd or 3rd
2360a Dootone      364x45        Medallions               speedin'/EDNA                                               $ 50.00  vg+
2361  Dot          16173         Minner Prentice/gp       sincerely/you gave me heartaches                            $ 30.00  m-        stk removed (2)
2362  Duke         457           Malibus                  the robot/I just can't stand it                             $ 25.00  vg+
2362a Dwain        813           Nick Marco/Venetians     would it hurt you/little boy lost                           $  5.00  vg        promo, lg name lite scratch
2363  Ember        E-1022        Marktones                hold me close/talk it over                                  $ 25.00  vg        wrt, no on lab
2363a Ember        E-1045        Mifflin Triplets         I do/someone should have told me                            $ 20.00  vg        promo
2363b Ember        E-1052        Jimmy Milner             a place in your heart/is it fair                            $ 10.00  vg        promo
2364  End          1016          Miracles                 got a job/my mama done told me                              $ 30.00  vg+       10.00 vg sm stk,tear
2364a End          1029          Miracles                 I cry/money                                                 $ 30.00  vg+       1st sm name
2364b End          1084          Miracles                 I cry/money                                                 $ 15.00  vg+       name
2364c hold         1100          Masters                  a man is not supposed to cry/look out                       $ 30.00  vg-       name, lots of lite scratches, plays ok
2364d Epic         9146          Mello-Larks              leroy/mr. wonderful                                         $  5.00  m-        3.00 vg+ promo, pop record
2365  Era          3099          Moments                  walk right in/same (instr)                                  $ 10.00  m-        5.00 vg+ (2)
2366  Era          3114          Moments                  mamu zey/surfin train                                       $ 20.00  vg+       scuffs 5.00 vg sm label flock, promo
2367  Ermine       5353          Minks                    lotsa' luck/tingle tingle                                   $ 30.00  m-        1st
2367b Excello      2057          Marigolds                rollin' stone/why don't you                                 $ 30.00  m-        yellow 25.00 vg+ yellow (3)
2367c Excllo       2325          Maceo/All Kings Men      dreams/a funky tale to tell                                 $ 10.00  m-        promo
2368  Fairmount    614           Guy Maurice/gp           you've got to move/don't look for me                        $ 10.00  vg
2368a Federal      EP333         Midnighters              work with me annie/secy ways/get it/moonrise                $ 45.00  vg/vg     nice cover
2368b Federal      45-12169      Midnighters              work with me annie/until I die                              $ 15.00  vg+       silver top (2) sm stk 5.00 vg silver top (2) 10.00 vg+ green (2) 5.00 vg green
2369c Federal      45-12185      Midnighters              don't say your last goodbye/sexy ways                       $ 20.00  vg+       5.00 vg silver top (2)
2370  Federal      45-12195      Midnighters              annie had a baby/she's the one                              $ 20.00  vg+       silver top (3) 20.00 m- green (2) 15.00 vg+ green (3) 5.00 m- label tear
2371  Federal      45-12200      Midnigthers              annie's aunt fannie/crazy loving stay with me               $ 30.00  vg+       
2372  Federal      45-12202      Midnighters              stingy little thing/tell them                               $ 15.00  vg+       stk (2) 8.00 vg
2372a Federal      45-12210      Midnighters              ring a ling a ling/ashamed of myself                        $ 20.00  vg+       10.00 vg+ slight edge warp nap
2373  Federal      45-12220      Midnighters              switchie witchie titchie/why are we apart                   $ 40.00  m-        15.00 vg+
2373a Federal      45-12224      Midnighters              whatsonever you do/henry's got flat feet                    $  5.00  vg        (2)
2374  Federal      45-12227      Midnighters              It's love baby 24 hours a day/looka here                    $ 10.00  vg
2374a Federal      45-12240      Midnighters              rock and roll wedding/that house on the hill                $ 15.00  vg+       sm stk
2375  Federal      45-12251      Midnighters              partners for life/sweet mama do right                       $  7.00  vg
2376  Federal      45-12270      Midnighters              tore up over you/early one morning                          $ 20.00  vg+       stk 8.00 vg sm tape on label (3)
2377  Federal      45-12288      Midnighters              let me hold your hand/ooh baby baby                         $  7.00  vg
2378  Federal      45-12293      Midnighters              in the doorway crying/e basta cosi                          $ 15.00  vg+   
2379  Federal      45-12299      Midnighters              is your love for real/oh so happy                           $ 25.00  m-        promo bio stamp sm name 
2381  Federal      45-12330      Kenny Martin             yum yum/I'm sorry                                           $ 25.00  vg+       sm tape on label
2382  Felsted      8707          Majors                   les qua/come go with me                                     $ 20.00  m-        sm stk 8.00 vg+ reg or promo
2382a Flip         332           Maharajahs               I do believe/why don't you answer                           $ 20.00  vg
2382b Flo-Roe      531           Myron & the Van-Dells    heartaches/crazy little mama                                $ 10.00  vg+       nice cover
2382c Forbes       230           Matadors                 wobble wobble/let me dream                                  $ 20.00  m-
2383  Formal       1012          Masqueraders             these red roses/mister man                                  $ 20.00  vg        (2) 10.00 vg- plays fine
2384  Fortune      449           Nathaniel Mayer          village of love/I want a woman                              $ 10.00  m-        (4) stk 5.00 m- same lab both sides
2385  Gee          1014          Mellow Keys              listen baby/I'm not a deceiver                              $ 20.00  vg+       (2)  
2385a Gee          1037          Mello-Tones              ROSIE LEE/I'll never fall in love again                     $ 30.00  m-        10.00 vg
2386  Gee          1040          Mello-Tones              rattle snake roll/ca-sandra                                 $ 10.00  vg+       promo, wrt
2386a Golden Crest 582           Montells                 a rang a lang lang/soldier boy I'm sorry                    $ 25.00  m-        white label
2386b Glory        247           Vince Martin/Terriers    only if you praise the lord/cindy oh cindy                  $  8.00  m-        sm stk
2386c Gone         5015          Tony Middleton/Willows   let's fall in love/say yeah                                 $100.00  vg+       x
2386d Gone         5028          Markees                  along came love/special delivery                            $ 20.00  m-        10.00 vg+
2387  Gone         5033          Melodears                summer romance/charock                                      $ 20.00  m-        x 10.00 vg
2387b Gordy        7006          Mike & the Modifiers     It's too bad/I found myself a brand new baby                $ 50.00  m-        promo
2387c Harvey       5002          Johnny Maestro/Crests    16 candles/my juanita                                       $  5.00  m-        blue wax
2387d Herald       H-502         Mellokings               tonite-tonite/do baby do                                    $ 20.00  vg+       sm stk 15.00 vg mellokings one word
2388  Herald       H-502         Mello Kings              tonite-tonite/do baby do                                    $ 20.00  m-        15.00 vg+ name 20.00 m- later press 10.00 vg+ x multi 
2389  Herald       H-507         Mello Kings              chapel on the hill/sassafras                                $ 20.00  m-        bubble in wax 15.00 vg+ (3) reg or promo  
2390  Herald       H-511         MelloKings               baby tell me why why why/the only girl                      $ 30.00  vg+       promo close to m-
2390a Herald       H-518         Mello Kings              VALERIE/she's real cool                                     $ 30.00  m-        (2) 1st 10.00 vg+ multi
2391  Herald       H-536         MelloKings               running to you/chip chip                                    $ 20.00  vg+       promo  
2392  Herald       H-554         Mellokings               kid stuff/I promise                                         $ 15.00  vg+       (2)
2392a Herald       H-561         Mellokings               PENNY/till there were none                                  $ 20.00  vg+
2392b Hickory      1250          Monotones                is it right/what would I do                                 $ 10.00  vg+       stk  
2392c Hickory      1306          Monotones                when will I be loved/if you can't give me all               $ 15.00  m-        promo
2392d Hush         105           Myisfits and Band         give me your heart/my mother in law                        $100.00  vg+       plays well near m-
2393  Imperial     45-5282       Bobby Mitchell/Toppers   school boy blues/angel child                                $ 75.00  vg        blue label plays fine
2394  Imperial     X5432         Mints                    night air/pledge of love                                    $  5.00  vg+       sm tear flip 3.00 vg flip by K copeland (2)
2395  Imperial     X5855         Majors                   a wonderful dream/time will tell                            $  7.00  m-        (2) 4.00 vg+ (2)
2396  Imperial     X5879         Majors                   a little bit now/she's a troublemaker                       $ 10.00  m-        (3) 4.00 vg+ (6) 3.00 vg  
2396a Imperial     X5914         Majors                   what in the world/anything you can do                       $ 10.00  m-        (2)
2397  Imperial     X5936         Majors                   tra la la/what have you been doin'                          $  7.00  vg+       promo, label stain 5.00 vg
2398  Imperial     66009         Majors                   I'll be there/ooh whee baby                                 $ 10.00  m-        name
2398a Jay-Dee      797           Mellows                  smoke from your cigarette/pretty baby what's your name      $ 40.00  vg+       orange label (2) wrt 15.00 m- yellow (2) sm stk removed
2399  J&T          004           Masters/Tommy Evans      don't cry/christmas morning                                 $ 10.00  m-        (2)   
2399a Jomada       601           Madisons                 stagger/only a fool                                         $ 10.00  vg        name, wrt, promo
2399b Joni         101           Janie Moss & the Epics   we belong gogether/baltimore                                $ 20.00  vg        name
2399c Jubilee      45-5091       Marylanders              please love me/make me thrill again                         $150.00  vg        wrt, lite noise script label
2400  Jubilee      45-5142       Gloria Mann/gp           goodnight sweetheart goodnigt/love-me-boy                   $ 30.00  m-        (2) 20.00 vg+ sm stk (2)
2401  Keetch       6002          Mustangs                 baby let me take you home/davie was a bad boy               $ 10.00  m-        sm stk        
2402  King         1001          Midnighters              annie had a baby/annie's aunt fannie                        $  3.00  vg+       reissue or boot?
2402a King         45-12270      Midnighters              tore up over you/early one morning                          $ 10.00  vg
2403  King         5435          Mascots                  lonely rain/that's the way I feel                           $  7.00  vg        promo
2403a Knight       105           Majestics                boom da da/pennies for a beggar                             $200.00  vg        rare only 300 pressed
2404  Laurie       3028          Mystics                  hushabye/adam and eve                                       $ 10.00  m-        3.00 vg+ name on lab  
2404a Laurie       3038          Mystics                  so tenderly/don't take the stars                            $  3.00  vg        (2)
2405  Laurie       3047          Mystics                  I begin to think again of you/all through the night         $  3.00  vg        lg name
2406  Laurie       3058          Mystics                  blue star/white clifs of dover                              $ 10.00  vg        reg or promo wrt (2)
2407  Lenox        5556          Medallions               why do you look at me/you are irresistible                  $ 15.00  vg+    
2408  Liberty      F-55255       Milky Ways               my love/teenage island                                      $ 25.00  vg+       promo
2409  LIN          5001          Mints                    don't leave me alone/busy body rock                         $ 40.00  vg+       promo
2409a Linda        hold          Majestics                strange world/everything is gonna be all right              $ 35.00  vg+       promo wrt
2409b London       9738          Marionettes              nobody but you/whirlpool of love                            $ 15.00  m-        promo,x
2410  Lorraine     2006          Don Meehan/Five Dots     stag line/beautiful lady in white                           $ 30.00  vg+       scuff flip
2410a Love         5011          Mar-Vels                 could be you/cherry lips                                    $ 25.00  vg+
2410b Mascot       124           Monotones                book of love/you never loved me                             $  5.00  vg+       promo, boot I think
2411  Mello        554           Minors                   where are you/jerry                                         $ 15.00  m-        black wax
2412  Memo         5000          Memo's                   I'm going home/my most precious                             $ 20.00  m-        20.00 vg+ promo 15.00 vg wrt 10.00 vg scuffs plays fine promo 10.00 m- lab stain
2413  Mercury      71445X45      Mark IV                  dante's inferno/move over rover                             $  7.00  m-        5.00 vg+ 
2414  Mercury      71403X45      Mark IV                  I got a wife/ah ooo gah                                     $  5.00  m-        4.00 vg+ 
2415  Minaret      105           Mello Tones              don't stop/he's a friend                                    $ 10.00  vg+
2415a Modern       45X932        Oscar Mclollie/gp        wiggle toe/hot banana                                       $ 25.00  vg+       sm stl
2416  Monitor      1402          Billy Martin/Corvairs    I found my baby/sweeney's twist                             $ 20.00  vg+       10.00 vg
2417  Music City   45-762        Midnights                cheating on me/she left me                                  $ 50.00  vg+
2418  Nasco        6019          Meloaires                you know baby/indebted to you                               $ 30.00  m-        promo 25.00 vg+ (2) 15.00 m- label scuffs 5.00 vg
2419  Neil         101           Monarchs                 pretty little girl/in my younger days                       $ 25.00  vg+       stk (2) 5.00 vg
2420  Norman       501           Mechanics                the fastest thing on wheels/trampoline love affair          $ 10.00  m-        8.00 vg+
2420a Okeh         7096          Marquees                 hey little school girl/wyatt earp                           $ 25.00  vg+       yellow
2421  Old Town     1017          Ruth McFadden/gp         darling listen to the words of this song/since my baby's    $125.00  m-         
2421a Onyx         218           Millionaires             moonbeams over the poconos/if you're from scranton          $  5.00  vg+       pop record
2421b Parkway      118           Johnny Maestro/Crests    is it you/my time                                           $ 50.00  m-        promo
2421c Parkway      883           George McCannon III/gp   LANA/what am I gonna do                                     $ 20.00  m-        promo 15.00 vg+
2421d Parkway      987           Johnny Maestro/Crests    heartburn/try me                                            $ 30.00  m-        promo
2422  Peacock      1683          Jimmy McCracklin         the swinging thing/I need your loving                       $ 20.00  vg+
2422a Philips      40624         Motions                  what's your name-little boys life/freedom                   $ 10.00  m-
2422b Pilgrim      721           Ronnie Martin/Timbers    hey doc/I'm thankful                                        $  5.00  m-        sm crack in dw, nap
2422c Pillar       45-1          Gaye Merritt/Elligibles  mr. right guy/this is the kiss                              $ 30.00  m-        promo, not for sale scratched out
2423  Popular Req. 103           Johnny Maestro/Tymes     over the weekend/I'll be true                               $  5.00  m-
2423a Queen        24012         Maroons                  don't leave me baby don't/someday I'll be the one           $ 50.00  vg+       promo
2424  Queen Bee    47001         Marcels                  in the still of the night/high on a hill                    $ 20.00  m-        white promo (2) 10.00 vg+ white promo 
2424a Rainbow      102           Julie Monday             baby let me be your girl/the world is watchin' us           $ 10.00  vg+       promo, sm name
2425  Ra-Sel       106           Metros                   where were you/now that you've gone                         $ 15.00  m-        (2)
2425a Rca          0759          Moonglows                I was wrong/sincerely                                       $  5.00  m-        3.00 vg+
2425x Rca          0759          Moonglows                sincerely/same mono                                         $  5.00  m-        (3) promo
425b  Rca          7391          Magnets                  when the school bell rings/don't terry little mary          $ 25.00  m-        10.00 vg       
2425c Rca          8994          Metros                   sweetest one/time changes things                            $ 15.00  vg        promo
2425d Red Rocket   476           Monorays                 my guardian angel/five minutes to love you                  $ 10.00  vg+       stk sm wrt
2426  Reegal       512           Monarchs                 over the mountain/guess who                                 $ 55.00  vg        close to vg+
2425  R.F.A.       100           Magics                   If I didn't have you/let's boogaloo                         $ 35.00  m-
2426a Roadhouse    1015          Marylanders              I really don't care/last night                              $  3.00  vg
2427  Rock It      055           Minets                   together/secret of love                                     $ 30.00  m-        stk
2427a Roulette     4143          Mudlarks                 the love game/my grandfater's clock                         $ 10.00  vg+       promo
2427b RPM          424           Arthur Lee Maye/Crowns   truly/oochie pachie                                         $ 70.00  vg        plays excellent
2427c Rust         5036          Monograms                little suzie/baby blue eyes                                 $ 15.00  vg+       x 8.00 vg
2428  Safire       102           Monograms                that's what he said/tears and dreams                        $ 20.00  m-
2428a Sahara       118           Monterays                very last day/you belong to my heart                        $ 25.00  m-
2428b Savoy        45-825        Marshalls                who'll be the fool from now on/mr. santa's boogie           $ 25.00  vg+       red wax 1962 issure
2429  Sifire       102           Monograms                tears and dreams/that's what he said                        $ 20.00  m-         wrt
2429a Singular     1002          Medallions               a broken heart/lolo baby                                    $ 40.00  m-
2430  Snd.Stg.7    2502          Monarchs                 this old heart/'til I hear from you                         $ 20.00  m-        stk (2) 10.00 vg+ promo x or reg
2431  Snd.Stg.7    2516          Monarchs                 look homeward angel/what made you change you mind           $  8.00  m-        (4) 
2432  Snd.Stg.7    2530          Monarchs                 take me home/climb every mountain                           $ 15.00  m-        promo  
2432a Solid        506           Monorails                come to me darling/untrue (by the Meadowlarks)              $ 10.00  m-
2432b Soma         1468          Mulcays                  my happiness/near you                                       $  4.00  vg
2433  Sonic        101063        Tony Marco/girls         try try try again/the very thought of you                   $ 20.00  vg
2433a Soulville    1016          Lynn Martini/Jolly Jax   I wish/now                                                  $ 15.00  m-        promo
2433b Sound Spectrum 36001       Muphets                  why can't you go/all I want                                 $ 20.00  m-
2434x sold         595           Monitors                 our school days/I've got a dream                            $ 15.00  m-        2nd  
2434  Specialty    573           Arthur Lee Maye/Crowns   GLORIA/oh rooba lee                                         $ 40.00  vg
2435  Studio       9908          Melodeers                wishing is for fools/rudolph the red nose reindeer          $ 15.00  m-        (4) promo or reg 10.00 vg+ (2) 5.00 vg  
2435a Studio       9909          Melodeers                happy teenage times/goo goo sounds                          $ 25.00  m-
2435b Success      110           Martinels                baby think it over/i don't care                             $  7.00  vg        sm stk, very clean record
2435c Sue          700           Matadors                 vengeance/pennies from heaven                               $  5.00  g+        heat warp plays with noise
2436  Sultan       1004          Medallions               love that girl/carachi                                      $  7.00  vg        promo
2436a Swan         4185          Mckinleys                a million miles away/someone cares for me                   $ 10.00  m-        co
2436b Swan         4194          Mckinleys                then I'll know it's love/when he comes along                $  8.00  m-        promo
2437  Tamla        T54028        Miracles                 depend on me/way over there                                 $100.00  m-        sm stk strings 75.00 vg+ (4) STRINGS 20.00 vg no strings 20.00 m- globes
2438  Tamla        T54034        Miracles                 shop around/who's lovin you                                 $ 20.00  m-        (2) 10.00 vg+ (4) sm stk 
2439  Tamla        T54036        Miracles                 the only one I love/ain't it baby                           $ 75.00  m-        dr on label
2439a Tamla        T54053        Miracles                 what's so good about good-bye/I've been good to you         $ 15.00  vg+
2439b Tamla        T54059        Miracles                 I'll try something new/you'll never miss a good thing       $ 35.00  m-
2439c Tamla        T54096        Miracles                 I like it like that/you're so fine and sweet                $ 20.00  vg+/vg+   with picture sleeve bb hole
2439d Tammy        1005          Monorays                 my guardian angel/five minutes to love you                  $ 75.00  m-        no jubilee
2440  Tip Top      202           Marvin & the Chips       I'll miss you the xmas/sixteen tons                         $150.00  m-        sm scuff 50.00 vg  
2441  Troy         1000          Majorettes               white levis/please come back                                $ 15.00  m-         w/picture sleeve 7.00  m- (3) 4.00 m- label fade, slight warp 4.00 vg+ wrt (3) 
2442  Troy         1004          Majorettes               dance with me/let's do the kangaroo                         $ 10.00  m-         
2443  20th Fox     287           Freddie Meade/gp         just give her my love/mepri stomp                           $ 20.00  m-        (4) promo or reg  
2444  20th cen.    483           Models                   I lie a little/I'll get even                                $ 20.00  m-        (2)
2445a United       193           Moroccos                 red hots and chili mac/somewhere over the rainbow           $ 50.00  vg-       stk removed sm wrt plays ok
2445b UA           658           Garnet Mimms/Enchanters  for your precious love/baby don't you weep                  $  5.00  vg        stk
2446c U-NEK        711           Melinda and the Misfits  forever and a day/don't take your love away                 $ 50.00  m-
2446  United Init. 1007          Montaclairs              LISA/tpa tap daisy                                          $ 30.00  m-        stk removed
2447  U.S.A.       874           Michael & the Messengers romeo & juliet/lifs (don't mean nothin)                     $  5.00  vg        large co
2448  VAL-UE       211           Mohawks                  bewitched/I got a gal                                       $ 75.00  vg+       x 1st 25.00 vg name 20.00 m- 2nd
2449  Vanguard     35129         Moose and the Pelicans   he's a rebel/same                                           $ 20.00  vg+
2450  Vee-Jay      VJ183         Magnificents             up on the mountain/why did she go                           $ 25.00  m-        sm stk ot lite ring (5) 15.00 m- label nicks 15.00 vg+ 10.00 vg promo or reg (2) 5.00 vg+ black  
2451  Vee-Jay      VJ208         Magnificents             caddy bo/hiccup                                             $ 40.00  vg+       (2) stk 10.00 vg
2452  Vee-Jay      VJ367         Nagbufucebts             up on the mountain/let's do the cha-cha                     $ 20.00  vg+
2453  Veep         V1212         Marshmellows             when I look at my love/I don't even know his name           $ 20.00  m-        promo
2454  Vintage Rocker 102         Morrisania Revue         fine brown frame/dearest darling                            $  5.00  m-        red wax (4)
2455  WB           5139          Marquees                 until the day I die/don't be mean geraldine                 $ 25.00  vg
2456  Whale        506           Magnificent Four         the closer you are/uncle sam                                $ 25.00  vg+       tape, 20.00 vg stk,sm name (3)
2457  York         202           Mandells                 It's no good/I don't know what you got (but you got it)     $ 75.00  vg        small sample written on label
2460  ABC-PAR.     45-9984       Nobles                   standing alone/till the end of time                         $ 10.00  m-        promo, x 8.00 vg+ (2)
2461  ABC-PAR.     45-10012      Nobles                   just for me/to me                                           $ 10.00  m-        prom stk 4.00 vg promo or reg
2462  Apex         1603          Nitecappers              after the twist/scottie's twist                             $ 15.00  m-
2463  Capitol      5032          Nuggets                  shitiggy boom/anxious heart                                 $  7.00  m-        (3) 3.00 vg+ german press 
2464  Carlton      492           Nu Tornados              magic record/philadelphia usa                               $  5.00  m-        stk (4)   
2465  Carlton      497           Nu Tornados              let's have a party/the 'ole mummers' strut                  $ 5.00   m-        4.00 vg+
2466  Challenge    59147         Neons                    magic moment/fat girls                                      $ 10.00  vg        sm wrt, 3rd press
2467  Checker      1037          Norvells                 greasy kid stuff/as I walk alone                            $100.00  m-        co  30.00 vg        ding in deadwax nap
2468  Clifton      65            Now and Then             he's gone/since I've lost you                               $  5.00  m-
2469  Combo        113           Native Boys              CHERRYL/strange love                                        $ 40.00  vg+       (2) 15.00 vg (2) 
2470  Count        1009          Frankie Nestro/gp        I don't wanna wait/day by day                               $ 20.00  M-
2471  Crystal Ball 113           Newports                 the night we first met/looking for love                     $ 10.00  m-        sm name
2472  Crystal Ball 120           Newports                 jingle bells/my juanita                                     $ 10.00  m-
2473  Crystal Ball 129           Newports                 my juanita/jingle bells                                     $ 15.00  m-        (2)
2474  Decca        32569         New Yorkers              I guess the lord must be in new york city/do wha diddy      $ 10.00  m-
2475  Felsted      8577          Nu-Tornadoes             cry baby cry/keep a flower growing in your heart            $  5.00  vg+       (2) 4.00 vg stk, stamp
2476  Golden Gt.   GG 301        Noblemen                 turtledove/tengaleo                                         $  3.00  vg+       wrt
2477  Gone         5039          Nicky and Nobles         school day crush/school bells                               $ 50.00  m-        black label
2554b Gone         5090          Neons                    angel face/golden dreams                                    $ 25.00  vg+      sm skt 10.00 vg- plays fine sm wrt
2554c Great        4702          Nick Junior              betty-o/baby bye bye                                        $ 15.00  vg+
2555  Guyden       2067          Newports                 if I could tonight/a fellow needs a girl                    $ 30.00  m-        
2556  Herald       H-452         Nutmegs                  story untold/make me lose my mind                           $ 20.00  vg+       yellow (2) 10.00 vg+ 2nd str (2) 
2557  Herald       H-459         Nutmegs                  ship of love/rock me                                        $ 15.00  m-        multi 5.00 vg yellow 5.00 vg multi name
2558  Herald       H-466         Nutmegs                  BETTY LOU/whispering sorrows                                $ 30.00  m-        25.00 vg+ sm stk (2)
2558a Herald       H-574         Nutmegs                  rip van winkle/crazy 'bout you                              $ 10.00  vg        clean record
2559  Herald       H-492         Nutmegs                  comin' home/a love so true                                  $ 20.00  vg+       few bubbles in wax 10.00 vg plays great
2560  Hickory      1282          Newbeats                 everything's alright/pink dally rue                         $  5.00  m-
2560a Hickory      1332          Newbeats                 run baby run back into my arms/mean wooly willie            $ 10.00  m-        U.S. or Canadian press
2561  Hickory      1408          Newbeats                 bird dog/evil eva                                           $ 10.00  m-        promo
2563  Madison      162           Nino & Ebb Tides         don't run away/those oldies but goodies                     $  8.00  vg+       name, stk (2) 3.00 vg label stanin flip, wrt
2564  Madison      166           Nino & Ebb Tides         juke box saturday night/someday I'll fall in love           $  8.00  m-        5.00 vg+
2565  Madison      166           Nino & Ebb Tides         Juke box saturday night etal/you make me feel brand new     $  5.00  m-        some kind of later press
2566  MGM          12283         Naturals                 me 'n' you 'n' the moon/get me to the church on time        $  5.00  vg+       promo, sm name
2566a Mr.Peacock   102           Nino and the Ebb Tides   happy guy/wished I was home                                 $ 10.00  vg
2567  Nighttrain   905           Nutmegs                  take me and make meshifting sands                           $  5.00  m-        (3)
2568  Payson       101           Neptunes                 if you care/she went that-a-way                             $ 10.00  vg        scr flip nap, 2nd
2569  Rca          7931          Neptunes                 this my love/curiosity killed the cat                       $  5.00  vg
2569a Rca          8031          Nuggets                  just a friend/cap snapper                                   $ 30.00  m-
2569b Relic        529           Nobletones               I love you/I'm really too young                             $  5.00  m-
2569c Relic Gold   1006          Nutmegs                  out of my heart/shifting sands                              $  5.00  m-
2570  Philips      DJP-30        New Concepts             over the rainbow/same                                       $ 10.00  M-        promo (3)	
2570a Relic        544           Nicky and the Nobles     school bells/schoolday crush                                $  8.00  m-
2571  Reo          8794          Nino & Ebb Tides         automatic reaction/linda lou garrett                        $ 10.00  M-        CANADIAN PRESS
2572  Teen         116           Nite Riders              I know you're in there/starlight and you                    $ 10.00  vg
2573  Tetra        4449          Neons                    road to romance/my chickadee                                $ 20.00  vg
2574  Victoria     102           Neptunes                 I'm coming home/I don't cry anymore                         $ 40.00  vg        clean record
2574a Vik          0273          Vikki Nelson/Sounds      like a baby/I was a fool for leaving                        $ 20.00  m-
2575  Wall         547           New Yorkers              dream a little dream/miss fine                              $ 10.00  vg+
2577  Andie        5017          Ovations                 my lullaby/whole wide world                                 $ 40.00  m-        name
2578  Apollo       462           Opals                    my heart's desire/oh but she did                            $ 30.00  vg+       2nd
2579  Arvee        562           Olympics                 private eye/baby hully gully                                $  6.00  m-        sm stk
2580  Arvee        595           Olympics                 the slop/big boy pete                                       $  6.00  m-        4.00 vg+ (3) 
2581  Arvee        5006          Olympics                 shimmy like kate/workin' hard                               $  6.00  m-        5.00 vg+ (2)    
2582  Arvee        5020          Olympics                 dance by the light of the moon/dodge city                   $  6.00  m-        5.00 vg+ (2) 
2583  Arvee        5023          Olympics                 little pedro/bull fight                                     $  5.00  vg+       (2)
2584  Arvee        5031          Olympics                 dooley/stay where you are                                   $  6.00  m-
2585  Avree        5056          Olympics                 baby it's hot/the scotch                                    $  5.00  vg+       name
2586  Back Beat    503           Original Casuals         so tough/I love my darling                                  $ 10.00  m-        stk removed, name  5.00 vg+ 3.00 vg
2586a Barry        101           Ovations                 the day we fell in love/my lullabye                         $  5.00  vg        lg name,wrt, sm stk promo
2587  Blue Sky     102           Original Charmers        fools rush in/someday you'll want me                        $ 10.00  m-
2588  Cameo        218           Orlons                   holiday hill/the wah-watusi                                 $  4.00  vg+       (3)  
2589  Cameo        231           Orlons                   don't hang up/the conservative                              $  6.00  m-        4.00 vg+ (4) name  
2590  Cameo        243           Orlons                   them terrible boots/south st.                               $  6.00  m-        (3) 4.00 vg+ (2)  
2591  Cameo        257           Orlons                   not me/my best friend                                       $  6.00  m-        (2) 5.00 vg+  
2592  Cameo        273           Orlons                   crossfire/it's no big thing                                 $  6.00  m-        4.00 vg+ name  
2592a Cameo        287           Orlons                   bon doo wah/don't throw your love away                      $  6.00  m-        5.00 vg+ (3) nr stamp, stk
2593  Cameo        295           Orlons                   everything nice/shimmy shimmy                               $  6.00  m-        5.00 vg+
2594  Cameo        319           Orlons                   rules of love/heartvreak hotel                              $  6.00  vg+       5.00 vg (2)
2595  Cameo        332           Orlons                   goin' places/knock knock who's there                        $  7.00  m-        5.00 vg+ (3)
2597  Capitol      5082          Ovations                 loneliness never entered my mind/I don't wanna cry          $ 40.00  m-        25.00 vg+ 15.00 vg
2598  Cindy        3006          Orlandos                 cloudburst/old macdonald                                    $ 15.00  vg        2nd banner
2599  Crystalette  738           Optimists                lift up the latch/I'm laughing at myself                    $  5.00  vg+       promo   
2600  Decca        31094         Omegas                   study hall/so how come                                      $  5.00  vg+       
2600a Demon        1508          Olympics                 western movies/well                                         $  8.00  m-        name (2) 5.00 vg+  
2600b Demon        1512          olympics                 dance with the teacher/ev'erybody needs love                $  8.00  m-
2600c Flair-X      5000          Orbits                   message of love/I really do                                 $ 40.00  vg+       sm name      
2601  Golden Crest 569           Oxfords                  toy balloons/you can sit down at the piano and play it yours$  5.00  vg
2601a Hickory      1258          Overlanders              yesterday's gone/gone the rainbow                           $  5.00  m-        (2)  
2602  Hickory      1295          Overlanders              january/the leaves are falling                              $ 10.00  m-        promo 5.00 m- (2)
2603  Jubilee      45-5017       Orioles                  lonely x-mas/what are you doing new years eve               $ 35.00  vg+       line (2)  20.00 vg line (2) 
2604  Jubilee      45-5122       Orioles                  crying in the chapel/don't you think I ought to know        $ 25.00  vg+       stk  
2605  Jubilee      45-5127       Orioles                  write and tell me why/in the mission of st. augustine       $ 20.00  vg+       (4) 10.00 vg  
2606  Jubilee      45-5134       Orioles                  theres no one but you/robe of calvery                       $ 30.00  vg+       (4) 10.00 vg
2607  Jubilee      45-5137       Orioles                  don't go to strangers/secret love                           $ 20.00  vg
2608  Jubilee      45-5143       Orioles                  maybe you'll be there/drownin                               $ 40.00  m-         25.00 vg stk or name (3) 
2609  Jubilee      45-5154       Orioles                  in the chapel in the moonlight/thank you lord thank you lord$ 15.00  vg       
2610  Jubliee      45-5161       Orioles                  if you believe/longing                                      $ 20.00  vg
2611  Jubilee      45-5177       Orioles                  fair exchange/I love you mostly                             $ 20.00  vg+
2612  Jubilee      45-5221       Orioles                  please sing my blues tonight/moody over you                 $ 40.00  m-        (2) 20.00 vg+ 
2612a Kayo         346           Orientals                please come back to me/get yourself to school               $ 30.00  vg        1st 
2613  Laurie       3232          Orients                  shouldn't I/queen of the angels                             $ 40.00  m-
2614  Lawn         214           Original Soundtracks     come on let's go/fooba wooba john                           $ 25.00  vg+       sm stk
2615  Lu Pine      1011          Ohio Untouchables        I'm tired/up town                                           $ 10.00  vg        x
2616  Milo         101           Tony Orlando             ding dong/you and only you                                  $100.00  vg+       sm name stk removed
2617  NRC          021           Bobby One                humming bird/undecided                                      $ 10.00  vg        sm wrt     
2617a Original SD. 10            Originals                wishing star/let me hear you say yeah                       $ 40.00  vg+       white label
2618  Parrot       819           Orchids                  you said you loved me/I can't refuse                        $200.00  m-        very lite hairline scuff
2618a Poor Boy     110           Originals                lend me your ear/bandstand sound                            $ 50.00  vg+       sm name 30.00 vg (3) 20.00 vg- slight warp
2619  Roulette     4633          Orchids                  good good time/love is what you make it                     $ 25.00  m-        promo, wrt 20.00 vg+ promo
2619a Shell        304           Org. Pyramids            hot dog dooly wah/ankle bracelet                            $ 10.00  m-
2619b Sky          703           Org. Red Tops            hello is that you/swanee river rock                         $ 10.00  vg+       few label dings flip          
2619c Starlight    4             Our Gang                 what kind of fool am I/the lady is a tramp                  $  5.00  m-
2620  Technichord  1001          Off Keys                 singing bells/our wedding day                               $ 20.00  m-        (2) maroon
2620a Teen         3             Orlons                   over the mountain/litte pig (by dale hawkins)               $  5.00  m-        promo
2621  Titan        1801          Olympics                 western movies/endless sleep                                $  5.00  vg        flip by Jody Reynolds (2) sm tear, stk
2622  Tri Disc     106           Olympics                 the bounce/fireworks                                        $ 10.00  m-        (2) 5.00 vg+ 3.00 vg  
2623  Tri Disc     107           Olympics                 dancin' holiday/do the slauson shuffle                      $ 10.00  m-        (3) name 
2623a Tri Disc     110           Olympics                 bounce again/a new dance partner                            $ 10.00  m-
2624  Tri-Disc     112           Olympics                 so goodbye/the broken hip                                   $  5.00  vg+       3.00 vg stk,x  
2625  Vee-Jay      VJ228         Orioles                  for all we know/never leave me baby                         $ 25.00  vg+       (3)
2626  Zee          101           Olympics                 big boy pete/the slop                                       $ 10.00  vg+       (2)
2637  ABC-PAR      45-9934       Poni-Tails               born to late/cone on joey dance with me                     $  5.00  m-        sm stk (4) 3.00 vg+ stk
2638  ABC-PAR      45-9969       Poni-Tails               close friends/seven minutes in heaven                       $ 10.00  m-        reg or promo 5.00 vg+   
2639  ABC-PAR      45-9995       Poni-Tails               early to bed/father time                                    $  5.00  m-        (3)
2639a ABC-PAR      45-10027      Poni-Tails               oom pah polka/moody                                         $  6.00  m,-       5.00 vg+ promo
2640  ABC-PAR      45-10047      Poni-Tails               I'll be seeing you/I'll keep tryin'                         $  4.00  vg+       promo wrt or reg (3)
2640a ABC-PAR      45-10070      Playboys                 memories/you're all I see                                   $  7.00  m-        (3) 3.00 vg
2640b ABC-PAR      45-10091      Glen Pace/Gliders        next year/tell me                                           $ 15.00  vg+       promo, stamp
2641  ABC-PAR      45-10114      Poni-Tails               who when and why/oh my you                                  $  7.00  m-        promo 5.00 vg+ promo
2641a ABC-PAR      45-10284      Patterns                 ain't doin' that no more/it's so nice                       $ 10.00  vg        promo, name
2642  ABC-PAR      45-10401      Percells                 what are boys made of/cheek to cheek                        $ 15.00  m-        stk (4) 10.00 vg+ 
2643  ABC-PAR      45-10436      Passions                 the empty seat/the bully                                    $ 20.00  m-        white label (2)
2644  ABC-PAR      45-10468      Playmates                but not through tears/she never looked better               $  7.00  m-        5.00 vg+  
2644b ABC-PAR      45-10492      Playmates                I'll never get over you/I cross my fingers                  $ 10.00  m-        promo plug side stamp
2644a ABC-PAR      45-10516      Parcells                 the greatest/I stand alone                                  $ 25.00  vg+       promo 10.00 vg promo
2645  Afton        616           Frank Pizani/gp          wanna dance/It's no fun                                     $ 10.00  vg+
2645a Angle Tone   1069          Parakeets Quintet        my heart tells me/YVONNE                                    $ 10.00  m-        prev. unreleased
2646  Apex         76223         Playmates                you can't stop me from dreaming/JO-ANN                      $  3.00  vg+       stk, canada
2647  Argo         5287          Pastels                  been so long/my one and only dream                          $  7.00  vg+       (2) 3.00  vg
2648  Argo         5314          Pastels                  so far away/don't knock                                     $ 20.00  m-        sleeve autographed by all  5.00 m- golden oldies series
2649  Arwin        109           Pets                     ha-kow-ski/cha-hua-hua                                      $  5.00  vg+       (3) 4.00 vg+ 3.00  
2650  Arwin        112           Pets                     wow-ee/beyond the sea                                       $  7.00  m-
2650a Atco         6057          Pearls                   shadows of love/yum yummy                                   $ 60.00  m-        sm wrt 45.00 vg+ price stk 30.00 vg
2650b Atco         6066          Pearls                   bells of love/come on home                                  $ 40.00  vg        name
2651  Atco         6078          Prophets                 baby come back/stormy                                       $ 20.00  m-        10.00 vg+ reg or promo, x
2652  Atco         6131          Pat and the Satellites   oh oh darlin/jupiter c                                      $ 15.00  m-        name 10.00  vg+
2653  Atlantic     45-1132       Penguins                 I knew I'd fall in love/pledge of love                      $ 20.00  m-        15.00 vg+ stk 10.00 vg
2654  Audicon      102           Passions                 just to be with you/oh melancholy me                        $  6.00  vg        red (2) 10.00 m- swirl 5.00 vg swirl 2nd 5.00 m- all red 2nd  4.00 vg+
2655  Audicon      105           Passions                 this is my love/I only want you                             $ 10.00  m-        red  or swirl 8.00  vg+ sm wrt or stk (3) 8.00 m- orange label (late press)
2655a Audicon      106           Passions                 jungle drums/gloria                                         $  3.00  vg-
2655b Audicon      108           Passions                 one look is all it took/beautiful dreamer                   $ 30.00  vg+       5.00 vg
2656  BAB          131           Parkway                  maybe next christmas/take time                              $ 10.00  m-        with picture sleeve
2656a Bamboo       104           Profiles                 got to be love/you don't care about me                      $ 20.00  m-
2656b Bay-State    1267          Pawns                    summer/impossible dream                                     $ 10.00  vg        wrt 
2656c Bergem       186           Plural's                 donna my dear/miss ann                                      $ 20.00  m-        name on label 15.00 vg+ wrt
2657  Best         13002         Pyramids                 here comes marsha/penetration                               $ 15.00  m-        promo stk removed, x or reg sm stk 10.00 vg+ promo stk, wrt or reg 5.00 vg
2658  Britton      1003          Possessions              you and your lies/no more love                              $ 35.00  vg+       dj stamp, red wax 25.00 m- black wax  
2658a Cadet        5287          pastels                  my one and only dream/been so long                          $  5.00  m-
2658b Ca-Jo        210           Pery Mates               the great red rat/it was you                                $ 50.00  m-        40.00 vg+
2659  Calico       113           Palisades                close your eyes/I can't quit                                $ 15.00  vg+       10.00 vg
2659a Calvert      401           Bobby Page/Riff-Raffs    I love my baby/sweet surrender                              $100.00  vg+       sm tear, stk
2659b Cameo        125           Mike Pedicin Quintet     shake a hand/the dickie doo                                 $ 10.00  m-
2660  Cameo        142           Playboys                 over the weekend/double talk                                $  7.00  m-        sm stk 5.00 vg+ (3)
2660a Cameo        396           Bobby Paris              tears on my pillow/night owl                                $150.00  vg+       slight edge warp nap, dj copy stamp
2661  Campus       101           Philadelphians           dear/the love that I lost                                   $ 25.00  m-        10.00 vg
2663  Captiol      4069          Frank Perry/Towers       let me be the one/to know him is to                         $ 10.00  m-        sm stk (2)
2663a Capitol      4428          Pines                    lonely/eppresso                                             $ 10.00  m-
2663b Capitol      4818          Pinafores                I don't care what anyone says/it only happens in the movies $ 25.00  m-
2664  Carlton      524           Paramounts               trying/girl friend                                          $ 25.00  m-        (2) 15.00 vg+ (3)  
2665  Catamount    1957          Persuasions              stardust/could never love another                           $ 10.00  vg+
2666  Chancellor   1074          Playboys/Cousins         boston hop/what'd I say                                     $ 10.00  m-        promo x
2666a Chairman     4401          Palisades                make the night a little longer/heaven is being with you     $ 25.00  vg+
2666b Challenge    9123          Le Roy Parker            from this day/I know                                        $ 10.00  vg        promo sm init.
2667  Checker      1108          Fred parris/Restless Hearts  walk a little faster/no use crying                      $  8.00  vg-       x, sm name plays ok
2667a Christy      45-116        Tony Padua/Cruisers      BARBARA ANN/the battle ride of the seventh cavalry          $ 40.00  m-        dj sticker
2668  Clifton      55            Patterns                 give me your love/here's why I love you                     $  8.00  m-
2668a CLifton      63            Patty/Street-tones       mommy and daddy/glory of love                               $  5.00  m-
2669  Columbia     4084          Playmates                you can't stop me from dreaming/JO-ANN                      $  3.00  m-        U.K. presst
2670  Colpix       760           Playmates                a piece of the sky/fiddler on the roof                      $  5.00  vg        promo, wrt, stamp
2671  Colpix       CP793         Princetons               killer joe/GEORGIANNA                                       $  8.00  m-        3.00 vg
2672  Columbia     4-42053       Petites                  a little love/making miracles                               $ 15.00  m-        promo kg on lab 8.00 vg+ 
2673  Columbia     4-41662       Petites                  get your daddy's car tonight/sun showers                    $ 10.00  m-        promo (2) 3.00 vg promo
2674  Cub          9112          Pyramids                 cryin'/I'm the playboy                                      $ 15.00  vg+
2675  Darl         1001          Plaids                   keeper of my heart/I sing for you                           $  8.00  vg+       stk removed 5.00 vg   
2676  Darl         1003          Plaids                   halfway to heaven/al lee o al lee ay                        $  5.00  vg        (2)
2676a Date         1554          Pristines                do-re-mi/I'm going back to new orleans                      $ 20.00  m-        promo
2677  Diamond      146           Passions                 sixteen candles/the third floor                             $ 20.00  m-        promo, sm wrt, brown wax 10.00 vg promo brown wax
2678  Don-Dee      103           Pixies                   cry like a baby/just a little tear                          $ 30.00  m-        15.00 vg+
2680  Donna        1337          Pentagons                to be loved/down at the beach                               $ 20.00  m-        10.00 vg+ (3) 5.00 vg 
2680a Dooto        348           Penguins                 earth angel/hey senorita                                    $  6.00  m-        yellow/blue  
2681  Dootone      348           Penguins                 earth angel/hey senorita                                    $ 15.00  vg        red 10.00 vg- red 5.00 vg maroon (2) 3.00 vg+ maroon boot
2682  Dootone      348           Penguins                 earth angel/hey senorita                                    $ 20.00  vg+       (2) 15.00 vg+ 10.00 vg blue
2682a Dootone      348           Penguins                 earth angel/hey senorita                                    $ 15.00  vg+       stk (2) 10.00 vg black
2683  Dootone      353           Penguins                 love will make your mind go wild/ookey ook                  $  7.00  vg        (2) 5.00 vg stk,bubble in wax 15.00 vg+ dooto label 5.00 m- boot
2684  Dootone      362           Penguins                 kiss a fool goodbye/baby let's make some love               $ 75.00  m-        50.00 vg+ sm stk
2684a Dore         614           Premiers                 what makes little girls cry/she goes oonka chicka           $ 15.00  vg        promo x
2685  Dot          16175         Paramounts               why do you have to go/congratulations                       $ 25.00  m-        15.00 vg+ (3) 
2685a Dot          16201         Paramounts               when you dance/your seventeen                               $ 20.00  vg
2685b DRA          325           Phillips Sisters         faith, hope and trust/you'll never know                     $ 10.00  m-        sm scuff
2685c Elektra      47511         Fred Paris/Five Satins   medley memories of days gone by/same                        $  7.00  m-        promo, sm wrt (2)
2686  Ember        1038          Fred Parris/Satins       a night to remember/senorita lolita                         $ 20.00  vg+
2687  Empire       103           Preludes                 don't fall in love too soon/I want your arms around me      $ 30.00  vg        stamp 
2687a Epic         9893          Poppies                  I wonder why/lullaby of love                                $ 10.00  m-        5.00 vg (2)
2687b ERA          1038          Planets                  stand there mountain/never again                            $ 25.00  m-
2687c Essex        344           Bunny Paul/gp            new love/you'll never leave my side                         $ 10.00  vg+
2687d Essex        352           Bunny Paul/gp            such a night/I'm gonna have some fun                        $ 20.00  m-        15.00 vg+
2687e Essex        364           Bunny Paul/Harptones     I'll never tell/honey love                                  $ 20.00  vg+       stk (2)
2687f Everlast     5025          Pips                     happiness/I had a dream last night                          $ 20.00  m-
2688  Falcon       1011          Prodigals                JUDY/MARSHA                                                 $ 10.00  vg
2688a Fames        59002         Professors               look at her/our teenage love                                $ 10.00  vg+
2688b Federal      12188         Platters                 tell the world/love all night                               $ 25.00  vg
2688c Federal      12204         Platters                 take me back take me back/maggie dosn't work here anymore   $ 30.00  vg        promo/bio label 25.00 vg
2688d Federal      12233         Pyramids                 deep in my heart for you/and I need you                     $250.00  vg        bio label
2689  Federal      12402         Clarence Paul            baby don't you leave poor me/I'm gonna love you love you til$ 30.00  vg+       slight warp nap
2689a Federal      12244         Platters                 only you/you make me cry                                    $ 75.00  vg
2689b Federal      12250         Platters                 I need you all the time/tell the world                      $ 20.00  vg
2689c Flash        129           Poets                    dead/vowels of love                                         $ 50.00  vg        40.00 m- red label 2nd
2690  Fury         1029          Premiers                 I pray/pigtails eyes are blue                               $ 20.00  vg+
2690a Fury         1067          Pips                     darling/LINDA                                               $ 25.00  m-        reg (3) or promo swirl label 10.00 vg+ (2) 
2691  Glenville    101           Penquins                 earth angel/hey senorita                                    $  7.00  m-        orange (2) 5.00 vg+ yellow label
2692  Golden Crest 571           Precisions               someone to watch over me/cleopatra                          $ 50.00  m-        white label
2692a Green-Sea    106           Fred Parris/gp           giving my love to you/blusing bride                         $ 75.00  m-
2693  GWP          508           Pastors                  where were you when I needed you/heather                    $  5.00  vg+       promo
2694  Herald       577           Premiers                 gee oh gee/diary of our love                                $ 15.00  vg+       wrt 10.00 vg wrt, names on label (4)
2694a Herald       577           Premiers                 diary of our love/none 1 sided promo                        $ 15.00  vg+       hand written label few marks  
2695  Herald       590           Patty/Emblems            mixed-up shook-up girl/ordinary guy                         $ 15.00  m-        promo  7.00 vg+ stk (2)
2695a Herald       595           Patty/Emblems            and we danced/you can't get away                            $ 10.00  vg        promo
2696  His Mst.Voice 516          Pony-Tails               born too late/come on joey dance with me                    $  5.00  vg+       u.k.
2696a Imperial     5664          Poets                    I'm in love/honey chile                                     $ 15.00  m-        10.00 vg+       
2696b Imperial     66014         Powder Pufs              my boyfriend's woody/woody wagon                            $ 10.00  vg-       promo, lots of lite marks/scratches
2697  Imperial     66029         Pandoras                 all about jim/hay ya                                        $ 25.00  m-        promo
2697  IRI          1309          Ricky Pearson/The Royals stand by me/and now nothing                                 $ 25.00  vg
2697a Jamie        1201          Pentagons                I wonder/she's mine                                         $ 20.00  vg+       wrt
2698  Jason Scott  1             Pacers                   how sweet/no wonder I love you                              $  8.00  m-        
2698a Josie        834           Jesse Powell/Caddy's     ain't you gonna/turnpike                                    $ 10.00  vg+       stk removed (2) 
2698b Josie        845           Jesse Powell/Majors      oh baby/string along                                        $ 25.00  m-        promo name
2699  Jubilee      5407          Parakeets                come back/shangri-la                                        $ 30.00  vg+       stk promo (2) 15.00 vg reg or promo
2700  Jubilee      5495          Pastels                  first star/tokyo melody (instr.)                            $  7.00  vg+
2700a Karate       522           Peels                    juanita banana/fun                                          $  5.00  vg+
2700b King         6061          Premieres                she's always there/I'm better off now than I was before     $ 10.00  vg
2701  Knight       2002          Popsicles                thumb print/this is the end                                 $ 35.00  vg        plays well
2702  Laurie       aud-102       Passions                 just to be with you/oh melancholy me                        $  7.00  m-        4.00 vg+
2703  Laurie       aud-105       Passions                 I only want you/this is my love                             $  5.00  m-        
2703a Laurie       3201          Paramounts               just to be with you/one more for the road                   $ 25.00  vg        wrt on flip side
2703b Leader       806           Palisades                dear joan/the shrine                                        $ 25.00  m-        white label 20.00 vg+ x 8.00 vg
2704  Liberty      55167         Plaids                   hungry for your love/chit-chat                              $ 50.00  vg+       close to m- promo, sm stk,name
2705  Liberty      55954         Pandoras                 new day/about my baby                                       $  7.00  m-        promo
2706  Liberty      55999         Pandoras                 games/don't bother                                          $ 10.00  m-        promo
2706a Lost Nite    155           Pelicans                 aurelia/the white cliffs of dover                           $ 20.00  m-        red wax
2707  Lute         5801          Gary Paxton/gp           you're ruinin' my gladness/the way I see it                 $ 20.00  vg+
2707b Mala         462           Porgy and Monarchs       stay/somebody said I'd cry someday                          $ 15.00  m-        (2) 10.00 vg+
2707x Mala         462           Porgy and Monarchs       stay/somebody said I'd cry someday                          $ 50.00  m-        green wax
2707c Melic        4115          Charles Perry/gp         I'll walk through the darkness/if there wasn't any you      $  5.00  g         plays
2708  Martinique   M101/102      Playboys                 double talk/over the weekend                                $ 40.00  m-        10.00 vg (2) 
2709  Martinique   400           Playboys                 please forgive me/sing along                                $ 20.00  vg+
2709a Medieval     205           Palisades                this is the nite/relic rock                                 $ 10.00  m-
2710  Mercury      70610X45      Penguins                 be mine or be a fool/dont do it                             $ 40.00  m-        (3) 
2710a Mercury      70633X45      Platters                 only you and you alone/bark battle and ball                 $  5.00  vg        pink labelel 1st
2710b Mercury      70654X45      Penguins                 it only happens with you/walkin' down broadway              $ 40.00  m-        20.00 vg clean record
2711  Mercury      70681X45      Peppermints              be a little delicate, hey/shuf-a-lin' shoes                 $ 10.00  m-        3.00 vg+ popish
2712  Mercury      70703X45      Penguins                 promises promises promises/devil that I see                 $ 15.00  vg        (2) 5.00 m- looks like a boot
2712a Mercury      70747X45      Prestos                  'til we meet again/looking for love                         $ 50.00  vg        plays fine
2712b Mercury      70753X45      Platters                 the great pretender/I'm just a dancing partner              $  5.00  m-        (2)
2713  Mercury      70762X45      Penguins                 a christmas prayer/jingle jangle                            $ 30.00  vg
2714  Mercury      70799X45      Penguins                 she's gone gone/my troubles are not at an end               $ 30.00  m-        15.00 vg+ 10.00 vg 
2714a Mercury      70819X45      Platters                 winner take all/the magic touch                             $  5.00  m-        maroon 3 vg+ black (2)
2714b Mercury      70893X45      Platters                 my prayer/heaven on earth                                   $  7.00  m-        maroon 5.00 m- black 3.00 vg+ black
2715  Mercury      70948X45      Platters                 It isn't right/you'll never never know                      $  7.00  m-        maroon 5.00 m- black (2)
2716  Mercury      71011X45      Platters                 on my word of honor/one in a million                        $  5.00  m-        maroon (2) 3.00 vg+ sm stk
2717  Mercury      71032X45      Platters                 I'm sorry/he's mine                                         $  5.00  m-        maroon 3.00 vg+ black
2719  Mercury      71099X45      Pitch Pikes              never never land/zing zing                                  $ 10.00  m-        (3) stk 8.00 vg+ (3) 
2720  Mercury      71288x45      Playboys                 don't do me wrong/why do I love you why do I care           $ 50.00  m-     
2721  Merucry      71289X45      Platters                 twilight time/out of my mind                                $  5.00  m-        name (2) 3.00 vg+ (2)   
2722  Mercury      71320X45      Platters                 you're making a mistake/my olf flame                        $  5.00  m-  
2723  Mercury      71353X45      Platters                 I wish/it's raining outside                                 $  5.00  m-        blue label 3.00 vg+
2724  Mercury      71383X45      Platters                 no matter what you are/smoke gets in your eyes              $  5.00  m-        promo or reg (2) 3.00 vg+ blue 3.00 vg stk
2725  Mercury      71427X45      Platters                 the sound and the fury/enchanted                            $  4.00  m-        stk or name  
2726  Mercury      71467X45      Platters                 love of a lifetime/remember when                            $  6.00  m-        5.00 vg+ (3) 
2727  Mercury      71502X45      Platters                 where/wish it were me                                       $  5.00  m-        (2)    
2728  Mercury      71538         Platters                 my secret/what does it matter                               $  5.00  m-        promo
2729  Mercury      71563X45      Platters                 harbor lights/sleepy lagoon                                 $  5.00  m-        3.00 vg+ stk (2)  
2730  Mercury      71656X45      Platters                 red sails in the sunset/sad river                           $  5.00  vg+
2731  Mercury      71697         Platters                 to each his own/down the river of golden dreams             $  5.00  vg+
2732  Mercury      71749         Platters                 true lover/if I didn't care                                 $  5.00  m-        promo or reg
2733  Mercury      71791         Platters                 immortal love/trees                                         $  5.00  m-        promo 3.00 vg+ promo
2733a Mercury      71819         Platters                 winner take all/you've got the magic touch                  $  3.00  vg+
2734  Mercury      71847         Platters                 I'll never smile again/you don't say                        $  4.00  m-        (4)
2734a Mercury      71904         Platters                 you'll never know/song for the lonely                       $  5.00  m-        stamp
2735  Mercury      71986         Platters                 every little movement/more th                               $  5.00  vg+       promo 3.00 vg promo, stk
2735a Mercury      72016         Presidents               the toast/pots and pans                                     $ 20.00  m-        promo, sm stain flip
2736  Mercury      72129         Platters                 here comes heaven again/strangers                           $  5.00  m-
2736a Mercury      72194         Platters                 viva ju juy/cuando calienta el sol                          $  3.00  vg        promo, stk, wrt
2736b Mercury      72242         Platters                 row the boat ashore/java jive                               $  5.00  m-
2736c Mercury      72250         Pixies Three             after the party/gee                                         $  5.00  vg+       (3) 
2736d Mercury      72288         pixies Three             It's summertime u.s.a/the hootch                            $  5.00  vg+       promo
2736e MGM          13324         Pets                     what kind of girl (does he think I am)/nobody knows how muc $ 25.00  m-        promo sm wrt
2737  MGM          13766         Paper Dolls              you're the boy I want to marry/cause I love you             $ 10.00  m-
2737a Milestone    2203          Paradons                 diamonds and pearls/I want love                             $ 20.00  m-        red (2) 10.00 m-  maroon 7.00 vg+ (2) 5.00 vg+ label scrs 
2737b Milestone    2205          Paradons                 bells ring/please tell me                                   $ 20.00  vg+       promo, x on lab 7.00 vg+ (2)
2738  Mink         021           Premiers                 tonight/I think I love you                                  $ 25.00  vg+        
2738a Musicor      1166          Platters                 I love you 1000 times/don't hear speak see no evil          $  7.00  vg+       (2)
2738b Musicor      1199          Platters                 alone in the night/DEVRI                                    $  5.00  vg        scuffs
2738c Musicor      1211          Platters                 I'll be home/you've got the magic touch                     $ 10.00  m-        co (2)
2738d Musicor      1229          Platters                 with this ring/if I had a love                              $ 10.00  m-        (2)
2738f Musicor      1302          Platters                 so many tears/think before you walk away                    $  5.00  vg        promo
2738g Misicor      1341          Platters                 sonata/fear of losing you                                   $  5.00  vg
2739  Musicanza    103           Ping Pongs               I'm hot/same label both sides                               $ 10.00  m-
2739a Musicraft    1102          Paragons                 blue velvet/wedding bells                                   $ 15.00  vg+
2739b Nasco        6011          Plaids                   my pretty baby/till the end of the dance                    $ 10.00  vg+       wrt
2740  Octavia      8008          Preludes                 a place for you in my heart/that would be so good           $ 20.00  vg        lines (2)
2741  Onyx         503           Pearls                   lets you and I go steady/zippidy zippidy zoom               $ 30.00  vg+
2741a Onyx         510           Pearls                   your cheatin' heart/I sure need you                         $ 30.00  vg+       (2) 20.00 vg
2742  Onyx         516           pearls                   the wheel of love/it's love love love                       $ 50.00  vg        sm name, stk
2742a Org. Snd.    27            Penguins                 memories of el monte/be mine                                $ 25.00  vg+
2742b Pageant      601           Persians                 steady kind/get a hold on yourself                          $  5.00  vg        wrt (2) NR stamp 
2743  Pastel       45-506        Pastels                  sleep tight/do you ever think                               $ 15.00  m-
2744  Point        8             Poni Tails               your wild heart/que la bozena                               $  8.00  vg+       sm stk, sm name (3)
2745  Poop Deck    101           Pop & the Fideltones     whispering words of love/for your love                      $ 10.00  vg-       plays ok
2746  Premium      101           Billy Perry/Starlights   searching for love/count off blues                          $ 30.00  m-
2747  Prep         125           Petticoats               manhattan mountains/I ain't gonna do it no more             $  7.00  vg+       4.00 vg promo or reg
2747a Rae Cox      1001          Popular Five             sh-boom/tomorrow night                                      $ 20.00  m-        15.00 m- slight storage warp, nap
2748  Rama         198           Pretenders               possessive love/I've got to have you baby                   $ 50.00  vg+       sm stk 25.00 vg
2748a Rca          7546          Playgirls                hey sport/young love swings the world                       $  8.000 vg+       lite scr nap 4.00 vg
2748b Rca          7556          Pyramids                 oh no you won't/long long time                              $  4.00  vg        sm label tear
2748c Rca          7900          Portraits                my big brothers friend/yo-yo girl                           $  5.00  vg        sm label tear
2749  Regina       306           Pacettes                 you don't know baby/don't read the letter                   $ 10.00  vg+
2749a Relic        521           Pearls                   ice cream baby/yuz-a-ma-tuz                                 $  5.00  m-
2749b Relic        522           Pearls                   the wheel of love/it's love love love                       $  5.00  m-
2749c Ribbon       6902          Berlin Perry/Gleams      put that tear back/tennessee waltz                          $ 75.00  vg        not returnable stamp
2749d Ripete       1020          Bill Pinkney/Drifters    white christmas/silent night/ol man river/sit & hold my hand$  5.00  m-        green wax
2750  RKO          387           Petticoats               michigan bankroll/in my loving heart                        $  5.00  vg+       # stamped on lab  reg or promo (2)
2751  Roulette     R-4037        Playmates                JO-ANN/you can't stop me from                               $  6.00  m-        5.00 vg+ 3.00 vg promo 3.00 vg+ (2) stock 2.00 vg
2752  Roulette     R-4072        Playmates                don't go home/can't you get it through                      $  4.00  m-        3.00 vg
2752a Roulette     R-4100        Playmates                the day I died/where the record goes round                  $  5.00  m-        4.00 vg+ wrt
2753  Roulette     R-4115        Playmates                beep beep/your love                                         $  5.00  m-        (2) 4.00 vg+ (2) wrt  
2754  Roulette     R-4136        Playmates                star love/thething a ma jig                                 $  5.00  m-
2755  Roulette     R-4160        Playmates                what is love/I am                                           $  4.00  m-        (3) 3.00 vg+ sm wrt
2756  Roulette     R-4200        Playmates                first love/a ciu-e                                          $  5.00  m-        4.00 vg+ name 
2758  Roulette     R-4276        Playmates                wait for me/eyes of an angel                                $  3.00  vg+
2759  Roulette     R-4322        Playmates                real life/littel miss stuck-up                              $  5.00  vg+       3.00 vg (2) stk
2760  Roulette     R-4373        Joey Page/gp             blue velvet/party season                                    $ 40.00  m-        promo 20.00 vg+ promo
2761a Roulette     R-4432        Playmates                the cop on the beat/keep your hands in your pockets         $  5.00  m-
2762  Roulette     R-4551        Planets                  mr. moon/you are my sunshine                                $ 50.00  m-        promo
2762a RSVP         114           Persians                 tears of love/dance now                                     $ 50.00  m-        blue label 40.00 vg+ x on label
2762b RSVP         1102          Pleasures                plaything/don't you know I love you                         $ 15.00  m-
2763  R.T.O        101           Persians                 when we get married/sunday kind of love                     $ 10.00  m-
2763a Savoy        1515          Clarence bad boy Palmer  CHERRY/you took my love                                     $ 10.00  vg+
2763b Scott        1202          Tracey Pendarvis/gp      it don't pay/one of these days                              $ 20.00  vg+
2764  Shell        711           Pyramids                 ankle bracelet/hot dog dolly wah                            $ 50.00  m-        1st shells 20.00 m- white label lines
2765  Sidewalk     935           Portraits                runaround girl/over the rainbow                             $  5.00  vg        promo
2765a Skyland      1000          Pat Parker/Way Mates     boy watcher/warm glow                                       $ 20.00  m-
2765b Skyland      1005          Pat Parker/Way Mates     date with the blues/young sweethearts                       $ 20.00  m-        lite label ware flip
2766  Smash        1701          Paramours                prison break/that's the way we love                         $ 25.00  m-        15.00 vg+ 10.00 vg (3) 10 on label 
2766a Smash        1718          Paramours                mkiss social climber/cutie cutie                            $ 25.00  m-
2767  Specialty    644           Pentagons                it's spring again/silly dilly                               $ 20.00  m-        promo, stk,wrt
2768  Spinning     6003          Petites                  blessed are they/MARGUERITE                                 $ 10.00  m-        (2) 5.00 vg
2768a Starlight    23            Paragons                 florence/blue velvet                                        $  5.00  m-
2768b Stork        1             Pin-Ups                  lookin' for boys/kenny                                      $ 10.00  m-         
2769  Strobe       352           Penny Candy Machine      lollipop/ode to midnight                                    $ 15.00  m-        promo
2770  Sun          186           Prisonaires              just walkin' in the rain/baby please                        $125.00  vg        name flip 50.00 vg-
2771  Tap          501           Playmakers               bubble gum/hurry harry                                      $ 25.00  m-
2772  Tap          503           Paragons                 in the mist of the night/begin the beguine                  $ 25.00  vg+       white label, x, sm # 
2773  Tel          1007          Page Boys                out to lunch/hey now baby                                   $ 10.00  vg+
2773a Time Machine 45-571        Fred Paris/5 Satins      lonely hearts/the masquerade is over                        $  5.00  m-
2774  Tip Top      402           Performers               I'll make you understand/give me your heart                 $ 15.00  m-        red wax (2) stl 15.00 vg black wax 1st
2774b Tollie       9019          Prodigals                JUDYy/MARSHA                                                $  5.00  vg        promo, sm wrt
2774c Top Rank     514           Paradons                 diamonds and pearls/I want love                             $ 15.00  m-        english press complete  
2774d Tower        424           Passions                 without a warning/just like a rolling sea                   $ 40.00  vg        promo, name, stk, scuffs plays fine
2775  Turf         1001          Pals                     my baby likes to rock/summer is here                        $ 10.00  vg        
2775a Uni          55230         Passionettes             stand by your man/sister watch yourself                     $ 15.00  vg+
2776  Unique       344           Petticoats               the first one/motorboat song                                $ 10.00  m-        sm stk 5.00 vg+
2776a Unique       363           Petticoats               high heels/I'll go along with you                           $  4.00  vg        wrt
2776b United       196           Pastels                  if you put your arms around me/boom de de boom              $ 40.00  vg        name both labels label tear a side, plays fine
2777  United       208           Palms                    tear drops/edna                                             $100.00  m-        sm scuff
2778  VJ           2332          Pearlettes               duchess of earl/everyday                                    $ 15.00  m-        (2) 10.00 vg+ (3) 6.00 vg stk (3) 
2779  VJ           386           Pips                     every beat of my heart/room in your heart                   $ 15.00  m-        (3) 10.00  m- label nick 5.00 vg+ (4) 3.00 vg (5) reg or promo
2779a VJ           537           Popcorns                 pluto/I loved you                                           $ 15.00  m-        promo, x
2780  Verve        5056          Paupers                  one rainy day/tudor impressions                             $  5.00  vg        promo
2780a Vault        903           Sonny Patterson/gp       troubles/gone so long                                       $ 25.00  m-
2781  Wanger       188           Plurals                  I'm sold/good night                                         $ 30.00  m-        stk 25.00 vg+ name  
2782  WB           5186          Paradons                 take all of me/so fine so fine so fine                      $ 10.00  vg+       stk
2784  WB           7191          Paper Dolls              all the time in the world/something here in my heart        $ 10.00  vg+       promo  
2785  Wing         90076X45      Penguins                 peace of mind/dealer of dreams                              $ 25.00  m-        blue 20.00 vg+ (2) 15.00 vg  
2787  Winley       215           Paragons                 hey little school girl/FLORENCE                             $ 50.00  m-        no. x 40.00 vg+ 45 on one side sm prt 10.00 vg (2) wrt
2788  Winley       220           Paragons                 let's start all over again/stick with me baby               $ 35.00  vg+       name sm print 25.00 vg sm print lines, name on lab (2) 15.00 vg+ lg print
2790  Winley       250           Paragons                 kneel and pray/just a memory                                $ 40.00  vg+       25.00 vg  
2791  Zanzibar     1004          Pack                     brooklyn days/oz is ours                                    $  5.00  m-        johnny maestro bobby sedito johnny farina
Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q  Q Q Q  Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
2798  Chess       1685           Quintones                ding dong/I try so hard                                     $ 30.00  m-        20.00 vg+
2799  Cyclone     111            Quinns                   oh starlight/hong kong                                      $ 50.00  vg        4 lines black wax
2800  Dot         45-15685       Quarter Notes            like you bug me/please come home                            $  5.00  vg+
2801  Hunt        45-321         Quin-Tones               down the aisle of love/please dear                          $  6.00  m-        stk removed (2) 4.00 vg+ (3) stk removed  
2802  Hunt        45-322         Quin-Tones               what am I to do/there'll be no sorrow                       $ 10.00  m-        sm stk (2) 7.00 vg+ (2)
2803  Imperial    66368          Quotations               can I have someone/havin' a good time with my baby          $ 10.00  vg+       promo
2804  Play Time   22007          Quartones                ace in the hole/hello my baby                               $  5.00  m-
2805  Popular Req.104            Quotations               imagination/ala-men-sy                                      $  5.00  m-
2806  Red Top     108            Quin-Tones               please dear/down the isle of love                           $ 60.00  m-        stk removed blue 25.00 vg+ red
2807  Relic       1025           Quotations               imagination/ala-men-sy                                      $  5.00  m-
2808  Swan        4023           Quaker City Boys         teasin'/won't y' come out marry ann                         $  3.00  vg
2809  Verve       10245          Quotations               imagination/ala-men-sy                                      $ 20.00  vg+       (4) skt  10.00 vg  
2810  Verve       10252          Quotations               this love of mine/we'll reach heaven together               $ 10.00  vg         promo
2811  Verve       10261          Quotations               see you in september/summertime goodbyes                    $ 40.00  vg+        stk 
2830  ABC-PAR.    9760           Rover Boys               the piano tuner/whoop dooldly baby                          $  8.00  m-       (2) 5.00 vg+
2831  ABC-PAR.    9700           Rover Boys               graduation day/I hear music                                 $  8.00  m-       stk
2832  ABC-PAR.    9732           Rover Boys               young love/from a school ring to a wedding ring             $  8.00  m-       
2833  ABC-PAR.    9882           Royal Teens              short shorts/planet rock                                    $ 10.00  m-       (3) 5.00 vg+ stk     
2834  ABC-PAR.    9918           Royal Teens              sham rock/big name button                                   $ 10.00  m-       stk 8.00 vg+ (3)
2835  ABC-PAR.    9945           Royal Teens              hangin' around/harvey's got a girl friend                   $  8.00  m-       (5) 5.00 vg+ stk (2)
2835a ABC-PAR.    9955           Royal Teens              my kind of dream/open the door                              $  8.00  m-
2836  ABC-PAR.    10583          Roemans                  give me a chance/your friend                                $ 10.00  m-
2836a ABC         10911          Ruby & the Romantics     twilight time/una bella brazilian melody                    $ 10.00  m-       promo
2837  Almont      311            Ramblers                 father sebastian/barbara I love you                         $ 15.00  m-       sm stk 10.00 vg+ (2)
2838  A&M         1040           Ronettes                 you came you saw you conquered/oh I love you                $ 10.00  m-       (3) 7.00 vg+       
2839  A&M         2091           Raes                     a little lovin'(keeps the doctor away)/same                 $  4.00  m-       promo
2839a Ambient Snd 451            Randy and the Rainbows   remember walking in the sand/happy teenager                 $ 10.00  m-       (2)
2840  American    6000           Bill Robinson/gp         the cow/take me back baby                                   $  6.00  vg+      (2)  
2840a Apt         25006          Redjacks                 big brown eyes/to make you mine                             $ 10.00  m-       (2) reg or promo 7.00 vg+ 5.00 vg promo stk
2841  Argo        1074           Rays                     second fiddle/how long must I wait                          $ 10.00  vg
2842  Argo        5261           Ravens                   water boy/a simple prayer                                   $ 10.00  vg+      
2843  Argo        5276           Ravens                   dear one/that'll be the day                                 $ 25.00  vg+      (4)  
2843a Argo        5284           Ravens                   lazy mule/here is my heart                                  $ 20.00  vg+      10.00 vg    
2844  Argyle      1012           Rainbows                 SHIRLEY/stay                                                $  7.00  vg  
2845  Arvee       5001           Robins                   just like that/whole lot imagination                        $ 20.00  m-       5.00 vg
2845a Astra       1012           Royal Teens              sittin with my baby/mad gass                                $ 25.00  m-
2845b Atco        6052           Royal Jokers             you tickle me baby/stay here                                $ 30.00  vg       maroon
2846  Atco        6059           Robins                   smokey joe's cafe/just like a fool                          $ 15.00  vg+      20.00 m- yellow (2) 10.00 vg sm stk maroon
2847  Atco        6077           Royal Jokers             she's mine all mine/ride on little girl                     $ 35.00  vg+      30.00 vg clean record 20.00 vg some scuffs
2847a Atco        6085           Ray-O-Vacs               party time/crying all alone                                 $ 25.00  vg       stk clean record
2848  Atco        6107           Romeos                   moments to remember you by/fine fine baby                   $ 35.00  m-       25.00 vg+ 15.00 vg stk
2849  Atco        6121           Rinky-Dinks              early in the morning/now we're one                          $  7.00  m-       (5) sm no. or name 5.00 vg+ 
2849a Atlantic    45-1099        Jan Randy/gp             your fool again/who do you think you are                    $ 15.00  m-
2849b Ave. D      16             Raindrops                jingle bell stomp/even now (by the Jumpin' Tones)           $  5.00  m-
2850  Back Beat   501            Rob-Roys                 AUDRY/tell me why                                           $  8.00  vg+      (2) 5.00 vg
2851  Baron       105            Rainbows                 can't you see I love you so/my love is true                 $ 10.00  m-       flip by the Parakeets
2852  Baton       200            Rivileers                a thousand stars/hey chiquita                               $ 20.00  vg       stk removed,stk (2)
2852a Baton       207            Rivileers                I love you for sentimenatal reasons/I want to see my baby   $ 10.00  vg+
2852b sold        209            Rivileers                little girl/don't ever leave me                             $ 20.00  vg       name
2853  Baton       241            Rivileers                a thousand stars/who is the girl                            $  5.00  vg       reg or promo
2854a Blue Cat    110            Regents                  me and you/playmates                                        $ 10.00  m-       NR stamp
2854b Bobwin      148            Rosebuds                 south side high/hurry baby                                  $  5.00  vg
2855a Brunswick   55012          Rhythmettes              mind reader/mister love                                     $ 15.00  m-       reg or promo
2856  B.T. Puppy  535            Randy & the Rainbows     I'll be seeing you/oh to get away                           $ 15.00  m-
2857  Cameo       117            Rays                     silhouettes/daddy cool                                      $  5.00  vg+     (4)  
2858  Cameo       128            Rays                     triangle/rendezvous                                         $ 10.00  m-       5.00 vg
2859a Cameo       133            Rays                     rags to riches/the man above                                $ 15.00  vg
2859b Cameo       233            Roommates                sunday kind of love/a lovely way to spend a weekend         $ 30.00  m-       nr stamp (2)
2860  Cameo       437            Rationals                respect/feelin' lost                                        $ 10.00  m-       (3)  
2860a Cameo       455            Rationals                sing/hold on baby                                           $  5.00  VG       wrt
2861  Can.Am.     CA-166         Roomates                 my heart/none (one sided promo)                             $  3.00  vg       tear from stk removed 
2861a Capitol     2124           Rationals                I need you/I need you                                       $  7.00  vg+      swirl (2) name 5.00 vg
2862  Capitol     2175           Rainbows                 broken heart like mine/love of the common people            $ 10.00  vg+      promo  
2863  Capitol     4146           Rinky Dinks              catch a little moonbeam/choo choo cha cha                   $ 10.00  m-       promo 7.00 vg+ 4.00 vg  promo
2864  Capitol     4261           Royal Teens              believe me/little cricket                                   $  5.00  vg+      (2) stk  
2864a Capitol     4335           Royal Teens              the moon's not meant for lovers anymore/was it a dream      $ 10.00  m-   
2864b Capitol     4402           Royal Teens              with you/It's the talk of the town                          $ 10.00  m-       3.00 vg-
2864c Capitol/STAR 6050          Royal Teens              believe me/little cricket                                   $  5.00  vg+
2865  Capitol     4488           Royal Galaxies           trouble on a double date/over and done with                 $ 20.00  m-       sm stk
2866  Capitol     5644           Runarounds               perfect woman/you're a drag                                 $  5.00  vg
2867  Carlton     467            Rondells/Ned Jr.         dreamy/good good                                            $ 15.00  m-        5.00 vg                          
2868  Carlton     472            Royal Holidays           I'm sorry/margaret                                          $ 20.00  m-       (2) 10.00 vg+ 8.00 vg
2869  CEI         127            Runabouts                way of life/all is all                                      $ 20.00  vg+
2870  Chairman    4403           Ran-Dells                martian hop/forgive me darling                              $ 15.00  m-        pic sleeve 7.00 vg+ (2)
2871  Challenge   9191           Rochell & the Candles    let's run away and get married/annie's not an orphan anymore$ 30.00  m-        promo, name, wrt (2)
2871a Chancellor  1133           Royalettes               no big thing/yesterday's lovers                             $ 20.00  m-
2871b Champ       102            Roulettes                I see a star/come on baby                                   $ 40.00  m-
2872  Checker     871            Ravens                   dear one/that'll be the day                                 $ 25.00  vg+
2873  Chess       1678           Rays                     how long must I wait/second fiddle                          $ 10.00  vg+       (2) 
2873a Chess       1708           Re-Vels                  false alarm/when you come back to me                        $100.00  vg+
2874  Chess       1932           Radiants                 father knows best/one day I'll show you                     $100.00  m-  
2875  Chicory     1600           Renaults                 ten questions/two face                                      $ 20.00  vg+       promo
2875a Cindy       3012           Romans                   come si bella/real (with frankie valle)                     $100.00  vg        clean record
2875b Clifton     38             Ribitones                most of all/crazy little mama                               $  5.00  m-
2875c Clifton     58             Rondels                  oh baby/be mine                                             $  5.00  m-
2875d Clifton     79             Reunion                  cool change/wonderful tonight                               $  5.00  m-
2876  Coed        CO503          Rivieras                 true love is hard to find/count every star                  $ 20.00  m-        x (2) 10.00 vg stk
2877  Coed        CO508          Rivieras                 moonlight serenade/neither rain nor snow                    $ 20.00  m-        (4) 15.00  vg+ (3) 
2878  Coed        CO513          Rivieras                 our love/true love is hard                                  $ 20.00  m-        reg or promo 15.00 vg+ 3.00 vg wrt diff flip on reg issues 3.00 vg (4)
2879  Coed        CO522          Rivieras                 11th hour melody/since i amde you cry                       $ 10.00  m-        flip side label scuffs
2880  Coed        CO529          Rivieras                 moonlight cocktails/blessing of love                        $ 15.00  m-        promo (2) or reg (2) stk 10.00 vg+ (2)  
2880a Coed        C538           Rivieras                 my friend/great big eyes                                    $ 10.00  m-        promo, no. wrt
2881  Coed        CO542          Rivieras                 easy to remember/stay in my heart                           $ 10.00  m-        reg or promo 5.00 vg promo or reg
2881a Coed        C605           Ronnie/Schoolmates       just born to be your baby/don't don't don't (dropout)       $ 30.00  m-        promo
2881b Collage     1              Retrospect               LORRAINE/row your boat                                      $ 10.00  m-        (2)
2881c Collectables 1400          Ronnie/Hi-Lites          twistin' and kissin'/I wish we were married                 $  5.00  m-        red wax
2881d Colpix      646            Ronettes                 I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead/I'm on the wagon             $ 50.00  m-        promo
2882  Columbia    903            Ravens                   time takes care of everything/don't look now                $ 75.00  vg-
2883  Columbia    925            Ravens                   I'm so crazy for love/my baby's gone                        $100.00  vg        plays fine
2884  sold        401            Reflections              maybe tomorrow/I really must know                           $ 30.00  m-
2884b Curtis      751            Rudy & the Wheels        It's not for me/copy cat                                    $350.00  vg+       close to m- "r" stamp, sm stk
2885  Dark        241            Rivileers                a thousand stars/who is the girl                            $ 10.00  m-        white label
2886  Darryl      722            Rivals                   I must see you again/rigetty tick                           $ 15.00  m-        (2)
2886a Davis       464            Ravons                   don't ever break your baby's heart/I'm a fugitive           $ 25.00  m-
2887  Decca       29492          Lee Raymond              baby darling/foolishly yours                                $ 10.00  m-        promo
2888  Demand      501            Relations                back to the beach/too proud to let you know                 $ 10.00  m-        (2) 
2889  Demon       1507           Jody Reynolds/gp         endless sleep/tight capris                                  $ 10.00  m-        (2) 8.00 vg+
2889a District    3001           Rubies                   loaded with goodies/take it easy casanova                   $ 25.00  vg+
2889b Dore        572            Rodney & the Blazers     teenage cinderella/rolling along                            $ 20.00  m-        x, wrt
2890  Dot         15816          Roses                    I kissed an angel/almost paradise                           $ 10.00  m-        (2)
2890b Epic        9505           Redwoods                 please mr. scientist/where you used to be                   $ 10.00  vg        promo
2890c Empire      106            Ricky/gp                 tender love/baby please come home                           $ 30.00  vg+
2890d Empress     103            Rubies                   he was an angel/none 1 sided record                         $ 60.00  m-        with sleeve
2891  Express     711            Ricky & the Vacels       bubble gum/lorraine                                         $ 40.00  m-        20.00 vg
2891a Fargo       1050           Ricky and the VaCels     don't want to love no more/his girl                         $ 30.00  m-        black wax 20.00 vg+
2891b Federal     45-150         Royals                   hello miss fine/I feel that way                             $ 50.00  vg        slv. top
2892  Federal     45-12169       Royals                   work with me annie/until I die                              $ 75.00  vg+       30.00 vg (2) 20.00 vg- silver top
2892b Felsted     8632           Rotators                 double exposure pt1/pt2                                     $  8.00  m-        popish
2892c Felsted     8672           Romeos                   JULIE/I'm gonna rebuild this world                          $ 15.00  m-        promo
2893  Fire        1012           Rainbows                 MARY LEE/evning                                             $ 10.00  vg+       5.00 vg
2894  Forever     600            Ronettes                 be my baby/waling in the rain                               $ 10.00  m-        5.00 vg+ 3.00 vg         
2894a Gallo       108            Royal-Aires              friendship ring/baby baby                                   $ 20.00  m-
2895  Gateway     139            Roy-Cliffs               whispering/careless/april showers/always                    $  5.00  m-
2896  Gee         G1033          Rosebuds                 unconditional surrender/dearest darling                     $ 30.00  m-        sm label scuff 20.00 vg+ sm tear
2897  Gee         G1065          Regents                  BARBARA-ANN/I'm so lonely                                   $ 10.00  m-        (3) 5.00 vg+ gray (2) 
2898  Gee         G1071          Regents                  laura my darling/runaround                                  $ 20.00  m-        promo or reg (3) x 15.00  vg+ promo or reg (2) 3.00 vg (4) wrt 7.00 m- gray (2) x
2899  Gee         G1073          Regents                  liar/don't be a fool                                        $  5.00  vg+        
2901  Glory       272            Reveres                  LEONORE/honeystrollin                                       $  8.00  vg+       stk 5.00 vg (2)  
2902  Golden Wo.  GW9            Reflections              just like romeo & juliet/can't you tell by                  $  8.00  m-        5.00 vg+ sm wrt 
2902a Golden Wo.  GW19           Reflections              shabby little hut/you're my baby                            $ 10.00  m-
2903  Golden Wo.  GW20           Reflections              comin' at you/poor mans son                                 $ 10.00  m-        (4) 3.00 vg     
2904  Golden Wo.  GW29           Reflections              your kind of love/girl in the candy store                   $ 10.00  m-
2905  Guyden      2007           Rogues                   cha cha louise/lullaby rock                                 $  3.00  vg        (2) wrt
2906  Herald      562            Rosettes                 you broke my heart/it must be love                          $ 20.00  m-        promo 10.00 vg+ promo
2906a Herald      536            Royal Holidays           down in cuba/dancin' at the bandstand                       $ 15.00  m-
2907  Highland    1001           Rosie/gp                 angel baby/give me love                                     $ 10.00  m-        sm scuff 3.00 vg+ (3) sm wrt  
2907a Hi-Q        5004           Royal Jokers             september in the rain/spring                                $200.00  vg+
2908  Imperial    5782           Royal Play Boys          walking on/don't be no square                               $ 25.00  m-        promo
2909  Imperial    5785           Raindrops                I remember in the still of the night/the sweetheart song    $ 50.00  m-        25.00 vg+ promo or reg
2909c hold        763            Ray-O-Vacs               darling/ridin high (instr)                                  $ 10.00  vg
2910  Josie       796            Jimmy Ricks/gp           she's fine she's fine/the u                                 $ 40.00  m-        sm s on lab 15.00 vg
2911  Joy         260            Ronnie & the Hi-Lites    I wish that we were married/twistin' and kissin'            $ 10.00  m-        5.00 vg+ (4)  
2912  Joy         265            Ronnie & the Hi-Lites    send my love special delivery/RONNIE                        $ 15.00  m-        promo (2) 10.00 vg+ promo 5.00 vg
2913  Jubilee     45-5203        Ravens                   the bells of san raquel/green eyes                          $ 15.00  vg+       (3) stk 
2914  Jubliee     45-5217        Jimmy Ricks/Ravens       on chapel hill/we'll raise a ruckus tonight                 $ 15.00  m-         2nd 15.00 vg+ stk 1st
2914a Jubliee     45-5237        Jimmy RIcks/Ravens       I'll always be in love with you/boots and saddles           $ 30.00  vg+
2914b Jubliee     45-5338        Royaltones               wail/poor boy                                               $ 10.00  m-        (2) 5.00 vg+ (2)
2914c Jubilee     45-5362        Royaltones               little bo/seesaw                                            $ 10.00  m-        5.00 vg
2915  Jubilee     45-5463        Reveres                  beyond the sea/the show must go on                          $ 15.00  m-        (6) reg or promo 8.00 vg+  
2916  Jubliee     45-5444        Raindrops                it's so wonderful/what a guy                                $ 10.00  m-        5.00 vg+ 3.00  vg  
2917  Jubliee     45-5455        Raindrops                the kind of boy you can't forget/even though you can't dance$ 10.00  m-        (3) 5.00 vg+(2) sm cntr hole nick
2917a Jubilee     45-5466        Raindrops                that boy john/hanky panky                                   $ 10.00  m-        (3)
2918  Jubilee     45-5469        Raindrops                book of love/I won't cry                                    $ 10.00  m-        reg (3) or promo 6.00 vg+ (2) sm tear 3.00 vg
2918a Jubilee     45-5475        Raindrops                you got what I like/let's go together                       $ 15.00  m-
2919  Jubilee     45-6004        Jimmy Ricks/Ravens       green eyes/take me back to my boots and saddle              $ 15.00  m-        promo or reg stk 8.00 vg+ 
2919a Kampus      1002           Rhythm Aces              well waddaya know/palm springs special                      $ 10.00  m-
2920  Kape        504            Relations                until we two are one/smile(baby)                            $ 20.00  vg+
2921a Kapp        621            Revels                   downtown/dollar sign                                        $ 10.00  vg        promo, scuffs
2921b Kapp        2050           Reparata and the Delrons walking in the rain/I've got an awful lot of losing you to d$ 10.00  vg        promo
2922  Knight      2001           Robins                   a quarter to twelve/pretty little dolly                     $ 30.00  vg+       (4)
2923  Knight      2008           Robins                   it's never too late/a little bird told me                   $100.00  m-        35.00 vg promo
2924  Lancer      102            Rosebuds                 joey/kiss me goodnight                                      $ 15.00  m-        small wax fade nap 5.00 vg
2924a Lavender    001            Robins                   white cliffs of dover/how many more times                   $ 10.00  vg+       (2)
2924b Lavender    002            Robins                   magic of a dream/mary lou loves to hootchy kootchy koo      $ 25.00  m-        15.00 vg+
2926  Liberty     55103          Raves                    don't bug me baby/if I knew the way                         $ 10.00  m-
2926a Liberty     55320          Rollers                  the continental walk/I want you so                          $ 10.00  m-       7.00 vg+ 5.00 vg
2927  Liberty     55427          Rivingtons               papa oom mow mow/deep water                                 $ 10.00  m-       (3) 5.00 vg+ (3)
2928  Liberty     55513          Rivingtons               my reward/kickapoo joy juice                                $ 10.00  m-       reg or promo 7.00 vg+ (2) 
2929  Liberty     55553          Rivingtons               the bird's the word/I'm losing my grip                      $ 10.00  m-       7.00 vg+  
2930  Liberty     55671          Rivingtons               fairy tails/wejee walk                                      $  7.00  vg+      reg or promo
2931  Lost Nite   167            Riviera                  neither rain nor snow/moonlight serenade                    $ 20.00  m-       red wax
2932  Lost Nite   233            Roulettes                come by baby/I see a star                                   $ 20.00  m-       red wax
2933  Mala        493            Rag Dolls                dusty/hey hogay                                             $  8.00  vg+      (2)      
2934  Mark        7001           Frankie Rossi/Dreams     around the corner/dream boy                                 $  8.00  vg       (2)
2935  Marsh       202            Ribbons                  ain't gonna kiss ya/my baby said                            $ 15.00  m-       (4) 10.00 vg+ (4)  
2939  Melba       113            Rocketones               mexico/dee I                                                $ 75.00  vg+      very small tear 25.00 m- 2nd (2) stk 20.00 vg+ 15.00 vg+ 2nd 
2940  Mercury     8291           Ravens                   write me one sweet letter/rock me all night long            $ 25.00  vg
2942  Marsh       202            Ribbons                  ain't gonna kiss ya/my baby said                            $ 25.00  m-       (4) 7.00 vg+ (2) 5.00  
2943  Marsh       512            Ribbons                  my baby said/ain't gonna kiss ya                            $  7.00  m-       stamp  
2944  Masterpiece 303 ep         Re-Vels                  dream my darling dream/surrender/boogie my                  $  7.00  m-       flip by 4 sportsmen/boogie band
2945  May         138            Ronettes                 memory/good girls                                           $ 50.00  m-       very lite ring
2945a Mello       555            Rainbows                 mary lee/in the evening                                     $ 10.00  m-
2946  Mercury     5764           Ravens                   wagon wheels/there's no use pretending                      $ 20.00  vg+      scratch flip
2946a Mercury     5853           Ravens                   chloe-e/why did you leave me                                $ 35.00  m-       30.00 m- slight warp nap
2948  Mercury     70060X45       Ravens                   I'll be back/don't mention my name                          $ 20.00  vg       sm stk
2949  Mercury     70119          Ravens                   come a little bit closer/she's got to go                    $ 50.00  vg+      stk, stamp 25.00 vg some noise on filp song
2949a Mercury     70505          Ravens                   slient night/white christmas                                $100.00  m-       50.00  m- lots of names on label
2949b Mercury     70554X45       Ravens                   write me a letter/old man river                             $ 30.00  vg       pink sm name
2949c Mercury     8291           Ravens                   write me one sweet letter/rock me all night long            $ 20.00  vg       (2)
2949d MGM         13366          Royalettes               It's gonna take a miracle/out of sight out of mind          $  8.00  vg+
2949e MGM         13451          Royalettes               you bring me down/only when you're lonely                   $  8.00  vg+
2950  MGM         13460          Ronnie/Devilles          tragedy/oh love                                             $ 10.00  m-       5.00 vg
2951  MGM         13627          Royalettes               my man/take my love                                         $ 10.00  m-       promo or reg
2952  MGM         13405          Royalettes               I want to meet him/never again                              $ 10.00  m-       8.00 vg+ 3.00 vg
2953  MGM         13451          Royalettes               you bring me down/only when you're lonely                   $  8.00  vg
2953a MGM         13763          Runarounds               you lied/little girl                                        $ 10.00  m-       promo, name flip
2953b Mighty      109            Royal Teens              leotards/royal blue                                         $ 25.00  m-       20.00 vg+ (2) 
2954  Mike        4001           Randy and the Rainbows   lovely lies/I'll forget her tomorrow                        $ 25.00  m- 
2954a Mil-Mar     111            Roberts & the Ravens     please understand/beach towels                              $ 20.00  m-       plug side stamp
2954b Mobile Fid. 1001           Rhythm Masters           little lisa/diga diga doo                                   $ 20.00  m-       promo
2954c Modern      992            Rockets                  you are the first one/be lovey dovey                        $ 50.00  vg+
2954d Modern      999            Rocketerrs               think it over baby/hey rube                                 $ 40.00  m-       no. on label
2955  Music City  792            Rovers                   whole lot of love/tell me darling                           $ 90.00  vg+      some label fade flip, flip by Gaylarks
2956  Norgold     103            Revels                   midnight stroll/talking to my heart                         $ 15.00  m-       stk (6) 10.00  vg+ wrt (2)
2956a Norgold     104            Revels                   foo man choo/tweedle dee                                    $ 10.00  vg       no. on lab.
2957  Old Town    1179           Riffs                    tell tale friends/why are the nights so cold                $ 75.00  m-       promo
2958  Palette     5095           Romancers                marie that's you/what about love                            $ 20.00  m-       promo 15.00 vg+ (2) 10.00 vg promo
2958a Parkway     921            Rag Dolls                society girl/ragen (the Caliente Combo)                     $ 10.00  m-       (3)
2958b Penthouse   502            Regents                  words/same                                                  $ 10.00  m-       promo
2959  Penthouse   9357           Royal Holidays           I'm sorry/MARGARET                                          $ 15.00  vg       stk, wrt
2960  Perri       1004           Rays                     are you happy now/bright brown eyes                         $ 20.00  vg+  
2960a Pet         802            Revalons                 dreams are for fools/this is the moment                     $ 50.00  vg+      sm "h2" on label    
2961  Philips     40105          Roomates                 answer me my love/gee                                       $  3.00  vg       scuffs
2962  Philips     40117          Ramadas                  lonely tears/summer steady                                  $ 10.00  vg+      scuffs, promo
2962a Philips     40402          Results                  need your love/funky                                        $ 10.00  vg+      promo
2963  Philips     40438          Richard/Young Lions      to have and to hold/you can make it                         $ 25.00  vg+      co
2964  Philips     40097          Ramadas                  teenage dream/my angel eyes                                 $ 10.00  vg+      x on lab (3)
2965  Philles     116            Ronettes                 be my baby/tedesco and pitman                               $  7.00  vg+      (4) x on lab 5.00 vg        
2966  Philles     118            Ronettes                 baby I love you/miss joan and mr. sam                       $ 10.00  vg+      sm wrt or stk (2) 
2967  Philles     120            Ronettes                 the best part of breakin' up/big/big red                    $ 20.00  m-       promo stk removed 3.00 vg name sm stk 5.00 vg Canadian press
2967a Philles     123            Ronettes                 walking in the rain/how does it feel                        $ 10.00  m-       6.00 vg+  3.00 vg (2)
2968  Philles     126            Ronettes                 blues for baby/born to be together                          $ 10.00  m-       (3) 5.00 vg (2) promo      
2969  Pilgrim     703            Rainbows                 MARY LEE/evening                                            $ 10.00  vg       (2)  
2970  Phil Sp. int. 377          Ronettes                 do I love you/the best part of breaking up                  $  5.00  vg       canada
2971  PIO         107            Runarounds               the nearest thing to heaven/loves lane                      $150.00  vg+      75.00 vg x on lab, lots of light scuffs nap
2971a PJ          1390           Revelers                 a giant cloud/sweet dreams                                  $  5.00  vg
2971b Port        70037          Royaltones               poor boy/seesaw                                             $ 10.00  m-       5.00 vg+ stk on label         
2972  Power       215            Royal Teens              short shorts/planet rock                                    $ 20.00  vg+      sm stk or sm label tear (2)
2972a Promo       2211           Roomates                 making believe/I want a little girl                         $  5.00  vg+
2972b Providence  412            Cal Raye/Sweet-Teens     lovely lies/we belong together                              $ 10.00  vg       init/name on labels
2972c Rally       1601           Rico and the Ravens      in my heart/don't you know                                  $ 20.00  m-       sm stk removed     
2973  Rae Cox     105            Revlons                  I promise love/this restles heart                           $ 20.00  m-       15.00 vg+ x (2) 10.00 vg
2974  Raven       1000           Ronnie/Hi-Lites          VALERIE/the fact of the matter                              $ 20.00  vg+      (2) 
2975  Rca         6089           Rhythmettes              only you/him                                                $ 10.00  vg+      promo, # on lab or reg
2975a Rca         6742           Rhythmettes              take a look in the mirror/winter snow                       $  10.00  m-
2975b Rca         8721           Reparata and the Delrons take a look around you/I can tell                           $ 15.00  m-       promo 10.00 vg+ promo
2975c Rca         8820           Reparata and the Delrons I'm nobody's baby now/loneliest girl in town                $ 20.00  m-       promo 
2975d Rca         9185           Reparata and the Delrons always waitin/I can hear the rain                           $ 10.00  m-       promo, wrt
2976  Red Bird    10005          Rockaways                don't cry tomorrow's tears tonight/top down time            $ 20.00  m-       5.00 vg
2977  Recorte     404            Rockin' chairs           pease mary lou/come on baby                                 $ 30.00  vg+
2977a Reprise     20200          Rev-lons                 love can't be a one way deal/I can't forget about you       $ 25.00  m-       promo x
2977c Roman Press 201            Re'vells                 let it please be you/love walked in                         $ 45.00  vg+
2978  Rust        5059           Randy & the Rainbows     DENISE/come back                                            $ 10.00  m-       (2) wrt, 10.00 gold lab (2) 5.00 vg+ wrt (3) 
2978a Rust        5073           Randy & the Rainbows     who do kids grow up/she's my angel                          $ 10.00  m-       (2) sm wrt
2979  Rust        5080           Randy & the Rainbows     happy teenager/dry your eyes                                $ 10.00  m-       x on lab 7.00 m- lots wrt promo 7.00 vg+
2979a Rust        5091           Randy & the Rainbows     little star/sharin'                                         $ 10.00  m-       (2) 5.00 vg+ wrt  
2980  Rust        5101           Randy & the Rainbows     joyride/little hot rod suzie                                $  5.00  vg       promo
2980a Savoy       45-1147        Roamers                  I'll never get over you/deep freeze                         $ 25.00  vg+      promo
2981  Savoy       45-1529        Rickie/Keys              come on liza/can't you see                                  $ 25.00  vg+      very slight edge warp nap
2982  Savoy       45-1540        Ravens                   white christmas/silent night                                $ 15.00  m-
2983  Shalimar    S-104          Ron-dels                 TINA/MATILDA                                                $ 15.00  m-       (2) 10.00 vg+ (2) 5.00 vg
2984  Smash       1705           Rick/Keens               I'll be home/peanuts                                        $ 15.00  m-        7.00 vg+ (3) 3.00 vg (3)
2984a Smash       1722           Rick/Keens               maybe/popcorn                                               $ 10.00  m-
2985  Smash       1986           Ron-Dels                 walk about/if you really want me to go                      $  8.00  vg+      co
2985a Smash       1999           Ron-Dels                 It's over/I cry 'cause I care                               $  5.00  vg       sm name
2986  Sound       113            Lee Raymond/gp           foolishly yours/baby darlin'                                $ 10.00  vg+      with the costello sis. sm flaking on lab
2987  Sound       135            Re-Vels                  dream my darling dream/cha cha toni                         $ 75.00  vg+      (2)
2990  Spar        740            Bobby Russel/gp          roll ove beethoven/right or                                 $ 15.00  m-
2991  Spark       45X103         Robbins                  riot in cell block #9/wrap it up                            $ 75.00  vg+      silver top 1st 50.00 vg 
2992  Spark       45X107         Robbins                  framed/loop de loop mambo                                   $ 70.00  vg+      
2993  Spark       45X110         Robbins                  if teardrops were kisses/whadaya want                       $150.00  m-       name red 100.00 vg+ red 30.00 vg- or vg cntr hole nick red label
2994  Spark       45X113         Robbins                  I love paris/one kiss                                       $ 40.00  vg-      red
2994a Spinning    6010           Rhythm Steppers          hey little lola/my first broken heart                       $ 25.00  m-
2994b Swade       104            Raves                    tell me one more time/billy the kid                         $ 30.00  m-       2nd
2995  Sweet Taffy 400            Robbins                  johnny/doing the popeye                                     $ 10.00  vg+
2996  Swingin     623            Rochell & the Candels    once upon a time/when my baby is gone                       $ 15.00  m-       (2) 10.00 vg+ (3)
2997  Swingin     634            Rochell & the Candels    so far away/hey pretty baby                                 $ 15.00  m-       (4) 3.00 vg 
2998  Teen        4              Robins/Metallics         white cliffs of dover/need your love                        $  5.00  m-       promo
2999  TIFCO       826            Royal Debs               I do/Jerry                                                  $ 10.00  vg+
3000a Time        1034           Gene Ross/GP             wondering/true love                                         $ 10.00  vg       scuffs
3001  Top Rank    2003           Ravens                   into the shadows/the rising sun                             $ 10.00  m-       water spotting on lab      
3001a Troy        1010           Rick and Al              the story/all I do is dream of you                          $ 10.00  m-
3001b 20th Fox    100            Royal Jacks              I"m in love again/the big ring                              $ 10.00  vg           
3002  U.G.H.A.    2              Reality                  trickle,trickle/dry your eyes                               $  6.00  m-
3002a UGHA        13             Reality                  endlessly/the abc's of love                                 $  5.00  m-
3003  UA          827            Reasons                  silly boy/you made me love you                              $  5.00  vg+      promo, wrt
3005  Valmor      8              Roomates                 glory of love/never knew                                    $  5.00  vg+      (2) 3.00 vg
3005b Valmor      10             Roomates                 band of gold/o baby love                                    $  7.00  m-       5.00 vg+  
3005c Vee Jay     124            Rhythm Aces              I wonder why/get lost                                       $ 50.00  vg       stk, clean record
3006a Vee Jay     306            Ravens                   lonely one/shombalor                                        $ 15.00  vg+      tape on lab 5.00 vg
3006c VJ          596            Rubies                   a spanish boy/deeper                                        $  6.00  vg       (2)
3000d VJ          634            Rivingtons               you move me baby/all that glitters                          $ 15,00  m-       3.00 vg promo
3000e VRC         116            Revelons                 I fell in love with the wrong guy/I want good lovin'        $ 25.00  m-       x on label, sm label scuff flip
3007  Whippet     200            Robins                   out of the picture/cherry lips                              $ 30.00  vg+      20.00 vg (2)
3009  Whippet     203            Robins                   that old black magic/since I first met you                  $ 40.00  vg+      scuff 20.00 vg
3010  Win         250            Ronnie/Hi-Lites          a slow dance/what the next day may                          $ 10.00  m-       stk (3)
3014  Win         251            Ronnie/Hi-Lites          the fact of the matter/you keep me guessin'                 $ 15.00  m-
3015  World Art.  1036           Reparata/Delrons         he's my guy/whenever a teenager cries                       $ 10.00  m-       (2) x 4.00 vg+ 
3016  World Art.  1051           Reparata/Delrons         tommy/mama don't allow                                      $  6.00  m-       (3) reg or promo 4.00 vg+ (2)
3016a XYZ         102            Rays                     silhouettes/daddy cool                                      $ 15.00  m-       (2)
3016a XYZ         45-600         Rays                     zimba lulu/why do you look the other way                    $ 35.00  m-
3017  XYZ         45-605         Rays                     Mediterranean moon/it's a cryin' shame                      $ 25.00  m-       sm name blue 20.00 m- blue lot wrt 5.00 vg+  
3019  XYZ         45-607         Rays                     magic moon/louie hoo hoo                                    $ 10.00  vg+      (3) sm stk 8.00 vg (2) wrt 
3020  Yucca       45-105         Rhythm Heirs             cradle rock/strange world                                   $ 75.00  vg1    
3021  Yucca       45-142         Ravons                   everybody's laughing at me/why did you leave me             $ 30.00  m-        2nd
2027  ABC-PAR.   9904           Spindrifts                BELINDA/cha cha doo                                         $ 10.00  vg+
3028  Abner      7006           Sheppards                 loving you/elevator operator                                $  6.00  vg       promo, name
3029  Ace        530            Huey Smith/gp             rocking peneumonia and boogie woogie flu/pt2                $ 10.00  m-       (2) 7.00 vg+ label stain 5.00 vg
3030  Ace        538            Huey Smith/gp             just a lonely clown/free single and disengaged              $ 10.00  m-       date on label
3031  Ace        545            Huey Smith/gp             don't you just know it/high blood pressure                  $ 15.00  m-       stk removed or name (3) 10.00 vg+ (4) stamp 
3032  Ace        548            Huey Smith/gp             we like birdland/having a good time                         $ 15.00  m-       stk (2)
3033  Ace        552            Sulhouettes               I sold my heart to the junkman/what would you do            $ 10.00  vg+       
3034  Ace        584            Huey Smith/gp             for cryin' out loud/beatnik blues                           $ 10.00  vg+
3035  Ace        649            Huey Smith/gp             scald-dog/pop-eye                                           $ 20.00  m-       (3) 15.00 vg+  
3035a Addit      1220           Spiders                   we're in love/big mc goon                                   $ 10.00  vg+
3035b Adore      903            Tommy Sena/Valmonts       I can't get up/choo choo train                              $ 20.00  vg+       sm stk, stk removed
3036  Airport    101            Sammy and the Teasers     as I remember you/penny in a wishing well                   $ 25.00  m-
3037  Alcar      1502           Janet Shay/Four Jacks     busy bee/if and when                                        $ 10.00  m-       (2) 7.00 vg+
3038  Andex      22103          Silver Bells              candy kisses and bubbly gum/no more sunshine                $ 10.00  vg+
3039  Apex       7750           Sheppards                 island of love/never felt this way before                   $ 10.00  vg+      (3)
3040  Apex       7755           Sheppards                 meant to be/it's crazy                                      $ 20.00  m-
3041  Apex       7760           Sheppards                 come home come home/just like you                           $ 10.00  m-       (2) 7.00 vg+
3042  Apex       7762           Sheppards                 tragic/feel like lovin                                      $ 25.00  m-       (2) 15.00 vg+ (2) 
3043  Apollo     500            Solomon Burke/gp          walking in a dream/no man                                   $ 20.00  vg+
3044  APT        25003          Stereophonics             no more heartaches/love is so wonderful                     $ 15.00  vg+      promo or reg 10.00 vg promo or reg
3045  APT        25031          Scott Stevens/Cavaliers   why why why/sunday in may                                   $ 30.00  m-       promo or reg
3047  APT        25046          Hane Sheppard/gp          I'm so lonely (what can I do)/one week from today           $ 40.00  vg+      white label 25.00 vg white label
3050  Argo       5281           Silva-Tones               roses are blooming/that's all I want for you                $  5.00  vg       (2)
3050a Argo       5281           Silva_Tones               roses are blooming/chi-wa-wa                                $  7.00  vg+      vert
3051  Argo       5316           Solitaires                walking along/please kiss this letter                       $ 15.00  vg+      (2)
3055  Argo       5346           Duke Savage/Arribians     your love/hey baby                                          $ 20.00  vg+      white label
3056  Argo       5391           Sensations                a part of me/music music music                              $  8.00  m-       brown (2)
3057  Argo       5405           Sensations                let me in/oh yes I'll be true                               $ 15.00  m-       (3) 10.00 vg+ stk 5.00 vg+ bwn 
3057a Argo       5412           Sensations                that's my desire/eyes                                       $ 10.00  m-       credit to Yvonne Baker 8.00 vg+
3058  Arlan      502            Scamps                    petite fleur/NAOMI                                          $  5.00  vg
3058a Armour     4466           Johnny Shields/gp         out of sight out of mind/crying in the chapel               $ 75.00  m-       50.00 vg+ promo x on label
3059  Arwin      114            Sparks                    something happened/robin red breast                         $  7.00  m-       
3060  Astro      202            Starlets                  where is my love tonight/p.s. I love you                    $  5.00  vg       (2)
3061  Atco       6056           Sensations                yes sir that's my baby/sympathy                             $ 20.00  m-       (2) 10.00 vg+ (2) 10.00 m- 2nd
3062  Atco       6067           Sensations                please mr. disc jocky/ain't she sweet                       $ 20.00  m-       sm stk 10.00 vg+
3062a Atco       6075           Sensations                cry baby cry/my heart crys for you                          $ 15.00  vg+
3063  Atco       6090           Sensations                my debut to love/you made me love you                       $ 30.00  m-       (3) 15.00 vg+ 8.00 vg promo
3063a Atco       6106           Superiors                 lost love/don't say goodbye                                 $ 20.00  m-       stk removed
3063b Atco       6115           Sensations                kiddy car lover/romance in the dark                         $ 25.00  vg+
3063c Atco       6213           Sh-Booms                  sh-boom/little maiden                                       $ 10.00  vg        x
3064  Atco       6270           Skyliners                 I'd die/since I fell for you                                $ 30.00  m-        promo (2) or reg sm co 10.00 vg
3065  Atco       6272           Starglows                 let's be lovers/walk softly away                            $ 20.00  vg+       lg x's both side 10.00 vg reg (2) or promo
3066  Atco       7071           Shields                   the way I feel tonight/same                                 $ 10.00  m-        promo
3066a Atlantic   2074           Sh-Booms                  blue moon/short skirts                                      $ 20.00  m-        promo (2) 10.00 vg+ promo, lite label stain a side
3067  Atlantic   2076           Billy Storm/gp            in the chapel in the moonlight/sure as your born            $ 10.00  vg+ 
3067a Atlantic   2178           Billy Storm/gp            SHIRLEY/too proud for tears                                 $ 15.00  vg+       promo
3068  Ave.D      4              Subway Serenade           white christmas/what are you doing new years eve            $ 15.00  vg+
3069  Bandstand  301326         Sammy Slicker/gp          who put the bomp/silhouette                                 $ 15.00  vg+       scuff
3069a Barbary Coast 1001        Billy Storm               angel of mine/the way to my heart                           $150.00  m-
3070  Bear       819            Joey Strobel/gp           what good is love/sax shuffle                               $ 10.00  m-        (4)
3070a Baton      227            Suburbans                 tv baby/I remember                                          $ 10.00  vg+        scuffs  
3070b Belinda    102            Barry Seidel              wonders of love/it happens every time                       $ 25.00  m-         promo
3070c Bell       701            Scaffold                  thank u very much/ide b the first                           $  8.00  m-         promo, x
3071  Beltone    2032           Sydells                   in the night/the hokey poke                                 $ 10.00  vg
3071a BigTop     3003           Shades/Knott sisters      sun glasses/undivided attention                             $  7.00  vg+        lite label ware
3071b BigTop     3045           Liza Smith                follow me/I wanna love you                                  $ 20.00  m-         promo
3072  Bliss      1001           Sierras                   the donkey call/as long as I live                           $ 30.00  vg+        sm name, ink spot
3073  Brunswick  9-55080        Eddie Singleton/gp        too late/my heart let me be                                 $ 30.00  vg         promo flip by little augie austin          
3074  Brunswick  9-55095        Neil Stevens/gp           more and more/what could be better                          $ 25.00  m-         promo 20.00 vg+
3075  Brunswick  9-55240        Sweethearts               he's a yankee/what did I do                                 $ 25.00  m-         10.00 vg yellow label
3076  B.T.Puppy  550            Sundae Train              sing sweet barbara/love affair of two happy people          $ 10.00  m-         promo
3077  Buddha     1003           Bobby Stegar/gp           the whippoorwill/pirate of love                             $ 10.00  vg         promo
3078  Cadet      5391           Sensations                music music music/a part of me                              $  5.00  m-         (4) red/blue/yellow label
3078a Cadet      5386           Students                  I'm so young/everyday of the week                           $  3.00  vg+        stk
3078b Cadet      5577           Stereo's                  stereo freeze part 1/part 2                                 $  5.00  vg+
3078c Calla      172            Spaniels                  jealous heart/fairy tales                                   $ 10.00  m-
3079  Calico     103            Skyliners                 since I don't have you/one night                            $  7.00  m-       4.00 vg+ (2) reg or promo 
3080  Calico     104            Skyliners                 one night one night/since I don't have you                  $  4.00  vg+      name (2) 3.00 vg
3081  Calico     106            Skyliners                 this I swear/tomorrow                                       $  6.00  m-       (3) 5.00 vg+   
3082  Calico     109            Skyliners                 lonely way/It happened today                                $   6.00 vg+      sm stk,name (2)
3083  Calico     117            Skyliners                 pennies from heaven/I'll be seeing you                      $  6.00  m-       (3) 4.00 vg+ stk (2) 
3084  Cameo      215            Skyliners                 everyone but you/three coins in the fountain                $  5.00  m-       boot I believe
3085  Cameo      302            Swans                     the boy with the beatle hair/please hury home               $  7.00  vg+
3085a Cameo      353            Stylettes                 my boy/you'll go first                                      $  5.00  vg
3085b Cameo      450            Sensational Epics         I've been hurt/It's a gas                                   $ 10.00  m-       (2)  7.00 vg+ (2)
3085c Candlelite 1012           Carl Spencer/Mellows      farewell farewell/no more loneliness                        $ 75.00  vg
3086  Candlelite 7794           Shells                    If you were gone from me/misty (flip on the clifton label)  $  5.00  m-    
3086a Caper      101            Starbites                 this is it/say the word                                     $ 50.00  m-       hairline scuff   
3086b Capitol    844            Starlighters              it not bad/rag mop                                          $  5.00  m-       sm label nick
3087  Capitol    2381           Sensational Epics         play it by ear/all my hard times                            $  5.00  vg+      promo, radio station stamp, no.
3087a Capitol    5979           Staccatos                 whisper words/catch the love parade                         $ 10.00  m-       promo
3087b Capitol    6493           Stewardesses              fly me/fly me                                               $ 10.00  m-       promo
3088  Carlton    513            Short Cuts                I'll hide my love/don't say he's gone                       $ 10.00  m-       (2) 8.00 vg+ nr stamp (3) 3.00 vg
3089  Carlton    522            Sparks                    the genie/gee that's bad                                    $ 20.00  m-       stk (3) reg or promo
3089a Carlton    546            Strollers                 there's no one but you/come on over                         $ 25.00  vg       10.00 vg- lg "YC" on label
3089b Catamount  780            Savoys                    closer you are/GLORIA                                       $ 20.00  m-
3089d Chavis     1035           Spidels                   like a bee/you know I need you                              $ 30.00  m-       sm tape
3089e Chesapeake 610            Satisfactions             oh why/we will walk together                                $ 20.00  vg       name on label
3090  Checker    902            Students                  I'm so young/every day of the week                          $ 20.00  m-       vert. name or stk, bb hole 10.00 vg+ vert.stk (3) 10.00 m- blue/red 5.00 vg+ blue/red name
3091  Checker    922            Sonics                    this broken heart/you made me cry                           $ 15.00  vg+      gold lab 
3092  Checker    1010           Strangers                 darlin'/pa and billie                                       $ 25.00  m-       promo
3092a Chess      1690           Sharps                    8 months 3 weeks 8 days 1 hour/cha cho hop                  $ 25.00  m-       promo stk 10.00 vg promo x on label
3093  Chess      1869           Standards                 hello love/my heart belongs to only you                     $ 10.00  vg+   
3094  Chess      5577           Stereo's                  stereo freeze pt1/pt2                                       $  5.00  vg+
3094a Chess      91017          Students                  everyday of the week/I'm so young                           $  5.00  m-
3094b Chicory    1601           Shona/Party Lights        miracle maker/nice guy                                      $ 20.00  m-       promo, x
3095  Chip       1008           Sundowners                never let you go/poor little sad eyed sue                   $ 40.00  vg
3095a Chock/Hits 102            Serenaders                I wrote a letter/never let me go                            $150.00  m-       x, radio sta stamp
3095b Christy    107            Strangers                 crab louie/we're in love we're in love we're in love        $ 10.00  vg
3096  Citation   15003          Paul Stefen/gp            say mama/I fought the law                                   $ 30.00  m-       promo,x
3097  Cite       5007           Paul Steffen/Apollos      hey lonely one/the devil's soul is back                     $ 15.00  vg+
3098  Class      217            Sputniks                  hey maryann/my love is gone                                 $ 30.00  vg+
3099  Class      222            Sputniks                  wait a little while/johnny's little lamb                    $ 35.00  m-       promo, wrt
3100  Clifton    10             Sharks                    blueberry hill/I love you for sentimental reasons           $ 10.00  m-       (2)
3100a Clifton    12             Sonics                    It ain't true/once in a lifetime                            $ 10.00  m-       red wax
3101  Clifton    57             Street vocal band         gee whiz/chain of broken hearts                             $  5.00  m-
3102  Clifton    495            Showvinistics             I go to pieces/dream lover                                  $  5.00  m-
3102a Colpix     188            Skyliners                 the door is still open/I'll close my eyes                   $ 15.00  vg+
3103  Colpix     613            Skyliners                 close your eyes/our love will last                          $ 10.00  m-       3.00 vg wrt
3104  Columbia   4-41861        Secrets                   now is the hour/quien sabe (who knows)                      $ 10.00  m-       promo (2) x
3105  Columbia   4-42895        Sally/Roses               usher boy/chicken back                                      $ 20.00  vg+      promo few scuffs
3105a Columbia   4-42930        Storytellers              engagement party/where the blue grass of ky. meets the green$  7.00  vg+      very small tear were stk removed
3106  Columbia   4-45760        Seashells                 the best part of breaking up/same                           $  5.00  m-       promo   
3106a Constellation 123         Sheppards                 island of love/give a hug to me                             $ 10.00  m-       (2) 5.00 vg sm name              
3106b Coral      61788          Satisfiers                over the rainbow/wolitude                                   $  8.00  m-
3107  Coral      61945          Satisfiers                will o the wisp/remember that crazy rock 'n roll tune       $  5.00  vg       name
3108  Courier    115            Santells                  these are love/so fine                                      $  8.00  vg
3109  Cracker Jack 4001         Spy Dels                  we'll be together/boll weevil is back                       $ 20.00  vg+
3109a Crest      1104           School Belles             don't believe him/valley high                               $ 10.00  vg+      (2)
3110  Crosley    201            Spiedels                  dear joan/no                                                $ 30.00  m-       2nd (2)  
3111  Crystal ball 115          Statens                   Valentine/do what you want                                  $ 10.00  m-
3112  Crystal ball 127          Statens                   where was I/didn't mean to fall in love                     $ 15.00  m-
3113  Cub        9066           Speedo/Impalas            when my heart does all the talking/all alone                $ 30.00  m-
3114  Cub        9095           Stereos                   I really love you/please come back to me                    $ 15.00  m-       (4)  
3114a Cub        9103           Stereos                   the big knock/sweet water                                   $  7.00  vg
3114b Cub        9106           Stereos                   do you love me/unless you mean it                           $ 20.00  m-
3114c D&M        1019           Soul Dynamics             my love is gone/standing in line                            $100.00  vg 
3115  Dale       103            Randy Starr               sweet talk and sugar kisses/the prettiest girl in school    $  8.00  vg+
3116  Dart       1017           Strollers                 that look in your eye/nobody but you                        $  5.00  vg+      promo
3117  Date       1504           Sweet Things              don't come looking for me/you're my lovin' baby             $ 50.00  m-       sm name lite ring flip promo
3117a Date       1536           Seagulls                  don't go out in the rain/hitting the moon with a sling shot $ 10.00  m-       promo sm stk
3118  Date       1551           Seagulls                  charlie no one/TWIGGS                                       $  6.00  m-       promo 5.00 vg+
3118a Date       1556           Spellbinders              since I don't have you/I believe                            $ 10.00  vg+      promo
3119  Dawn       216            Sophomores                cool cool baby/every night about this time                  $ 25.00  m-       15.00 vg+  
3120  Dawn       218            Sophomores                I get a thrill/LINDA                                        $ 15.00  vg+      (2)
3121  Dawn       223            Sophomores                ocean blue/I left my sugar standing in the rain             $ 25.00  m-       reg or promo stamp
3122  Dawn       225            Sophomores                everybody loves me/is there someone for me                  $  7.00  vg       promo
3122a Dawn       228            Sophomores                If I should lose your love/i just can't keep the tears from $ 25.00  m-       promo
3122b Dawn       237            Sophomores                each time I hold you/checkers                               $ 15.00  vg+      stk 
3122c DCP        1139           Secrets                   no matter what you do to me/shy guy                         $ 20.00  vg+      promo
3123  Decca      9-30350        Secrets                   see you next year/queen bee                                 $ 10.00  vg
3124  Decca      9-30378        Sparks                    MARY MARY LOU/ol' man river                                 $ 40.00  m-       promo 15.00 vg+ 4.00 vg (2) stk
3125  Decca      9-30588        Shirelles                 I want you to be my boyfriend/I met him on a sunday         $ 10.00  m-       (3) stk 8.00 vg+ (2) 8.00 m- 2nd
3125a Decca      9-30761        Shirelles                 stop me/I got the message                                   $ 40.00  m-       promo #
3126  Decca      9-30916        Starfires                 love is here to stay/tomorrow                               $ 15.00  vg       promo
3127  Decca      9-31112        Seniors                   hello mr. robin/I've lived before                           $ 10.00  m-       3.00 vg promo
3127a Decca      32650          Saints                    welcome to my world/what is she                             $  3.00  m-
3128  Decca      732497         Sundowners                blue green eyes/let it be me                                $ 10.00  m-       x on label
3128a Diamond    112            Tommy Sawyer & Twains     how deep is the ocean/fifteenth down the line               $ 40.00  m-       promo
3129  Dinension  1014           Story Tellers             time will tell/when two people are in love                  $  8.00  m-       5.00 vg+  
3130  Dominant   3000           Ronney Scalair            pony tail/give me your picture                              $ 15.00  vg
3131  Domino     500            Slades                    the waddle/you cheated                                      $ 20.00  m-       x, sm stk 5.00 vg (3)
3131a Domino     800            Slades                    you gambled/no time                                         $ 10.00  vg+      stamp
3132  Domino     1000           Slades                    summertime/you must try                                     $ 20.00  m-        
3133  Dootone    375-a-45       Saigons                   you're heavenly/honey gee                                   $275.00  vg+      radio sta stamp
3134  Dore       715            Superbs                   baby baby all the time/raindrops memories and tears         $ 40.00  m-       (2)
3134a Dot        45-136         Shilds                    you cheated/nature boy                                      $  8.00  m-
3135  Dot        45-15498       Scholars                  rocky road/spin the wheel                                   $ 10.00  m-       (3) stk
3136  Dot        45-15805       Shields                   you cheated/that's the way it's gonna be                    $  6.00  m-       stk 4.00 vg+ stk,removed (3) 
3136a Dot        45-15806       Sharps                    all my love/look what you've done to me                     $ 15.00  vg+
3137  Dot        45-15821       Sea Larks                 this in-between age/your he                                 $ 15.00  m-       10.00 vg+
3138  Dot        45-15856       Shields                   I'm sorry now/nature boy                                    $ 25.00  m-       5.00 vg     
3139  Dot        45-15940       Shields                   play the game fair/fare thee well                           $ 25.00  m-    
3139a Dot        45-16540       Sherwoods                 true love was born/cold and frosty morning                  $ 30.00  m-    
3140  Dot        45-16589       Sillaways                 what's she got/my idea of heaven                            $ 15.00  m-
3141  Duke       178            Sultans                   if I could tell/my love is so high                          $ 35.00  vg
3141a Early Bird 95             Billy Storm/Valiants      this is the nite/good golly miss molly                      $ 10.00  m-       orange or green wax pic label
3141b Early Bird 5002           Sheps                     I'm destroyed/I wonder why                                  $  8.00  m-       red wax pic label
3143  Eldo       101            Safaris                   image of a girl/4 steps to love                             $ 10.00  m-       (3) 8.00 vg+ (2)
3143a Eldo       105            Safaris                   summer nights/the girl with the story in her eyes           $ 15.00  m-
3144  ELF        102            Smitty/Stories            before you go/under your window                             $ 40.00  vg 
3145  Ember      1013           Starlarks                 send me a picture baby/fountain of love                     $ 30.00  vg+      name 
3146  Ember      1029           Silhouettes               get a job/I am lonely                                       $ 15.00  m-       (5) 10.00 m- flames 7.00 vg+ flames (3)
3147  Ember      1032           Silhouettes               headin'for the poorhouse/miss thing                         $ 10.00  m-       sm scuff 3.00 vg  
3148  Ember      1038           Satins/Fred Paris         a night to remember/senorita lolita                         $ 10.00  vg       reg or promo
3149  End        1110           Sweeties                  after you/paul's love                                       $ 20.00  vg       lots of wrt on labels
3150  Enrica     1002           Scott Freddie/gp          a blessing to you/come on honey                             $ 20.00  m-       (3)
3151  Entra      711            Senders                   pretty little pretty/spinning                               $ 35.00  m-       2nd
3152  Epic       9358           Larry Stevens/Dolls       a girl named marie/wait for                                 $ 10.00  vg       promo init. on lab
3153  Epic       9259           Sophomores                what can I do/charades                                      $ 20.00  m-       (4) 15.00 vg+ (3) reg or promo 
3153a ERA        3109           Soul-Mates                I want a boyfriend (girlfriend)/I get a feeling             $ 15.00  m-
3153b ESV        1016           Seniors                   rock and rolly/ah sweet mystery of life                     $ 20.00  m-       (2) 
3154  Event      4287           Scarlets                  dear one/I've lost                                          $  8.00  vg+
3155  Everlast   5027           Starlites                 way up in the sky/VALARIE                                   $ 10.00  m-       miss spelled name
3156  Falcon     100            Shields                   the girl around the corner/you'll be coming home soon       $ 40.00  vg
3156a Fargo      1051           Sundowners                such a lovin'/someone to care                               $ 20.00  vg
3157  Federal    45-12496       Snapshots                 I need you/that's what I like                               $ 15.00  m-
3158  Flip       45-315         Six Teens                 a casual look/teenage promise                               $ 10.00  m-       sm stk (5) 8.00 vg+ (5) sawtooth, lines or no lines
3159  Flip       45-317         Six Teens                 afar into the night/send me flowers                         $ 10.00  m-       (3) 8.00 vg+  
3160  Flip       45-320         Six Teens                 only jim/my special guy                                     $ 15.00  vg+      5.00 vg (2)
3161  Flip       45-322         Six Teens                 arrow of love/was it a dream of mine                        $ 10.00  m-       5.00 vg+ (2) sm stk 
3162  Flip       45-326         Six Teens                 baby you're dynamite/my surprise                            $ 20.00  m-       (2) 10.00 vg+ 7.00 vg
3162a Fortune    511            Nolan Strong/gp           the wind/baby bee mine                                      $  7.00  vg       blue label
3163  Fortune    519            Nolan Strong/gp           you're the only girl dolores/you are                        $ 75.00  vg+      close to m- long ending
3163a Fortune    525            Nolan Strong/gp           the mambo of love/can't we talk this over                   $ 40.00  m-
3164  Fortune    546            Nolan Strong/gp           beside you/mind over matter                                 $ 40.00  m-       blue no lines 20.00 m- x (4) pink no lines 20.00 vg+ (3) blue or pink 10.00 vg
3164a 4 Sons     4107           Starliters                don't ever leave me/I cry alone                             $ 25.00  m-       promo
3165  Freedom    44002          Jerry Stone/Four Dots     It's heaven/my baby                                         $ 20.00  vg       promo clean record
3166  FTP        409            Scott Bros.               mama's little baby/cindy oh cindy                           $ 20.00  m-
3167  Funky      39             Streetlights/Little Lee   later for the twist/here comes the night                    $ 50.00  vg+      close to m-
3168  Fury       1034           Starlites                 VALARIE/way up in the sky                                   $ 15.00  vg+      flames (2) 10.00 m- horse 8.00 vg+ horse 5.00 vg+ 2nd name
3169  Galaxy     721            Sevilles                  CHARLENA/loving you                                         $ 20.00  m-       15.00 vg+ promo 10.00 vg x on lab
3169a Gamble     227            Scorpio & the Ascendents  billy b. moanin/same                                        $  5.00  m-       promo
3170  Gee        1076           Suburbans                 lovin' hands/love me                                        $ 25.00  vg+
3170a Gend       31             Sonya and the Sensations  oh lonesome me/don't feel like the lone ranger              $ 20.00  m-
3171  Gibraltar  105            Stereos                   a love for only you/sweetpeas' in love                      $ 20.00  m-       10.00 vg+ (2) 5.00 vg  
3172  Goldisc    G-3            Star-Drifts               an eye for an eye/she's gone                                $ 20.00  vg+      promo
3173  Goldisc    G-4            Sierras                   I'll believe it when I see it/I should of loved you         $ 25.00  m-       20.00 vg+ wrt (2) reg or promo
3174  Goldisc    3056           Shangri-Las               leader of the pack/give him a great big kiss                $  3.00  vg+      scuffs
3174a Gordo      704            Six Pak                   weep no more/bring 'em on home                              $ 10.00  m-
3175  Guyden     2068           Sheerys                   pop pop pop-pie/your hand in mine                           $ 10.00  m-       (5) 6.00 vg+ (4) stk
3176  Guyden     2077           Sheerys                   slop time/let's stomp again                                 $ 10.00  vg+
3177  Guyden     2084           Sheerys                   saturday night/I've got no one                              $  5.00  vg       (3)
3179  Hanover    4514           Serenaders                where did you go/alaska                                     $  3.00  vg+
3179a Heifner    2094           Spices Four               what should I do/five hundred miles                         $ 10.00  m-
3180  Herald     H-485          Little Butchie Saunders   LINDY LOU/rock'n roll indian dance                          $ 20.00  m-
3181  Herald     H-529          Smart Tones               bob o link/ginny                                            $ 50.00  vg       plays fine #
3183  Hull       740            Shep & the Limelites      daddy's home/this I know                                    $ 20.00  m-       red (2) 6.00 vg+ (3) 
3184  Hull       742            Shep & the Limelites      you'll be sorry/ready for your love                         $  5.00  vg       name or stk
3185  Hull       747            Shep & the Limelites      three steps from the alter/oh what a feelin'                $ 10.00  m-       promo, x, stk 7.00 vg+ sm no. on lab (2) reg or promo 4.00 vg wrt (5) reg or promo
3186  Hull       748            Shep & the Limelites      who told the sandman/our anniversary                        $ 10.00  m-       5.00 vg+ (2) 
3187  Hull       751            Shep & the Limelites      teach me teach me how to twist/what did dad                 $ 10.00  vg+      promo or reg 7.00 vg+ 3.00 vg
3188  Hull       753            Shpe & the Limelites      everyghing is going to be alright/gee baby waht about you   $ 10.00  vg+      wrt 3.00 vg wrt (3)
3189  Hull       756            Shep & the Limelites      the monkey/remember baby                                    $ 15.00  m-       10.00 vg+ (2) sm fm on lab 5.00 vg 3.00 vg-     
3193  Hull       772            Shep & the Limelites      I'm hurting inside/In case I forgot                         $ 15.00  m-       (4) 10.00 vg+ (2) 5.00 vg (5) 
3194  Hush       103            Joe Simon                 land of love/It's a miracle                                 $ 10.00  vg
3195  Imperial   X5265          Spiders                   I didn't want to do it/you're the one                       $ 30.00  vg+      blue 20.00 vg blue 10.00 vg- blue 5.00 vg red (2)
3196  Imperial   X5280          Spiders                   tears began to flow/I'll stop crying                        $ 60.00  vg+      blue (2) 40.00 vg blue
3197  Imperial   X5305          Spiders                   Mmm Mmm baby/the real thing                                 $ 20.00  vg+      red label tear flip 15.00 vg red 
3197a Imperial   X5344          Spiders                   am I the one/sukey sukey sukey                              $ 35.00  vg       name
3198  Imperial   X5354          Spiders                   for a thrill/bless in my heart                              $ 20.00  m-       2nd
3199  Imperial   X5366          Spiders                   witchcraft/is it true                                       $ 20.00  vg+      red 2nd stk (3) 5.00 vg  
3200  Imperial   X5393          Spiders                   a-1 in my heart/dear mary                                   $ 30.00  m-       sm tape  20.00 vg+ 15.00 vg 
3201  Imperial   X5405          Spiders                   goodbye/that's the way to win my heart                      $ 30.00  vg+      20.00 vg
3202  Imperial   X5423          Spiders                   honey bee/that's my desire                                  $ 40.00  m-       30.00 vg+ close to m-  
3202a Imperial   X5517          Sad Sacks                 sack dresses/guard your heart                               $  7.00  vg       name on label (2)
3202b Imperial   X5449          Scholars                  beloved/I didn't want to do it                              $ 20.00  m-       sm stk
3203  Imperial   X5617          Joe Stampley/gp           GLENDA/we're through                                        $ 25.00  m-       promo
3204  Imperial   X5618          Spiders                   I didn't want to do it/you're the one                       $ 15.00  vg+      10.00 vg stk
3205  Imperial   X5721          Huey Smith/Clowns         the little moron/someone to love                            $ 20.00  vg+      promo
3207  Imperial   X5747          Huey Smith/Clowns         behind the wheel pt1/pt2                                    $ 10.00  m-       promo or reg (2) 8.00 vg+ (2) 
3208  Imperial   X5899          Silhouettes               the push/which way did she go                               $ 10.00  m-       promo 5.00 vg lite scr promo 
3209  Imperial   66382          Symbols                   I will still be there/the wrong girl                        $ 20.00  m-
3210  Jamie      1114           Sharps                    here's my heart/gig-a-lene                                  $ 10.00  m-       2nd (4) 10.00 vg+ yellow 1st stk
3212  JAS        320            Skylights                 so hard to bear/tell him all                                $ 15.00  m-       white label 
3213  JC         116            Sevilles                  CHARLENA/loving you                                         $ 40.00  m-       wrt on lab 30.00 vg+ (3) sm stk 10.00 vg   
3214  Jem        412-45         Smoothtones               bring back your love/no doubt                               $125.00  vg+      close to m- 75.00 vg lots of sticker res. on lab
3215  Jewel      768            Starettes                 my baby he's the greatest/pt2                               $ 40.00  m-       promo sm scuff
3215a JLJ        2324           Spaniels                  someone/one day at a time                                   $ 10.00  m-       yellow wax
3216  Joey       6204           Sonny & Premiers          pony twist/when the storm is over                           $ 40.00  m-       sm name sm scuff
3216a Joey       6206           Shades                    the combination/skip it                                     $ 20.00  vg
3217  Johnson    099            Shells                    my cherie/explain it to me                                  $ 10.00  m-
3218  Johnson    104            Shells                    baby oh baby/what's in an angel's eyes                      $ 20.00  m-       (5) 4 line sm stk 10.00 vg+ (2) stamp 10.00 m- 2nd (2) 5.00 vg 
3219  Johnson    107            Shells                    an island unknown/explain it to me                          $ 15.00  vg+      (2)  
3220  Johnson    120            Shells                    the drive/a toast to your birthday                          $ 20.00  m-       promo, sm scuff
3221  Johnson    123            Sherwoods (Tony Reno)     MARIA ELENA/I'll never stand in your way                    $ 20.00  m-       prom
3222  Jozie      788            Murray Schaff/gp          ooh how I love ya/the unfishied rock                        $ 25.00  m-
3223  Jozie      837            Steadies                  one kiss and that's all/rock to the philadelphia            $  7.00  vg+       
3224  Josie      839            Sticks and Bricks         kiss the pretty girl twice/It's my heart                    $ 10.00  vg+
3224a Josie      865            speedo and teh Cadillacs  who you gonna kiss/naggity nag                              $ 10.00  vg
3225  Josie      876            Speedo and the Cadillacs  It's love/tell me today                                     $ 25.00  m-       (2) 20.00 vg+
3226  Josie      920            Styles                    school bells to chapel bells/I love you for sentimental reas$ 50.00  m-       promo
3227  Jubilee    5188           Stylers                   love ya like crazy/shoo shoo shoo sh la la                  $  5.00  m-
3228  Jubilee    5246           Stylers                   huffin' and puffin'/lost john                               $  5.00  m-       (2)     
3229  Jubilee    5306           Storm Trio                mama never taught me to rock and roll/my wonderful love     $  5.00  vg+      popish
3230  Jubilee    5449           Strollers                 ever since you kissed me joey/tangier                       $ 10.00  m-       promo 5.00 vg+ promo
3231  Jubilee    5506           Skyliners                 the loser/everything is fine                                $ 20.00  m-       10.00 vg+ (2) 4.00 vg
3232  Jubilee    5520           Skyliners                 I run to you/don't hurry me baby                            $ 30.00  vg+
3233  Junior     396            Silhouettes               what would you do/I sold my heart to the junkman            $ 50.00  m-       40.00 m- stk removed, #
3234  Junior     593            Silhouettes               get a job/I am lonely                                       $ 25.00  vg       blue
3235  Junior     988            Sensations                you made a fool of me/that's what you gotta do              $ 15.00  vg+      reg or promo (2)
3236  Kaiser     401            Walter Springer           everything/one more chance                                  $ 40.00  m-       promo,x
3237  Kapp       488            Swans                     this little heart of mine/indian summer                     $ 10.00  vg+      promo, x (2)
3237a Kare       102            Surprize                  blue moon/DENISE                                            $ 20.00  vg+
3238  Kent       320            Senders                   I dream of you/the ballad of stagger lee                    $ 50.00  m-       40.00 vg+
3238a King       4612           Swallows                  our love is dying/laugh                                     $ 60.00  vg
3238b King       4697           Strangers                 my friends/I've got eyes                                    $100.00  vg       1st
3238c King       4709           Strangers                 blue flowers/beg and steal                                  $150.00  vg       1st
3239  King       4821           Strangers                 without a friend/think again                                $ 20.00  m-       2nd
3239a King       5086           Jimmy Scott               when day is done/what sin                                   $ 20.00  m-       very small edge warp, nap
3240  King       5656           Shondells                 I gotta tell it/wonderful one                               $  5.00  vg
3241  Kip        221            Suburbans                 little bird/king of broken hearts                           $ 15.00  vg+      promo 10.00 vg
3241a Kismet     394            Sandpipers                ali baba/young generation                                   $ 25.00  m-       promo
3242  Lamp       2007           Sharps                    lock my heart/our love is here to stay                      $ 25.00  vg+      lg name
3242a Landa      684            Stompers                  foolish one/quarter to four stcmp                           $  5.00  vg-      name
3243  Laurie     3401           Symbols                   bye bye baby/the things you do to me                        $  7.00  vg+      promo
3246  Liberty    F55118         Slades                    baby/you mean everything to me                              $ 10.00  vg+      (2)
3246a Liberty    F55118         Spades                    baby/you mean everything to me                              $ 10.00  vg+      (2) different spelling    
3247  Liberty    F55245         Statues                   blue velvet/keep the hall light burning                     $ 15.00  m-       (2) 10.00 vg+ (2) reg or promo
3248  Liberty    F55292         Statues                   white christmas/jeanie with the light brown hair            $ 15.00  m-       promo or reg
3249  Liberty    F55363         Statues                   the commandments of love/love at first sight                $ 15.00  m-       (2)  or reg 10.00 vg+ promo 
3250  Madison    126            Singing Bells             someone loves you joe/the empty m                           $  3.00  vg
3251  Magna      1869           Standards                 my heart belongs to only you/hello love                     $ 25.00  vg+     blue lab, name 20.00 vg blue  
3252  Magic Carpet 511 ep       Schoolboys                MARY/ding a aling coo coo mop/pearl/I am old                $  8.00  m-      (3)
3253  Magna      1869           Standards                 my heart belongs to only you/hello love                     $ 30.00  m-      25.00 vg+ (2) 20.00 vg
3253a Mambo      105            Squires                   SINDY/do be do be wop wop                                   $ 15.00  vg-     scuffs and lite scratches
3254  Martinique 111902         Sensational Stereos       good lovin-bewildered-lost someone/memphis-i go crazy-try me$ 25.00  m-      10.00 vg lite scuffs
3255  Marc       103            Specials                  kissin' like lovers/I'm leaving it all up to you            $ 10.00  vg+     promo
3256  Mark-X     8011           Statens                   summertime is the time for love/that certain kind           $ 50.00  vg      promo stk removed
3256a Mercury    70788X45       Sugar and Spice           indeed I love you/hey joe let me know                       $ 10.00  vg+     x)
3257  Mercury    70795x45       Skyscrapers               don't cry/I thought you'd care                              $ 30.00  m-      (2)     
3258  Mercury    71754          Salems                    my precious love/I'll still go on loving you                $ 15.00  vg+     10.00 vg promo, x
3258a Mercury    72112          Schacklefords             big river/a stranger in your town                           $  5.00  m-
3258b Mercury    72172          Searchers                 sweets for my sweet/It's all been a dream                   $ 25.00  m-
3261  MGM        K11782         Stuarts                   get out and get under the moon/how about me                 $  3.00  m-      popish (2)
3261a MGM        K12666         Serenaders                give me a gril/dance darling dance                          $ 50.00  m-      not for sale stamp
3262  MGM        K13463         Symbols                   don't go/oo wee baby                                        $  5.00  vg+     promo or reg stk
3263  MGM        K13798         Sham-Ettes                you're welcome back/he'll come back                         $ 10.00  vg+     promo
3264  Minaret    MI112          Speidels                  I'll catch a rainbow/fat lad                                $ 10.00  vg+     promo
3265  Mint       801            Sentimentals              I want to love you/teenie teenie teenager                   $ 75.00  m-      pre checker label
3266  Mint       802            Sentimentals              wedding bells/a sunday kind of love                         $ 50.00  vg+     lines 1st 10.00 vg lines 20.00 vg+ sawtooth 2nd
3267  Mint       805            Sentimentals              you're mine/danny boy                                       $ 30.00  m-      (2)
3268  Mona-Lee   129            Selections                guardian angel/soft and sweet                               $ 30.00  vg+     20.00 vg+ 15.00 vg    
3269  Motown     1006           Satintones                tomorrow and always/a love that can never be                $150.00  m-      dj stamp, sm stain flip, not bad (2) 65.00 very clean vg 
3270  Motown     1010           Satintones                my kind of love/I know how it feels                         $220.00  m-      promo,x strings
3272  Monrgil    102            Susy Starr/gp             lover's qauarrel/one day                                    $ 10.00  vg      wrt
3273  MZ         009            Spydels                   no more teasing/wanted dead or alive                        $ 25.00  m-      15.00 vg+ wrt
3274  N.Y. Skyline S-501        Scott Bros.               celebrity baby/do you want                                  $ 20.00  vg+
3275  North Am.  001            Spaniels                  fairy tales/jealous heart                                   $ 10.00  m-      sm wrt  
3276  North Am.  002            Spaniels                  lonely man/stand in line                                    $ 10.00  m-      (3) 8.00 m- labels fliped
3277  Note       10012          Students                  I'm so young/everyday of the week                           $300.00  vg+     very close to m- a nice record 15.00 2nd press #101 name
3277a NRC        052            Sunnysiders               trampoline/hey mr. banjo                                    $  5.00  m-
3279  OBG        102            Sheppards                 you're so fine/I need you so                                $  5.00  vg+
3280  O'dell     100            Stratfords                never leave me/enaj                                         $  5.00  m-     (2) 3.00 vg+ x
3281  Okeh       7076           Schoolboys                SHIRLEY/please say you want me                              $ 20.00  m-     (2)  15.00 vg+ sm stk or name (3) 10.00 vg (5) 7.00 vg+ yellow 2nd vg 5.00 vg yellow
3281a Okeh       7085           Schoolboys                MARY/I am old enough                                        $ 10.00  vg
3282  Okeh       7090           Schoolboys                CAROL/PEARL                                                 $ 10.00  vg      name
3284  Okeh       7143           Sunny/sunglows            golly gee/touring                                           $ 10.00  m-      (2) reg or promo wrt
3285  Okeh       7173           Sheppards                 walkin'/pretend you're still mine                           $ 25.00  vg+
3286  Old Town   1014           Solitaires                the wedding/don't fall in love                              $ 30.00  vg+     ropes 1st 10.00 vg  
3287  Old Town   1022           Solitaires                you've sinned/the angles sang                               $ 25.00  m-      lines, sm very lite scr nap
3288  Old Town   1026           Solitaires                the angels sang/you've sinned                               $ 5.00   m-      boot, stk 10.00 vg 2 stks, label tears
3289  Old Town   1034           Solitaires                walking along/please kiss this letter                       $ 40.00  m-      yellow 30.00 vg+ yellow 25.00 vg yellow 
3290  Old Town   1049           Solitaires                walkin' and talkin'/no more sorrows                         $ 20.00  vg-     tape, wrt, label tears plays fine
3291  Old Town   1066           Solitaires                round goes my heart/embraceable you                         $ 50.00  m-      x 40.00 m- name both sides 10.00 vg names
3292  Old Town   1071           Solitaires                light a candle in the chapel/helpless                       $ 25.00  m-      (2) 20.00 vg+
3293  Outhouse   102            Serenaders                lonesome again/she's too tall for love                      $  8.00  m-      flip by warlers promo
3293a Pagent     604            Sparlketones              dear little boy/just one chance                             $ 50.00  m-      promo
3294  Palm       302            Shar-Mels                 tell me why/I'd love to be loved                            $ 30.00  vg+
3294a Palm       1001           Sheppards                 never let me go/give a hug to me                            $ 10.00  m-
3294b Pam        1003           Starlets                  better tell him no/you are the one                          $ 20.00  m-      stk  7.00 vg  promo
3295  Pam        1004           Starlets                  money hungry/my last cry                                    $ 20.00  m-      10.00 vg+
3295a Peak       5000           Starlites                 give me a kiss/missing you                                  $200.00  m-
3296  Phi-Dan    5010           Sugar Plums               lovers wonderland/sugar plum blues                          $ 25.00  m-
3297  Philips    40038          Springfields              aunt rhody/silver threads and golden needles                $  6.00  m-      (2)
3298  Philips    40099          Springfields              island of dreams/foggy mountain top                         $  5.00  vg+
3298a Philips    40121          Springrields              little boy/say I won't be there                             $  5.00  vg+     lite label ware
3299  Philips    40146          Secrets                   learnin' to forget/the boy next door                        $ 10.00  m-      (3) stk 5.00 vg+ (2)  
3299a Philips    40173          Secrets                   hey big boy/the other side of town                          $  6.00  vg+     wrt flip, co (2) 5.00 vg
3299b Philips    40222          Secrets                   he dosn't want you/he's the boy                             $ 10.00  m-      
3300  Philips    40363          Spiders                   no no boy/how could I fall in love                          $ 15.00  m-      promo
3301  Philles    107            Bob B. Soxx/gp            flip and nitty/zip a dee doo dah                            $  3.00  vg+     stk  
3301a Philles    110            Bob B, soxx/gp            dr. kaplan's office/why do lovers break each other's heart  $ 10.00  m-
3302  Port       70004          Sedates                   I found/please love me forever                              $ 10.00  vg+     sm tear flip, were stk removed
3303  Prep       115            Sonny Land Trio           my special angel/the spreading chestnut                     $  5.00  vg
3303a Prep       122            Ray Stevens               five more steps/triangle                                    $ 10.00  vg+     promo, lite ring sm x on label
3304  Prep       132            Sonny Land Trio           sock hop/the facts of love                                  $ 15.00  m-      promo 
3304a President  104            Symbols                   to make you smile again/see you in september                $ 10.00  vg+     u.k. press
3305  PRO        3              Souvenirs                 sailor boy/never camp alone joe                             $  8.00  vg+     name
3306  Rae Cox    102            Sunsets                   sittin' and cryin'/how will I remember                      $ 25.00  m-
3306a Rca        47-7172        Sprouts                   every little once in a while/skinny minne                   $ 20.00  m-     15.00 vg+ 10.00 vg
3306b Rca        47-7357        Sapphires                 so glad/ev'ryone knows                                      $ 15.00  m-
3307  Rca        47-7653        Smitty/Afterbeats         the brush off/a perfect day                                 $  5.00  vg
3308  Rca        47-8482        Student Nurses            kiss me goodnight/simply                                    $ 10.00  m-      promo
3309  Rca        47-8864        Side Kicks                suspicions/up on the roof                                   $ 10.00  m-
3310  Rca        47-9127        Squirrels                 a girl's imagination/who's the bird                         $  8.00  vg+     promo (2) 
3311  Rca        47-9174        Side Kicks                you gave me somebody to love/sight and sound                $ 10.00  m-      promo,x
3313  RedBird    10-008         Shangri-Las               remember/it's easier to cry                                 $  6.00  m-      (3) 3.00 vg+ name on lab (2) 
3314  RedBird    10-014         Shangri-Las               leader of the pack/what is love                             $  6.00  m-      (3) 4.00 vg+    
3315  RedBird    10-018         Shangri-Las               twist and shout/give him a great big kiss                   $  6.00  m-      (5) 5.00 vg+ (2)
3316  RedBird    10-019         Shangri-Las               maybe/shout                                                 $  6.00  m-      4.00 vg+ (2)  
3317  RedBird    10-025         Shangri-Las               the boy/out in the streets                                  $  6.00  m-      4.00 vg+  
3318  RedBird    10-030         Shangri-Las               give us your blessings/heav                                 $  5.00  m-      (3) 3.00 vg+ stk   
3318a RedBird    10-036         Shangri-Las               right now and not later/the train from kansas city          $ 10.00  vg+     x
3319  RedBird    10-043         Shangri-Las               bull dog/I can never go home                                $  6.00  m-      (5) 3.00 vg+ (3) stk or wrt 
3320  RedBird    10-048         Shangri-Las               sophisticated boom boom/long live                           $  6.00  m-      (3) nr stamp 4.00 vg+  
3321  RedBird    10-068         Shangri-Las               past present and future/paradise                            $  6.00  m-       
3321a RedBird    10-074         Shaggy Boys               stop the clock/in the morning                               $ 10.00  m-      scuff
3322  Red Robin  128x45         Scarlets                  dear one/I've lost                                          $100.00  vg+     25.00 vg- sm stk, plays good
3323  Red Top    100            Students                  my heart is an open book/mommy & daddy                      $ 30.00  m-      name or stk removed
3324  Regatta    2000           Will Sanders/gp           summertime/I'm movin' in                                    $ 20.00  m-      sm stk 15.00 vg+
3325  Regatta    2003           Will Sanders/gp           the living truth/stay put                                   $ 20.00  m-      sm wrt 
3326  REO        8621           Shirelles                 baby it's you/the things I want to hear                     $  8.00  m-
3327  REO        8712           Shirelles                 not for all the money in the world/foolish littel girl      $  8.00  m-
3328  Richie     545            Sinceres                  please don't cheat on me/if you should leave                $ 65.00  m-      (4) promo dist. by roulette
3329  Riverside  4549           Serenaders                two lovers make one fool/adios my love                      $ 25.00  vg+     scuff (2)
3330  Robin Hood 146            Spandells                 be my love/movements                                        $  5.00  m-
3331  Roulette   GG-59          Shells                    sippin' soda/schoolhouse rock                               $  5.00  m-      flip by nicky/nobles
3332  Roulette   4487           Standards                 tears bring heartaches/no no no                             $ 15.00  vg+     promo, no. on label
3333  Roulette   4598           Squares                   the out crowd/melvin's theme                                $ 10.00  m-      promo
3333a Sabina     510            Buddy Sheppard/Holidays   now it's all over/that background sound                     $100.00  m-      promo brown wax (2) 35.00 vg promo brown wax  
3334  Sapien     1004           Larry Stanton             JUDY/love notes                                             $ 40.00  m-
3335  Savoy      1188           Savoys                    say you're mine/you                                         $ 30.00  m-
3336  Scarlett   700            Starletts                 you're gonna be jealous/teco                                $ 50.00  m-      x on label
3336a Scepter    1203           Shirelles                 dedicated to the one I love /look a here baby               $ 15.00  m-      (2) 10.00 vg+ white and blue label or red (3) 5.00 vg white/blue  
3337  Scepter    1205           Shirelles                 a teardrop and a lollipop/doin' the ronde                   $ 15.00  m-      white and blue dj stamp 5.00 vg name
3338  Scepter    1208           Shirelles                 tonights the night/the dance is over                        $  6.00  vg+     red 6.00  m- # 2nd (2) 7.00 vg+ pink 3.00 vg red
3339  Scepter    1211           Shirelles                 will you love me tomorrow/boys                              $ 10.00  m-      (4) 8.00  m- label scuff (2) 7.00 vg+ (7)  
3340  Scepter    1217           Shirelles                 mama said/blue holiday                                      $ 10.00  m-      (4) stk 8.00 vg+ (2) 5.00  vg+     
3341  Scepter    1220           Shirelles                 what a sweet thing that was                                 $ 10.00  m-      (3) 8.00 m- stk,stamp or wrt (2) 5.00 vg+ (4) 3.00 vg
3344  Scepter    1223           Shirelles                 big john/twenty one                                         $ 10.00  m-      # (2) 5.00 vg+ (2)
3345  Scepter    1227           Shirelles                 baby it's you/the things I want to hear                     $ 10.00  m-      (3) 5.00 vg+ (5) stk
3346  Scepter    1228           Shirelles                 soldier boy/love is a swingin' thing                        $  8.00  m-      (3) 5.00 vg+ stk (4)
3347  Scepter    1230           Soldier Boys              I'm your soldier boy/you picked me                          $200.00  m-      white label 
3348  Scepter    1234           Shirelles                 welcome home baby/mama here comes                           $ 10.00  m-      3.00 vg (2)
3349  Scepter    1237           Shirelles                 stop the music/it's love that real                          $ 10.00  m-      (3) 8.00 vg+ 3.00 vg
3350  Scepter    1243           Shirelles                 everybody loves a lover/same                                $ 10.00  m-      (2) 8.00 vg+ promo (2) or reg stk (5) 
3351  Scepter    1248           Shirelles                 foolish little girl/not for all the money in                $ 10.00  m-       4.00 vg+ reg or promo 3.00 vg promo
3352  Scepter    1255           Shirelles                 I didn't mean to hurt you/don't say goodnight               $  6.00  m-      (2) stk, sm wrt 4.00  vg+ (3)
3353  Scepter    1259           Shirelles                 what doe's a girl do/don't                                  $  6.00  m-      (2) reg or promo wrt 4.00 vg+ (3) 3.00 vg
3354  Scepter    1264           Shirelles                 20th cen. R&R/tonight you're gonn                           $ 10.00  m-       wrt 3.00 vg (2)
3355  Scepter    1267           Shirelles                 sha-la-la/his lips get in t                                 $  6.00  vg       5.00 vg promo
3356  Scepter    1278           Shirelles                 thank you baby/dooms day                                    $ 10.00  m-      (2) 6.00 vg+ (3)
3357  Scepter    1292           Shirelles                 are you still my baby/i saw a tear                          $  5.00  vg+      x 
3358  Scepter    12101          Shirelles                 everybody's goin' mad/march you'll be sorry                 $  5.00  vg
3359  Scepter    12114          Shirelles                 my heart belongs to you/lov                                 $  7.00  m-       co 4.00 vg+ 3.00 vg
3360  Scepter    12132          Shirelles                 love that man/I met him on a sunday '66                     $ 10.00  m-       (2) 5.00 vg+ promo  
3361  Scepter    12150          Shirelles                 que sera sera/till my baby comes home                       $  7.00  vg+      stamp
3362  Scepter    12162          Shirelles                 shades of blue/after midnight                               $ 30.00  m-       promo
3363  hold       12178          Shirelles                 look away/teasin' me                                        $ 10.00  vg
3363a Scepter    12180          Surf Boys                 I told santa claus I want you/stuck in the chimney          $ 20.00  m-
3364  Scepter    12185          Shirelles                 nobody baby after you/don't go home my little darling       $  5.00  m-      (4) 3.00 vg+ (2)
3364a Scepter    12192          Shirelles                 too much of a good thing/bright shiny colors                $ 20.00  m-      10.00 vg+ scuffs 
3365  hold       12198          Shirelles                 last minute miracle/no doubt about it                       $ 40.00  vg+
3365a hold       12209          Shirelles                 wait till I give the singnal/wild and sweet                 $ 30.00  m-      name
3365b Scepter/wand 21005        Shirelles                 foolish little girl/my heart belongs to you                 $  8.00  m-
3366  Scepter/wand 21008        Shirelles                 mama said/teasin' me                                        $  3.00  vg
3367  Sharp      6039           Sheppards                 glitter in your eyes/what's the name of the game            $ 10.00  m-      (5)  7.00 vg+
3368  Signature  12004          Sunbeams                  don't let me fall asleep in church on sunday morning/the sun$  5.00  m-
3369  Skylark    582            Spaniels                  baby sweets/so deep within                                  $ 10.00  m-       
3369a Smash      S-1765         Shad Smith/gp             wonderful one/taxicab                                       $ 15.00  m-      promo
3369b Smash      S-1773         Chuck Sedacca             busy/I don't wanna know                                     $ 25.00  m-      name
3369c Smash      S-2020         Spotlights                batman and robin/dayflower                                  $  7.00  m-      sm wrt
3369d SND.STG.7  2533           Sophomores                summer of '64/I know I should                               $ 20.00  m-      reg or promo
3269e Stanson    502            Symbols                   bumpity bump/blue autumn                                    $ 40.00  m-      (2)
3269f Starbound  506            Swallows                  since you've been away/have mercy baby                      $ 10.00  m-      red wax
3269g Starbound  510            Swallows                  my grandmothers christmas/hey senorita                      $  5.00  m-      dark red wax (3)
3269h Starbound  511            Swallows                  ride eddie ride/try to remember                             $  5.00  m-      dark red wax (3)
3269i Starbound  513            Swallows                  mother/let's talk about jesus                               $ 10.00  m-      red wax
3269j Starlight  44             Street Dreams             you just say the word/bluebird of happiness                 $  5.00  m-
3369k Starlight  45             Street Corner Serenaders  goodbye to love/mr. blue                                    $  5.00  m-
3370  Starrett   5709           Stewart Self/Gents        MARRY ELLEN/tell me                                         $ 40.00  m-
3370a States     163            Strollers                 in your dreams/go where baby lives                          $ 40.00  vg       x, small label dings
3370b Stop       101            Sammy and the Del-Lards   sleepwalk/little darling                                    $ 15.00  vg
3370c Sue        756            Senors                    may I have this dance/searching for olive oil               $ 20.00  vg  
3370d Suncoast   1002           Skyliners                 rain/rock a baby rock                                       $ 60.00  vg+ 
3370e Sunglow    107            Sunglows                  peanuts/happy hippo                                         $ 10.00  m-      co
3370f Sunglow    118            Sunglows                  popcorn/the circus                                          $ 10.00  m-      (2) 5.00 vg+
33771 Swan       4143           Sapphires                 your true love/where is johnny  now                         $ 10.00  m-      sm stk
3371a Swan       4151           Swans                     he's mine/you better be a good girl now                     $ 30.00  m-      (2) 10.00 vg
3371b Swan       4153           Sapphires                 where is johnny now/your true love                          $  7.00  vg+     lite scr's b side
3371c Swan       4162           Sapphires                 who do you love/oh so soon                                  $ 10.00  m-      (2) 5.00 vg+ 
3371d Swan       4163           Sapphires                 where is johnny now/your true love                          $  5.00  vg+
3371e Swan       4184           Sapphires                 gotta be more then friends/moulin rouge                     $ 10.00  vg+
3371f Swan       4213           Showmen                   take it baby/in paradise                                    $ 30.00  vg+
3372  Tamla      54045          Supremes                  who's loving you/buttered popcorn                           $ 50.00  vg      lines 40.00 m- 3nd 10.00 vg 3nd 
3373  Tear Drop  3014           Sunny/Sunglows            talk to me/every week every month every year                $  7.00  m-      (3) 5.00 vg+ 
3373a Tear Drop  3022           Sunny/Sunliners           rags to riches/not even judgement day                       $ 25.00  m-      (4) 15.00 vg+ 
3373b Tear Drop  3027           Sunny/SUnliners           out of sight out of mind/no one else will do                $ 25.00  m-      promo x on label
3374  Tear Drop  3040           Sunny/Sunglows            you send me/his greatest creation                           $  7.00  m-      promo
3375  Tender     506            Shields                   you cheated/that's the way                                  $ 40.00  m-      1st stk removed or stk 25.00 vg+ stk (3) wrt 10.00 vg stk 1st (3) 25.00 m- 2nd 10.00 vg+  
3375a Tender     567            Shields                   you cheated/I'm sorry now                                   $ 10.00  m-
3375b Theron     112            Sheppards                 love/cool mambo                                             $ 10.00  m-      78 only 45's are boots
3376  3 Trey     3001           Spectors Three            I really do/I know why                                      $ 30.00  m-      promo stamped 25.00 m-
3376a Thunderbird 102           Skylarks                  do you know/here comes the fool                             $ 25.00  m-
3376b Tilt       782            Sultans                   It'll be easy/you got me goin'                              $ 30.00  vg+     yellow (2) 20.00 vg yellow 1st 15.00 m- black 2nd
3376c Tiara      6100           Shirelles                 I met him on a sunday/I want you be my boyfriend            $  8.00  m-      2nd late press
3377  Tollie     9022           Sunbeams                  good old days/sing a song                                   $ 20.00  m-      stk, promo
3377a Toot       603            Spirits                   I'll be strong/get a job                                    $ 10.00  m-      lite scuff name
3377b Torch      953            Styles                    city of angels/trying                                       $ 10.00  vg+
3378  Tower      148            Sunrays                   bye baby bye/I live for the sun                             $ 10.00  m-      sm no. on lab (3) 5.00 vg+ (2) 
3378a Tower      191            Sunrays                   andrea/you don't phase me                                   $  5.00  m-      (3) 3.00 vg
3378b Tower      224            Sunrays                   still/when you're not here                                  $  5.00  m-
3378c Tuff       376            January Star              and so she took a ring/america the beautifl (instr)         $ 10.00  m-      promo sm name
3379  20th Cen.  148            Snappers                  if there were/big bill                                      $  7.00  vg+     promo, name or reg 5.00 vg promo
3379a Unart      2004           Willis Sanders/Embers     lovable you/honey-bun                                       $ 25.00  m-      promo 15.00 vg+ promo 10.00 vg promo
3380  United     198            Sheppards                 SHERRY/mozelle                                              $ 75.00  vg+     tape on label
3380a UA         216            Wyatt big boy Shephers    you don't want me no more/need your lovin' part 4           $ 15.00  m-      prom
3381  UA         50648          Shirelles                 there goes my baby/be my baby/strange I still love you      $ 10.00  m-
3381a UGHA       7              Sinclairs                 my one and only dream/for your precious love                $  5.00  m-
3382  UGHA       8              Sheps                     golden teardrops/is it a dream                              $  5.00  m-       green wax
3382a Vanity     589            Sentimentals              love is a gamble/if it isn't for you                        $ 40.00  m-       name
3382a Vee-Jay    VJ107          Spaniels                  goodnite sweetheart goodnite/you don't move me              $ 60.00  m-       small letter on label 20.00 vg misspelled (2)
3383  Vee-Jay    VJ116          Spanials                  play it cool/let's make up                                  $125.00  m-       60.00 vg+
3384  Vee-Jay    VJ131          Spaniels                  do-wah/don'cha go                                           $ 75.00  m-       sm stk 20.00 vg scuffs 5.00 vg 2nd 
3384a Vee-Jay    VJ154          Spaniels                  you painted pictures/hey sister lizzie                      $ 30.00  m-       20.00 vg+ (2) hot press 5.00 vg-
3384b Vee-Jay    VJ178          Spaniels                  false love/do you really                                    $100.00  M-
3384c Vee-Jay    VJ189          Spaniels                  dear heart/why won'd you dance                              $ 75.00  vg       clean record
3384d Vee-Jay    VJ229          Spaniels                  you gave me peace of mind/please don't tease                $ 40.00  vg+
3385  Vee-Jay    VJ246          Spaniels                  everyone's laughing/I.O.U                                   $ 30.00  m-       20.00 vg+ (2) 15.00 vg name (2) 
3385a Vee-Jay    VJ257          Spaniels                  you're gonna cry/I need your kisses                         $ 20.00  m-       sm scuff 10.00 vg
3385b Vee-Jay    VJ264          Spaniels                  crazee babee/I lost you                                     $ 50.00  m-       25.00 vg+ tape on label 20.00 vg
3385c Vee-Jay    VJ278          Spaniels                  great googley moo/TINA                                      $ 30.00  vg+      sm tear, sm stk
3385d Vee-Jay    VJ290          Spaniels                  stormy weather/here is why I love you                       $ 40.00  m-       30.00 vg+ (2)   
3385f Vee-Jay    VJ310          Spaniels                  I like it like that/trees                                   $ 20.00  vg+      tape on label
3386  Vee-Jay    VJ328          Spaniels                  100 years from today/these three                            $ 30.00  m-       (2) sm stk 20.00 bhz= 8.00 vg 
3386a Vee-Jay    VJ350          Spaniels                  bus fare home/I know                                        $ 35.00  m-       (2) 25.00 vg+ (2) 15.00 vg promo 10.00 vg (3) maroon 5.00 vg+ black wrt  
3386b Vee-Jay    VJ441          Sheppards                 tragic/loving you                                           $ 25.00  m-       promo stk removed 10.00 vg
3386c Vee-Jay    VJ524          Society Girls             S.P.C.L.G./you better stay home                             $ 10.00  vg+      promo (2) or reg 
3387  Vee-Jay    VJ607          Sugar and the Spices      come on over to my house/boys can be mean                   $ 15.00  vg+      promo
3388  Vee-Jay    VJ643          Standells                 the boy next door/b.j.quetzal                               $ 10.00  vg+
3389  Vee-Jay    VJ856          Stapel Singers            I had a dream/help me jesus                                 $ 10.00  vg+      promo  
3390  Vega       002            Stars                     no letter from you/night train                              $  5.00  vg       promo
3391  V-Tone     V-506          Sherwoods                 uncle sam/three love letter                                 $  8.00  vg+
3391a Vik        4X0295         Sh-Booms                  I don't want to set the world on fire/LU LU                 $ 40.00  m-
3392  Viscount   104            Skyliners                 tell me/comes love                                          $ 20.00  m-       (2) 5.00 vg+ name 
3292a Vita       128            Squires                   venus/breath of air                                         $ 20.00  vg-      stk, wrk
3392b Wand       194            John Steel & Del-Mates    you're gonna miss me/the fat man                            $ 10.00  m-       not for sale crossed out
3393  Warner     1018           Strollers                 crowded classroom/we're strollin'                           $  5.00  vg
3394  WB         5413           Gloria Scott/Tonettes     I taught him pt1/pt2                                        $  5.00  vg       promo, wrt
3395  WB         5662           Sorrows                   take a heart/we should get along fine                       $  3.00  vg
3396  WB         5046           Sugar Buns                nails and snails/pajama party                               $ 15.00  m-       5.00 vg promo or reg
3397  Webb       1              Spartans                  can you waddle/same (instr)                                 $ 10.00  m-     
3398  Winn       1917           Senators                  wedding bells/I shouldn't care                              $250.00  vg+      name written in, 1st very clean,name
3399  Wirkd Art. 1012           Stereos                   good news/mumbling world                                    $ 20.00  vg
3399a World Art. 1023           Shevelles                 like I lvoe you/oo poo pa doo                               $ 10.00  m
3399b World Art. 1025           Shevelles                 I could conquer the world/how would you like me to lo       $ 10.00  m-       (2) 5.00 vg+ (2) 3.00 vg
T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 
3400  ABC-PAR.   9905           Tonettes                  oh what a baby/howie                                        $  5.00  vg       (2)
3400a ABC-PAR.   10232          Gary Temkin               over and over/I'm running away                              $ 50.00  m-       promo sm wrt
3401  ABC-PAR.   10573          Tams                      hey girl don't bohter me/take away                          $ 20.00  m-
3402  ABC        11183          Tams                      there's a great big change in me/sunshine rainbow blue sky b$ 10.00  m-       promo
3403  Ace        559            Joe Tex/gp                charlie brown got expelled/blessed are these tears          $ 25.00  m-       
3404  ACME       713            Tempo-Tones               get yourself another fool/ride alonge                       $125.00  m-       stk, sm print
3404a Airtown    003            Trojans                   talk to me/1000 miles away/whats your name/cherry pie +2    $ 10.00  vg       jukebox special
3404b Aladdin    45-3344        Two Queens and a King     ooh-wee-baby/set me free                                    $ 40.00  vg+
3405  Al-Brite   1900           Mark Twane                the password/MARY-LOU                                       $  8.00  m-       with girls
3406  Amy        812            Terry & the Mellos        the bells of st. mary/love express                          $ 20.00  m-
3406a hold       835            Tico and the Triumphs     I don't believe them/motorcycle                             $ 10.00  vg       
3406b Antler     4014           Teen Queens               there's nothing I can do/pt2                                $  5.00  vg+      sm wrt, few scuffs
3407  hold       25016          Terracetones              words of wisdom/ride of paul revere                         $ 20.00  vg       promo, sm label tear
3408  sold       25045          Twisters                  come go with me/pretty little girl next door                $ 25.00  m-       promo
3409  Arlen      7-11           Tams                      untie me/disillusioned                                      $  6.00  vg+      (2) name 5.00 vg 
3410  Arlen      717            Tams                      deep inside me/if you're so smart                           $  5.00  vg 
3410a Ascot      2173           Tempos                    I wish it where summer                                      $  7.00  vg+      
3410b Atco       6201           Time Tones                I've got a feeling/pretty pretty girl                       $ 40.00  
3411  Atlantic   45-1041        Carmen Taylor/gp          freddie/ooh I                                               $125.00  vg+
3412  Atlantic   45-1167        Joe Turner/gp             wee baby blues/teen age letter                              $ 20.00  m-       promo
3413  Atlantic   45-2240        Tiffanys                  gossip/please tell me                                       $ 30.00  m-       promo, name
3414  Atlantic   45-2066        Top Notes                 wonderful time/walkin' with love                            $  5.00  vg       promo or reg
3415  Atlantic   45-2080        Top Notes                 say yes/warm your heart                                     $ 10.00  vg+      5.00 vg wrt
3416  Atlantic   45-2097        Top Notes                 the basic things/hearts of stone                            $ 10.00  vg+      promo (2) 5.00 vg stk (2)
3416a Atlantic   45-2116        Tex and the Chex          I do love you/my love                                       $ 30.00  vg       white label
3417  Atlantic   45-7009        Tokens                    penny whistle band/same                                     $ 10.00  m-       promo
3418  Bally      1017           Turks                     this heart of mine/why did you                              $ 30.00  m-       10.00 vg
3419  Banana     512            Three Twins               his/all my dreams                                           $  5.00  vg
3420  Baton      265            Tones                     we belong together/three little loves                       $ 10.00  m-       (2) 8.00 vg+ promo stk  5.00 vg reg (2) or promo  
3421  Bay State  1001           Three Storms              I guess you know/you can't keep a good love down            $ 10.00  vg-
3421a Bear       1966           Trashmen                  keep your hands off my babylost angel                       $ 10.00  vg       dig in wax but nap
3421b Bell       45190          Tokens                    I like to throw my head back and sing/you and me            $  5.00  m-       name
3421c Bigtop     3007           Sammy Turner/Twisters     sweet annie laurie/thunderbolt                              $  7.00  vg+      radio station stamp
3421d Blue Ribbon 501           Tymes                     this time it's love/ms. grace                               $  7.00  m-       wrt flip
3421e Blue Rock  4013           Tripletes                 hey little girl/baby come on home                           $ 40.00  vg+
3422  Bobby      2005           Tunetailors               gone/hold me close my love                                  $  8.00  vg+
3422a Bonnie     102            Tokays                    fatty boom bi laddy/lost and found                          $ 75.00  m-
3423  Brandywine 10007          Tradewinds                blue heart/same slow                                        $  6.00  vg+
3424  Brandywine 10005          Tradewinds                I'd be surprised/rawhide                                    $ 15.00  vg       name
3425  Brunswick  55002          Three Kittens             cat 'an' mouse/trinidad transfer                            $ 10.00  m-       stk, promo 5.00 vg promo
3426  B.T. Puppy 502            Tokens                    oh cathy/he's in town                                       $  6.00  m-       (3) 5.00 vg+ promo or reg (2)
3427  B.T. Puppy 516            Tokens                    the three bells/a message to the world                      $  6.00  m-
3428  B.T. Puppy 518            Tokens                    I hear trumpets blow/don't cry sing along with the me       $  4.00  m-       name (5) 3.00 vg+ (3)
3429  B.T. Puppy 519            Tokens                    breezy/greatest moments in a girl's life                    $  5.00  m-
3429  B.T. Puppy 525            Tokens                    saloogy/green plant                                         $  5.00  m-       3.00 vg+
3430  Bubble     1334           Twilighters               my silent prayer/little bitty red bug                       $ 20.00  vg+      (2)
3431  Buddah     151            Tokens                    she let her hair down early in the morning/oh to get        $  3.00  vg+          
3431a Buddah     159            Tokens                    don't worry baby/some people sleep                          $  3.00  m-
3432  Bullseye   1003           Tri-Lads                  cherry pie/always be true                                   $ 30.00  m-       20.00 vg+ (2) 10.00 vg
3433  Cabot      114            Tu-Tones                  true to me/don't say we're through                          $ 10.00  vg 
3434  Cane       104            Top Hats                  sixty nine/no letter today                                  $ 30.00  vg       sixty nine is an instr.
3435  Capitol    4451           Twisters                  turn the page/dancing little clown                          $ 15.00  vg+      10.00 vg
3436  Capitol    4801           Tradewinds                daddy roll 'em/if I had a hammer                            $  5.00  vg+      3.00 vg
3437  Capitol    4852           Tren-Dells                night owl/hully gully jones                                 $ 15.00  m-       10.00 vg+ (2) lite needle drag 
3438  Capitol    5188           Three D's                 sinner man/give said the little stream                      $  5.00  vg
3439  Capitol    5249           Three D's                 the crayon box/chim chim cher-ee                            $  5.00  m-
3440  Capitol    5562           Tina and the Mustangs     smokey joe's/I'm sweet on you                               $ 10.00  m-
3441  Capitol    5796           Twilights                 I won't be the same without her/needle in                   $  7.00  vg       promo, wrt
3442  Carnival   501            Tren-Teens                my babys gone/your yah-yah is gone                          $150.00  m-       sm stamp on label 60.00 vg clean record
3443  Casa Grand 101            Tuneweavers               little boy/look down that lonesome road                     $ 40.00  m-       stk
3444  Casa Grand 4038           Tuneweavers               I remember dear/pamela jean                                 $ 15.00  vg+      (2) 10.00 vg
3445  Casa Grand 4040           Tuneweavers               I'm cold/there stands my love                               $ 20.00  m-       10.00 vg 
3446  Challenge  9170           Trophies                  that's all I want from you                                  $ 10.00  vg+
3448  Checker    872            Tune Weavers              happy happy birthday baby/yo yo walk                        $  8.00  m-       web (2) 6.00 vg+ sm stk vert. 3.00 m- red/blue (2) 
3449  Checker    872            Tune Weavers              happy happy birthday baby/ol' man river                     $  8.00  m-       web (2) 3.00 m- blue/re
3451  Checker    1007           Tune Weavers              congratulations on your wedding/your skies of blue          $ 20.00  m-       promo or reg 15.00 vg+ (2)
3453  Chess      1803           Twilighters               she needs a guy/scratchin'                                  $ 10.00  vg       x
3454  Chess      1827           Tip Tops                  say it/matrimony                                            $ 15.00  vg
3454a Class      224            Tangiers                  don't cry/school days                                       $ 30.00  m-       promo, sm stk
3455  Class      244            Titans                    no time/the tootin' tutor                                   $  5.00  vg    
3456  Clifton    8              Troupers                  peter punkin eater/non-support                              $  5.00  m-        
3457  Climax     45-102         Tempos                    see you in september/bless you my love                      $  8.00  m-       (2) 5.00 vg 
3458  Climax     45-105         Tempos                    the crossroads of love/whatever happens                     $  7.00  m-
3459  Clock      1033           Lynn Taylor/gp            the bells of st. mary's/sweet little girl                   $ 15.00  m-       5.00 vg wrt 
3460  Clover     1002           Trends                    class ring/I'll be true                                     $ 40.00  m-
3462  Columbia   4-40393        Tattle Tales              no not a single regret/I'll never smile again               $  3.00  vg       promo, stk
3463  Columbia   4-41175        Three G's                 let's go steady for the summer/wild man                     $  7.00  m-       reg or promo 5.00 vg
3464  Columbia   4-41292        Three G's                 wonder/these are the little things                          $  5.00  m-       (3) 4.00 vg+ stk  
3465  Columbia   4-41383        Three G's                 oh suzette/when it's summer again                           $  3.00  vg       promo
3466  Columbia   4-41513        Three G's                 don't cry katy/BARBARA                                      $  7.00  m-       promo (2)
3467  Columbia   4-41678        Three G's                 let's go steady for the summer/love call                    $  7.00  m-       3.00 vg
3468  Columbia   4-41868        Three G's                 take my love/she's mine                                     $  5.00  vg+
3469  Columbia   4-41955        Three G's                 blueberry hill/foolish tears                                $  7.00  m-       promo (3)
3470  Columbia   4-44630        Tymes                     people/for love of ivy                                      $  6.00  m-       promo 5.00 m- small scuff (2) or x
3471  Columbia   4-45078        Tymes                     love child/most beautiful married lady                      $  5.00  m-       promo
3471a Columbia   4-45336        Tymes                     she's gone/someone to watch over me                         $  5.00  m-       promo sm stk
3472  Columbia   4-45616        Troy                      please say you want me/same                                 $ 10.00  m-       promo
3473  Coral      9-61370        Three Rays                for sentimental reasons/the wallflower                      $  6.00  vg+      (2) 5.00  vg
3474  Coral      9-61551        Three Kittens             wedding cake polka/sad sentimental and sorry                $ 10.00  m-       promo (2)
3475  Coral      9-62153        Two-Notes                 sandy sandy/my secret lover                                 $  3.00  vg
3476  Crown      005            Treasures                 I walk with an angel/story of love                          $150.00  vg       noise at start on flip 100 made
3476a Dante      3002           Triumphs                  I know it's wrong/the Lazy man                              $ 15.00  vg+
3477  Darrow     20             Tyrone/Nu Ports           feel like a million/on a saturday night                     $ 25.00  m-       sm wrt 15.00 vg 
3477a Decca      29971          Tangiers                  oh baby/remember me                                         $125.00  m-       store stock
3478  Decca      30707          Frankie Tucker/gp         fools will be fools/good googely woo                        $ 25.00  m-       promo
3479  Decca      31282          Travellers                love me oh my love/white rose                               $  5.00  vg+      name    
3479a Decca      31387          Tarriers                  ride up/last night I had the strangest dream                $  4.00  m-       promo, x
3480  Decca      31631          Tarriers                  san francisco bay blues/guantanamera                        $  4.00  m-       promo
3481  Delta      3              Turbins                   golden rings/six questions                                  $  5.00  m-
3481a Diamond    103            richie Thompson/Jesters   ring a ling a ding/too late to worry                        $ 20.00  m-       promo
3482  Diamond    123            Ten Broken Hearts         shing star/ten lonely guys                                  $ 15.00  vg+      (2) 5.00 vg wrt, scuffs        
3483  Dig        112            Tears                     until the day I die/nothing but love                        $ 30.00  vg+      (3)
3484  Doe        101            Tonettes                  oh what a baby/howie                                        $ 30.00  vg       promo 10.00 vg- plays ok
3485  Dolton     72             Three Wishes              It's all said and done/guiding light                        $ 10.00  m-       promo
3486  Dore       45-503         Teddy Bears               to know him is to love him/don't you worry my little        $  7.00  m-       (5) sm stk 10.00 m- from Canada
3487  Dore       45-520         Teddy Bears               till you'll be mine/wonderful loveable you                  $ 15.00  m-       promo 7.00 vg+ (2) 4.00 vg sm tear
3488  Dot        15520          Tradewinds                I won't be alone tonight/SALLY                              $  3.00  vg+      (2)
3489  Dot        45-15526       Twilighters               eternally/I believe                                         $ 40.00  vg+
3490  Dot        45-15669       Teardrops                 bridge of love/jellyfish                                    $ 10.00  vg+      (3)  
3491  Dot        45-15876       Tabs                      first star/avenue of tears                                  $ 10.00  m-       (2)
3492  Dot        45-15882       Treniers                  never never/when your hair has turned to silver             $ 25.00  m-
3493  Down       2003           Toledos                   this is our night/john smith's body                         $ 15.00  vg+      (5) radio station stamp
3493a Dub        2839           Teenos                    love only one/alrightee                                     $ 20.00  vg       sm edge nick not in grooves
3494  DynoVoice  209            Toys                      a lover's concerto/this night                               $  6.00  m-       (3) 4.00 vg+ 
3495  DynoVoice  214            Toys                      attack/see how they run                                     $  6.00  m-       (2) 
3496  DynoVoice  218            Toys                      may me heart be cast into stone/on backstreet               $  6.00  m-       (2) 3.00 vg
3497  DynoVoice  222            Toys                      baby toys/happy birthday brokne heart                       $ 10.00  m-       (3) 5.00 vg+ 
3498  Ebb        112            Tempo-Mentals             dearest/burning desire                                      $ 40.00  vg+      30.00 m- sm lab tear
3499  Elmore     6001           Tones                     paula is mine/love such as you                              $  5.00  vg       name
3499a Ember      1068           Tandi and the Teamates    week-end lover/trampoline queen                             $  5.00  vg 
3500  End        1076           Teenagers                 can you tell me/a little wiser now                          $ 75.00  m-       promo  (2)  
3501  Epic       10233          Tremeloes                 jenny's all right/even bad times are good                   $  6.00  m-       3.00 vg
3502  Epic       10328          Tremeloes                 helule helule/girl from nowere                              $  6.00  m-
3503  Epic       10807          Tremeloes                 hello buddy/same                                            $  6.00  m-       promo (2)
3503a Epic       10996          Tremeloes                 blue suede tie/same                                         $  8.00  m-       promo
3504  Era        3093           Toy Dolls                 fly away/little tin soldier                                 $ 15.00  m-       5.00 vg+ label ware (2)
3505  Excello    2152           Themes                    yes that's love/the magic of you                            $ 15.00  vg
3506  Fairmount  610            Taffys                    key to my heart/everybody south street                      $ 20.00  m-       nr stamp, sm stk 10.00 vg+
3506a Faro       003            Larry Tamblyn             she's my baby my bride to be/the lie                        $ 60.00  vg+      very slight edge warp
3508  Fidelity   3016           Titans                    everybody happy/what have I done                            $ 15.00  vg
3509  Finesse    1717           Twilights                 oh baby love/my heart belongs to onl you                    $ 20.00  vg+      
3512  Fraternity 975            2 of Clubs                so blue is fall/walk tall like a man                        $  5.00  m-       3.00 vg+ 
3514  Gary       1006           Tokens                    come dance with me/doom-lang                                $ 40.00  vg+      (2) broadway adr 20.00 vg 1st but lg label tear flip
3515  Gee        1002           Teenagers                 why do fools fall in love/please be mine                    $  8.00  vg+
3516  Gee        1012           Teenagers                 I want you to be my girl/i'm not a know it all              $ 10.00  m-       sm stk
3517  Gee        1046           Teenagers                 everything to me/flip-flop                                  $ 15.00  vg+      sm stk
3518  Giant      5001           3 Dons and Diane          another day another dollar/the awkward age                  $  3.00  vg       pop group
3520  Gina       7002           Tangerines                jim that's him/you know you're mine                         $  5.00  vg
3521  Glory      45-249         Tarriers                  the banana boat song/no hidin' place                        $  8.00  m-       (2) 5.00 vg+
3221a Glory      45-254         Tarriers                  those brown eyes/chaucoun                                   $  5.00  vg+      stk sm wrt
3522  Glory      45-255         Tarriers                  pretty boy/I know where I'm going                           $  5.00  vg+      (2) 3.00 vg
3522a Golden Crest 515          three Graces              jimmy joe/x rwusld kidd                                     $ 20.00  m-
3523  Golden Crest 1311/12      Three Pennies             I've got bells on my heart/I was a fool                     $  3.00  m-       (3)
3524  Goldisc    3001           Temptations               BARBARA/someday                                             $ 30.00  m-       black 10.00 m- mulit (3) 7.00 vg+  
3526  Goldisc    3007           Temptations               fickle little girl/letter of devotion                       $ 25.00  m-       20.00 vg+ (2)
3528  Gone       5003           Tunedrops                 ROSIE LEE/speak for yourself                                $ 30.00  m-       20.00 vg+ (3) 
3529  Guyden     2036           Tree Swingers             kookie little paradise/teaching the natives to sing         $ 10.00  m-       5.00 vg promo (2) x
3530  Guyden     2130           Tak Tiks                  let's get lost  on a country road/the nut rocker            $  8.00  vg+
3531  Hamilton   50005          Tranquils                 you're such a much/one billion seven million thirty three   $ 10.00  vg       sm stk
3532  Harthon    135            Twilights                 shipwreck/for the first time                                $ 10.00  vg       name
3533  HEG        45-501         Them                      I'm sorry now/shattered dreams                              $ 40.00  vg+      20.00 vg wrt  
3534  Herald     H-458          Turbans                   when you dance/let me show you around my heart              $ 20.00  m-       (2) 10.00 vg+ (3) 10.00 m- 2nd
3535  Herald     H-469          Turbans                   sister sooky/I'll watch over you                            $ 15.00  M-       stk removed 10.00 vg+ (2)
3536  Herald     H-478          Turbans                   b-i-n-g-o/i'm nobody's                                      $ 25.00  m-       sm print (2)
3537  Herald     H-485          Turbans                   bye and bye/valley of love                                  $ 15.00  vg+      10.00 vg
3538  Herald     H-510          Turbans                   the wadda-do/congratulation                                 $ 35.00  m-       (2)  15.00 vg+ (2) name reg or promo 10.00 m- 2nd
3539  Herald     H-569          Taylor Joanie/Tabs        dapper dan/you lied                                         $  6.00  vg       wrt, 2nd
3540  Holiday    2609X45        Thunderbirds              MARY/in my thunderbird                                      $ 40.00  m-       lots of names wrt 2nd
3541  Holiday Inn 2217          Greg Todd/Jacks           garden of delights/love transcends                          $ 15.00  m-       promo
3542  Imperial   X5562          Teddy Bears               oh why/I don't need you anymore                             $ 10.00  m-       stk 5.00 vg+  
3543  Imperial   X5581          Teddy Bears               if you only knew the love I have for you/you said goodbye   $ 10.00  m-       (2) 8.00 vg+
3544  Imperial   X5594          Teddy Bears               don't go away/seven lonely days                             $ 10.00  m-       3.00 vg
3545  Imperial   X5728          Terri/Kittens             wedding bells/you cheated                                   $  6.00           vg promo
3546  Imperial   X5763          Three Friends             happy as a man can be/dedicated                             $ 10.00  m-       (2) reg or promo 5.00 vg+
3547  Imperial   X5773          Three Friends             you're a square/go on to school                             $ 10.00  m-       promo wrt 7.00 vg+ 5.00 vg promo, name
3548  Imperial   X5807          Turbans                   the lament of silver culch/six questions                    $ 15.00  vg+      5.00  vg (2)
3549  Imperial   X5828          Turbans                   this is my story/clicky clicky clack                        $ 35.00  m-       promo or reg 20.00 vg+ (2)  
3551  Imperial   66238          Twilighters               I still love you/meat ball                                  $ 30.00  m-       promo
3551a Ivanhoe    50000          Thunderbirds              before it's too late/cindy oh cindy                         $ 15.00  m-
3552  Jam        101            Tren-Dells                nite owl/hully gully jones                                  $ 10.00  vg+      name
3553  Jamie      1035           Tritones                  sweet and lovely/blues in t                                 $  5.00  vg       3.00 vg- stk
3554  Jamie      1367           Teenmakers                MO'REEN/dear world                                          $ 10.00  m-       promo
3555  Josie      830            Teenettes                 too young to fall in love/my lucky star                     $ 25.00  vg+
3556  Josie      856            Teardrops                 we won't tell/al chiar di luna                              $ 10.00  vg+      reg or promo, stk
3557  Josie      907            Topsiders                 let the good times roll/heartbreak hotel                    $ 10.00  m-       promo or reg 3.00 vg lite scr.
3558  Josie      952            Tiffanys                  heaven on earth/take another look at me                     $ 10.00  vg+      
3559a Jubilee    45-5137        Toppers                   let me bang your box/you're laughing cause I'm crying       $ 50.00  vg+      close to m-
3560  Jubliee    45-5219        Three Bells               it makes a difference to me/true blue lou                   $ 10.00  m-       stk (2)
3561  Jubilee    45-5363        Sonny Til and the Orioles at night/tell me so                                         $  5.00  vg+
3562  Jubilee    45-5384        Sonny Til and the Orioles the first of summer/come on home                            $ 10.00  m-       (3)
3563  Jubliee    45-5509        Transatlantics            many thing from your window/I tried to forget               $ 15.00  m-       promo 10.00 vg+ promo
3564  Jubliee    45-6001        Sonny Til and the Orioles crying in the chapel/forgive and forget                     $ 10.00  m-       (2) m stk popular series
3565  Kapp       199            Tempos                    the prettiest girl in school/never you mind                 $ 10.00  m-       sm stk, no 5.00  vg+
3565a hold       469            Three Viscounts           everybody's got a ya ya/fee fi fo fum                       $  5.00  vg       promo
3566  Kapp       756            Three of Us               one golden day/let all the flowers die                      $ 10.00  m-       promo
3566a Keen       4016           Turks                     fathertime/okay                                             $ 10.00  vg
3567  Kent       359            Teen Queens               eddie my love/just goofed                                   $  5.00  vg+
3569  Kerwood    711            Terri/Velveteens          bells of love/you've broken my heart                        $ 50.00  vg       
3570  Keys       2              Three Cheers              broken dream/teen talk                                      $ 25.00  vg+      sm stk
3571  King       5004           Teardrops                 I prayed for love/my inspiration                            $ 20.00  m-      
3572  King       5037           Teardrops                 after school/don't be afraid to love                        $ 15.00  vg+      promo 10.00 vg stk removed x
3573  King       6012           Tams                      find another love/untie me                                  $ 20.00  m-       name
3573a La Mans    006            Teamates                  I say goodbye/calendar of love                              $ 25.00  m-       (3)
3573v Le Cam     703            Team Mates                you must pay/if only I had known                            $ 20.00  m-
3574  Lancer     106            Twins                     buttercup/heart of gold                                     $  4.00  vg       name label tear flip
3574a Larson     707            Tammy and the Carolinas   you took me for granted/I don't wanna play in your yard     $ 25.00  vg+
3575  Laurie     3180           Tokens                    please write/I'll always love you                           $  5.00  vg
3576  Laurie     3325           Teardrops                 champaign lady/hey gingerbread                              $ 10.00  vg+      promo
3577  Laurie     3515           Traces                    runaround sue/nothing matters now                           $ 25.00  vg+      promo
3578  Laurie     3660           Teardrops                 goodnight elvis/hey gingerbread                             $  6.00  m-       70's record but good (3) 
3579  Kent       348            Teen Queens               eddie my love/just goofed                                   $  5.00  vg+      no 5.00 m- gray label
3580  Lido       500            Three Friends             baby I'll cry/BLANCE                                        $ 20.00  m-       (2) 15.00 vg+ sm stk (3) 
3581  Lido       502            Three Friends             jinx/I'm only a boy                                         $ 10.00  vg+      stk wrt (2)
3582  LIN        5021           Tu-Tones                  still in love with you/saccharin sally                      $ 20.00  vg
3583  Madison    M117           Tassels                   to a soldier boy/the boy for me                             $ 10.00  m-       stk (4) 5.00 vg+ (2) 
3584  Madison    M121           Tassels                   my guy and I/to a young lover                               $ 20.00  m-       15.00 vg+
3585  Marigold   003            Teacher's Pets            yes I do/seven days a week                                  $ 50.00  vg       x
3586  Melba      104            Tokens                    while I dream/I love my baby                                $ 20.00  vg+      10.00 vg
3587  Mercury    71104          Tyrones                   street of memories/pink champagne                           $  5.00  vg+      (3) I looks autographed 
3587a Mercury    72045          Tides                     the banna boat song/PATRICA                                 $  7.00  vg+      promo   
3587b MGM        12642          Tophatters                she's my girl/candy baby                                    $ 10.00  m-       not for sale promo stamp, stk removed
3588  MGM        13536          Tymes                     pretend/street talk                                         $ 20.00  m-       10.00 vg+ co 5.00 vg
3588a MGM        55014          Twilighters               half angel/lovely lady (lundy lou)                          $100.00  vg       x on label
3588b Miracle    12             Temptations               your wonderful love/check yourself                          $ 40.00  m-       wrt flip
3589  Modern     997            Tonettes                  don't fall in love too soon/tonight you belong to me        $ 25.00  m-       (4) 20.00 vg+ 7.00 vg (2)
3590  Money      211            Turks                     EMILY/when I return                                         $ 60.00  m-       orange 20.00 vg orange 
3591  Money      215            Turks                     I've been accused/I'm a fool                                $ 35.00  vg+      20.00 vg        
3592  Monument   4501           Truetones                 honey honey/whirlwind                                       $ 20.00  vg       (2) 
3593  Music City 814            3 Honeydrops              rockin satellite/you're the one for me                      $ 50.00  m-
3595  Musicor    1139           Teardrops                 tears come tumbling/you won't be there                      $ 15.00  m-        10.00 vg+ (2)      
3595a Musicor    1176           Teddy/Pandas              once upon a time/bye bye out the window                     $  5.00  vg+       (2)     
3596  Musicor    1190           Teddy/Pandas              we can't go on this way/smokey fire                         $ 15.00  m-        promo 
3597  Musicor    1212           Teddy/Pandas              sunnyside up/searchin' for the good times                   $  5.00  vg
3598  Musicor    1218           Teardrops                 I will love you dear forever/bubble gummer                  $ 15.00  m-       promo
3599  Musicor    1319           Toys                      I got my heart set on you/sealed with a kiss                $ 30.00  m-       10.00 vg    
3600  Nix        102            Twiliters                 caused by you/hey there                                     $ 40.00  m-       oddball orange label?
3601  Nix        103            Twiliters                 back to school/love bandit                                  $ 15.00  vg       
3602  Nork       79908          Trophies                  somethin' else/walking the dog                              $ 25.00  m-       autographed
3603  Norwood    45-105         Napoleon Tyce             paper doll/sitting here                                     $ 75.00  vg+      promo, I believe a real one
3604  Nostalgia  101            Truetones                 honey honey/GLORIA                                          $  5.00  m-       flip by the mills brothers
3605  Okeh       4-6853         Treniers                  taxi blues/it rocks it rolls it swings                      $ 15.00  m-
3605a Okeh       4-7023         Treniers                  rock a beatin' boogie/trapped in the web of love            $  5.00  vg
3606  Okeh       4-7057         Treniers                  devil's mambo/do do do                                      $  5.00  vg       juke ware
3606a Old Town   1051           Tremaines                 moon shining bright/jingle jingle                           $ 50.00  vg       clean record large 58 on flip
3607  Paris      45-508         Three D's                 never let you go/birth of an angel                          $ 10.00  m-       
3608  Parkway    128            Twilights                 shipwreck/for the first time                                $ 15.00  m-       promo wrt, stk or reg 5.00 vg sm wrt
3609  Parkway    803a           Temptations               birds n bees/temptation                                     $ 20.00  vg       stk, x
3610  Parkway    P-820          Turbans                   golden rings/when you dance                                 $ 20.00  m-       (2) nr stamp
3612  Parkway    P-871          Tymes                     so much in love/roscoe james mcclain                        $  5.00  m-       promo or reg (2) 4.00 vg+ stk (3) 
3613  Parkway    P-884          Tymes                     wonderful wonderful/come with me to the sea                 $  5.00  m-       (4) 3.00  vg+ (3)  
3614  Parkway    P-891          Tymes                     view from my window/somewhere                               $  5.00  m-       (7) 3.00 vg+ (5)  
3615  Parkway    P-908          Tymes                     wonderland of love/to each his own                          $  6.00  m-       4.00 vg+ 2.00 vg promo
3616  Parkway    P-868          Tip Tops                  he's braggin'/do-dook-a-boo                                 $ 10.00  m-       few scuffs (2) 5.00 vg+ (2) 3.00 vg promo wrt
3617  Parkway    P-7039         Tymes                     isle of love/I'm always chasing rainbows                    $ 15.00  m-       date on lab  
3618  Peak       5001           Twinkles                  sweet daddy/bad motorcycle                                  $ 20.00  vg
3619  Pet        805            Bill Tennyson             even now/slow down                                          $ 25.00  m-       stmap, sm wrt
3620  Philips    40029          Team Mates                mever believed in love/once there was a time                $ 15.00  m-       promo or reg 10.00 vg+
3621  Philips    40036          Three Cheers              hallelujah I love her so/now I lay me down to cry           $ 10.00  m-       promo 5.00 vg+
3622  PIK        235            Teddy and the Continentals tick tick tick/ev'rybody pony                              $  8.00  vg+      name 
3622a Pilgrim    719            3 D's                     tell me that you love me/broken dreams                      $ 10.00  vg+      (2) 5.00 vg    
3623  Poplar     117            Talkabouts                I don't seem to care anymore/sweet lovin baby               $ 20.00  m-
3624  Prestige   357            Talismen                  tears/off to the sea                                        $ 20.00  m-       promo, x
3624a Rabbit     00001          Tommy/Teen Angels         rama lama ding dong/all I can see (tommy skidmore)          $  5.00  m-
3625  Rca        45-1263        Tokens                    TINA/the lion sleeps tonight                                $ 10.00  m-       u.k.
3626  Rca        47-5553        Three Suns                the creep/just one more chance                              $  5.00  m-
3627  Rca        47-6149        Three Haircuts            goin' crazy/you are so rare to me                           $  3.00  m-       pop record
3628  Rca        47-7511        Tradewinds                twins/TONI                                                  $  7.00  m-       5.00 vg+
3629  Rca        47-7553        Tradewinds                crossroads/furry murray                                     $  3.00  vg
3630  Rca        47-7896        Tokens                    dry your eyes/when I go to sleep at night                   $  5.00  vg+
3631  Rca        47-7954        Tokens                    the lion sleeps tonight/TINA                                $  5.00  m-       (4) 
3632  Rca        47-7991        Tokens                    weeping river/b'wa nina                                     $  8.00  m-       5.00 vg+
3633  Rca        447-0702       Tokens                    the lion sleeps tonight/b'wa nina (pretty girl)             $  3.00  m-       orange label 5.00 m- red label
3634  Rca        47-8018        Tokens                    the riddle/big boat                                         $ 15.00  m-       (2) 10.00 vg+ stk
3635  Rca        47-8052        Tokens                    la bomba/a token of love                                    $ 15.00  m-       10.00 vg+
3636  Rca        47-8089        Tokens                    dream angel goodnight/I'll do my crying tomorrow            $ 15.00  m-       (4) stk removed 10.00 vg+ (2)
3637  Rca        47-8114        Tokens                    wishing/a bird flies out of                                 $  5.00  vg+       wrt
3637a Rca        47-8148        Tokens                    tonight I met an angel/hindi lullabye                       $ 10.00  m-/vg+    with picture sleeve
3638  Rca        PB-10022       Tymes                     you little trustmaker/the north hills                       $  5.00  m-        (2) 3.00 vg+
3638a Rca        PB-10128       Tymes                     the crutch/ms. grace                                        $  8.00  m-
3639  Rca        PB-10422       Tymes                     god's gonna punish you/if I can make you s                  $  8.00  m-        (2)
3640  Red Bird   10-020         Trade Winds               club seventeen/new york's a lonely town                     $ 15.00  m-        5.00 vg+ nr stamp (2)
3641  Red Bird   10-033         Trade Winds               the party starts at nine/summertime girl                    $ 25.00  vg+       nr stamp, co
3642  Red Top    118            Troupers                  peter pumpkin eater/non-support                             $150.00  m-        x
3642a Relic      506            Teenos                    love only one/alrightee                                     $  5.00  m-
3643  Relic      526            Timetones                 the house where lovers dream/get a hold of yourself         $  5.00  m-        black wax
3643a Relic      1021           Three Friends             baby I'll cry/BLANCHE                                       $  5.00  m-
3644  Rendezvous 102            Teardrops                 sugar baby/catch me I'm falling again                       $ 10.00  m-         promo
3645  Reprise    231            Timers                    no go showboat/competition coup                             $ 35.00  vg+
3646  REV        3516           Threeteens                dear 53310761/doowaddle                                     $  5.00  vg
3647  Rich       1003           Three Dots                white silver sands/snow dreams                              $  3.00  m-        stamp, wrt
3647a Richie     453            Teddy/Continentals        crying over you/crossfire with me baby                      $ 40.00  vg+       promo, lg name flip
3647b Richie     1001           Teddy/Continentals        ev'ry body pony/tick tick tock                              $ 50.00  vg+
3648  Roulette   4048           Techniqaues               marindy/let her go                                          $ 10.00  m-        nr stamp (2) 8.00 vg+
3649  Roulette   4123           Tiny Tim and the Hits     wedding bells/doll baby                                     $  3.00  vg        name, stk 
3650  Roulette   4144           Lionel Thorpe/gp          more more more/lover lover lover                            $ 10.00  vg        promo, sm name
3651  Roulette   4281           Turbans                   bad man/diamonds and pearls                                 $  5.00  vg         
3653  Savoy      1528           Three Playmates           lovey dovey pair/sugar wooga                                $ 20.00  m-        (2) 
3654  Savoy      1532           Temptations               mister juke box/mad at love                                 $ 15.00  vg        (2)
3655  Savoy      1537           Three Playmates           give your love to me/I dreamed                              $ 10.00  m-        (3) stk  
3656  Saxony     1007           Teardrops                 that's why i'll get by/tonight i'm gonna fall in love again $  7.00  vg         
3657  Scepter    1206           Titones                   symbol of love/the movies                                   $ 75.00  m-         60.00 vg+
3658  Singular   712            Tops                      walkin' with my baby/an innocent kiss                       $ 20.00  vg-        plays ok
3659  Sir        265            Tones                     we belong together/three little loves                       $ 10.00  vg
3660  6 Star     1002           Twilights                 bohemian/little richard                                     $ 25.00  m-
3661  Smash      S-2094         Tempests                  would you believe/you are the star I wish on                $ 15.00  m-         
3662  Snd.Stg.7  2508           Tren-Dells                ain't that funny/mr. doughnau man                           $ 15.00  m-        promo
3663  Sound      125            Twin Tunes                the vision/feel so good                                     $ 20.00  m-         
3664  Specialty  614            Titans                    sweet peach/free and easy                                   $ 15.00  m-        sm wrt
3665  Specialty  625            Titans                    don't you just know it/can it be                            $ 20.00  m-        (5) 
3666  Sphere Snd.714            Turbans                   congratulations/sister snooky                               $  8.00  m-        (2)
3667  Spinit     110            Nick Terry/Toy Terriers   one little heart/we are here such a little while            $ 20.00  vg+
3668  Starlight  24             Tokens                    doom lang/come dance with me                                $  5.00  m-
3670  Starlight  28             Tycoon                    she is mine/pucker your lips                                $  5.00  m-
3671  Starlight  27             Tycoon                    silent night/white christmas                                $  5.00  m-
3672  Sunpter    1101           Lee Tree/Twiggs           a woman's prayer/till we meet again                         $  8.00  vg
3672a Swan       4055           Tams                      sorry/valley of love                                        $ 10.00  vg
3673  Swan       4102           Teddy/Twilights           woman is a mans best friend/goodbye to love                 $  8.00  vg+       (3) 5.00 vg (3) 
3673a Swan       4115           Teddy/Twilights           runnin' around town/you gotta be alone to cry               $ 10.00  vg+       nr stamp
3674  Swan       4126           Teddy/Twilights           bimni bimbo/I'm just your clown                             $ 15.00  m-
3675  Swan       4104           Tiffanys                  the pleasure of love/atlanta                                $ 10.00  vg+       x 
3676  Swan       4196           Trains                    the plan/we two                                             $ 15.00  m-        (2) 7.00 vg
3677  Tag        449            Trilons                   forever/I'm the one                                         $ 15.00  m-
3678  Tender     516            Trojans                   alone in this world/don't ask me to be lonely               $ 40.00  vg+   
3679  Tiara      6129           Tunesters                 casually/wykiup                                             $ 15.00  m-        promo stamp
3680  Tilt       788            Tren-Dells                I miss yo so/moments like this                              $ 25.00  vg                      
3681  Time       1008           Tabbys                    yes I do/my darling                                         $ 50.00  m-        1st  20.00 vg+ scratched numbers 10.00 vg
3682  Times Square 421          Timetones                 my love/in my heart                                         $  7.00  vg+       $5.00 vg (2)
3683  Times Square 421          Timetones                 my love/here in my heart                                    $ 50.00  vg+       (2)
3684  Trans-Lux  2726           Tradewinds                wildwood twist/please never                                 $ 10.00  vg+       flip by carmine poppiti
3684b 20th Fox   411            Tex and the Chex          (love me) now/beach party                                   $  5.00  vg
3684c V-Tone     none           Tremaines                 heaven (sic)/wonderful marvelous                            $ 25.00  m-        hand written labels
3685  Valiant    6027           Tiaras                    i'm gonna forget you/you told me                            $  7.00  vg+       promo
3686  Vik        0194           Three Chuckles            and the nagels sang/tell me                                 $  3.00  vg
3687  Vik        0216           Three Chuckles            we're still holding hands/gypsy in my soul                  $  5.00  m-
3687a VJ         418            Tabs                      dance party/dance all by myself                             $ 15.00  m-
3688  VJ         446            Tabs                      mash dem taters/but you're my baby                          $ 10.00  m-        promo (2)
3689  Warwick    WM116          Trademarks                walking my baby back home/still of the night                $ 50.00  m-        x
3690  Warwick    M615           Tokens                    tonight I fell in love/I'll always love you                 $ 10.00  m-        (2) 8.00 vg+ stk (3)  
3691  WB         5900           Tokens                    she comes she goes/portrait of my love                      $  6.00  m-        reg (6) 3.00 vg+
3692  WB         7056           Tokens                    it's a happening world/how nice                             $  5.00  m-        promo, wrt or reg
3693  WB         7202           Tokens                    bathroom wall/animal                                        $  5.00  m-        (2)
3694  WB         7280           Tokens                    I want to make love to you/go away little girl-young girl   $  5.00  m-        promo
3695  Wildcat    603            Tangerines                the answer is always you/this is the way                    $ 30.00  vg+
3696  Wing       90072          Tyrones                   the campus rock/candy and flowers                           $  5.00  vg        stk
3697  York       45-3332        Three-Of-Us Trio          telegram/sugar jump                                         $ 40.00  vg        wrt (2)
3700  Astra      1022           Uniques                   I'm confessin' that I love you/repete after me              $ 10.00  vg+      sm wrt
3701  Chattahoochee 648         Upper Classmen            dancing on the ceiling/out of nowhere                       $ 25.00  vg       close to vg+ sm tape sm label nick
3702  Demand     2936           Uniques                   mercy christmas darling/rock 'n' rudolph                    $ 40.0   vg+      (2)
3703  Felsted    8535           Unkowns                   oh summer love/cool wool                                    $ 20.00  m-
3703a Festival   25001          Universals                dreaming/love bound                                         $ 10.00  vg       x
3704  Hanover    4510           Unique Teens              JEANNIE/at the ball                                         $ 25.00  vg       sm no.
3705  Joy        45-223         Upbeats                   oh what it seemed to be/th                                  $ 15.00  m-       promo x on lab (2)
3706  Joy        45-227         Upbeats                   keep cool crazy heart/you're the one I care for             $  5.00  vg+      promo. x. stks, wrt
3708  Liberty    F-55335        Untouchables              lovely dee/you're on top                                    $ 20.00  m-       (2) reg or promo 7.00 vg+         
3709  Liberty    F-55423        Untouchables              papa/medicine man                                           $ 10.00  vg+      promo,x
3709a Lute       6225           Uptones                   I'll be there/no more                                       $ 20.00  m-
3709b Madison    M128           Untouchables              poor boy needs a preacher/new fad                           $ 20.00  m-
3710  Madison    M134           Untouchables              VICKIE LEE/goodnight sweetheart goodnight                   $ 15.00  vg+      wrt or stk 
3712  Madison    M139           Untouchables              everybody's laughing/60 minute man                          $ 10.00  vg+
3712a Madison    M147           Untouchables              do your best/raisin' sugar cane                             $ 10.00  vg+      (3) stamp
3713  Mark-X     7004           Universals                teenage love/again                                          $ 75.00  vg       thin lines 10.00 g+ 30.00 m- thick and thin lines 2nd
3714  Pride      1018           Uniques                   I'm so unhappy/it's got to come from your heart             $ 75.00  vg+
3715  Shield     7101           Unknowns                  one more chance/you and me                                  $ 10.00  vg
3715a Soma       1137           Underbrats                book of love/mule skinner blues (by the Fendermen)          $ 10.00  m-       (2)
3716  Soma       1449           Underbeats                darling lorraine/boot of love                               $ 20.00  m-       promo 15.00 vg+ reg 5.00 vg promo or reg
3717  Swan       4010           Upbeats                   my foolish heart/just like in the movies                    $ 10.00  m-       (2) sm stk 5.00 vg+ (4)  3.00 vg x on lab (2)
3718  True Love  1000           Unluv'd                   an exception to the rule/ain't gonna do you no harm         $ 20.00  m-
3720  B.T. Puppy 524            var.arts.                 split/life is groovy                                        $ 10.00  m-       U.S. double quartet/tokens/kirby stone four
3726  Academy    118            Tommy Vann/gp             too young/give a little bit                                 $ 10.00  m-       7.00 vg+  
3727  Academy    120            Tommy Vann/gp             pretty flamingo/I'll forget her tomorrow                    $ 10.00  m-       5.00 vg+ promo 
3728  Aladdin    45-3372        Velvetones                glory of love/I love her still                              $ 50.00  vg+      1 st (2) 30.00 vg 15.00 vg- beverly hills, plays great
3729  Allied     100006         Vibes                     what's her name/you are                                     $100.00  vg
3730  ALL Star   501            Versatones                tight skirt and sweater/bila                                $ 30.00  vg+
3730a Am.Arts    6              Volumes                   gotta give her love/I can't live without you                $ 20.00  vg+       
3731  Anna       102            Voice Masters             needed for lovers only/needed                               $ 35.00  vg+      r stamp (2)
3732  Arnold     1006           Varnell                   all because/day in court                                    $ 20.00  vg+      x (2) 10.00 vg
3732a Atco       45-6134        Vibraharps                nosey neighbors/it must be magic                            $  8.00  vg       promo
3733  Atlantic   2161           Van Dykes                 king of fools/stupidity                                     $ 10.00  vg       5.00 vg- promo, name
3733a Atlantic   2211           Versatones                tight skirt and sweater/bila                                $ 15.00  vg+
3734  Atlantic   2221           Vibrations                my girl sloopy/daddy woo woo                                $ 10.00  m-       8.00 vg+ stk 5.00 vg+ Canadian press
3734a Barry      3390           Vogues                    five o'clock world/nothing to offer you                     $  3.00  vg+      canadian press stk
3734b Belmont    4002           Vails                     great somewhere/buy now pay later                           $ 30.00  vg+      few scuffs
3735  Big Top    3092           Visions                   all through the night/tell me you're mine                   $ 10.00  vg       sm no.
3735a Big Top    3119           Visions                   secret world of tears/swingin' wedding                      $ 30.00  m-       promo
3735b Big Top    3147           Valentine/Sweethearts     lipstick and high-heel shoes/romeo rodriguez                $ 20.00  m-       promo
3736  BJM        6568           Velons                    why don't you write/summer love                             $ 20.00  m-       lots x's on a side  
3736  Blast      216            Velons                    SHELLY/from the chapel                                      $ 75.00  m-
3737  Blue Star  229            Vogues                    some words/you're the one                                   $  7.00  vg+      3.00 vg wrt
3737b Capitol    5423           Vulcanes                  poison ivy/my heart won't believe it                        $ 10.00  vg+
3738a Cee-Jay    582            Vines                     I must see you again/love so sweet                          $ 20.00  vg-      plays ok
3739  Checker    954            Vibrations                love me like you should/so blue                             $ 45.00  m-       promo 40.00 m- promo x, sm label flaw or reg (2) 30.00 m- very slight dish,nap 20.00 vg+ stk
3740  Checker    969            Vibrations                wallflower/the watusi                                       $  8.00  m-       (5) 5.00 m- label tear 5.00 vg+ (4) 
3740a Checker    974            Vibrations                the junkernoo/continental with me baby                      $ 10.00  vg+      promo 7.00 m- lots of stamps promo
3741  Chceker    982            Vibrations                don't say goodbye/stranded in the jungle                    $ 15.00  m-       reg or promo, x bb hole
3741a Checker    990            Vibrations                let's pony again/what made you change your mind             $ 15.00  m-       reg or promo x 10.00 vg+ promo,x (2)
3741b Checker    1038           Vibrations                since I fell for you/may the best man win                   $ 10.00  vg+      promo or reg 5.00 vg (2)
3741c Checker    1061           Vibrations                dancing danny/same instr.                                   $ 20.00  m-       co
3742  Chex       1003           Volumes                   I love you/dreams                                           $ 10.00  m-       name (2) 5.00 vg+ (3)  
3743a Chex       1005           Volumes                   the bell/come back into my heart                            $ 15.00  m-       promo x or reg 7.00 vg+ name 3.00 vg+ sm dig on flip
3743b Clifton    70             Valentions                whatcha know new/easy to fall in love                       $  8.00  m-
3743c Clifton    100            Velours                   c'est la vie/world of fantasy (james myers quintet)         $  5.00  m-
3743d Co and Ce  229            Vogues                    some words/you're the one                                   $  3.00  vg+
3744  Co and Ce  232            Vogues                    five o'clock world/nothing to offer you                     $  3.00  m-
3744a Co and Ce  234            Vogues                    humpty dumpty/magic town                                    $  3.00  m-       (4)
3744c Co and Ce  240            Vogues                    don't blame the rain/please mr. sun                         $  3.00  m-       x (2)
3744d Co and Ce  242            Vogues                    midnight dreams/that's the tune                             $  3.00  m-
3745  Coed       606            Joey Vann/gp              my love my love/try to remember                             $ 25.00  m-       promo
3745a Co-Op      201            Velvet Angels             I'm in love/baby I wanna know                               $ 20.00  m-
3745b Crystal ball 104          Vito and the Salutations  unchained melody (slow version)/so much                     $ 15.00  m-
3745c Crystal ball 147          Valentinos                peppermint stick/moonglow                                   $ 10.00  m-       (2)
3746  CUB        9014           Velours                   I'll never smile again/crazy love                           $ 10.00  vg+       promo name 7.00 vg
3746a D          1049           Velvetones                come back/penalty of love                                   $100.00  m-        75.00 vg+ sm wrt
3746b D          1072           Velvetones                worried over you/space men                                  $ 50.00  m-
3746c Decca      30654          Van Dykes                 run betty run/the fixer                                     $ 25.00  m-         
3747  Decca      31036          Van Dykes                 don't know what to do/better come back to me                $ 30.00  m-        promo  
3747a DeLuxe     6193           Van Dykes                 meaning of love/the bells are ringing                       $ 10.00  vg+       lots of names on labels yellow
3748  Dionn      506            Vareeations               the time/ssab -berom                                        $ 15.00  vg+       10.00 vg 
3749  Dionn      510            Vareeations               it's the loving season/foolish one                          $ 10.00  vg+       5.00 vg 10.00 m- dish mark on wax nap
3749a sold       1333           Van Dykes                 Gift of love/guardian angel                                 $ 15.00  m-
3749b Donna      1345           Valentino and the Lovers  I'm gonna love/one teardrop too late                        $ 40.00  vg+       sm name
3750  Dot        15791          Vanguards                 babby doll/my friend mary ann                               $ 30.00  m-        promo 25.00 vg+
3751  sold       134            Sammy Vance               run run run/guilty of love                                  $ 15.00  vg+       promo, x, name
3752  Ensigh     1707           Voyagers                  sock hop/little fly song                                    $  7.00  m-        promo
3753  Event      4285           Velvets                   at last/I                                                   $  5.00  vg
3754  Fame       1005           Villagers                 you're gonna lose that girl/laugh it off                    $ 10.00  vg        (2)
3754a Fairlane   21007          Valiants                  blue jeans and pony tail/see-saw                            $  8.00  vg
3755  Gametime   104            Val-Chords                candy store love/you're laughing at me                      $ 75.00  vg        1st thick/thin lines 60.00 m- one line name
3756  Gen.Am.    716            Velvet Satins             CHERRY/an angel like you                                    $ 30.00  vg+	
3757  Goldwax    301            Vel Tones                 darling/I do                                                $ 75.00  vg
3757a Gone       5092           Velours                   where there's a will/can I come over tonight                $ 10.00  vg+       3.00 vg-
3757b Gordy      7013           Valadiers                 you'll be sorry someday/I found a girl                      $ 50.00  m-        bb hole lite ring flip
3757c Green-Sea  108            VAN Dykes                 miracle after miracle/how can I forget her                  $ 15.00  vg+
3758  Gregory    5549           Jato Vondel               small token of my love/we'll join together                  $ 40.00  vg+
3759  Harald     101            Vito and the Salutations  extraordinary girl/eenie meenie                             $  5.00  m-        some kind of boot
3760  Herald     583            Vito/Salutations          unchained melody/hey hey baby                               $ 15.00  m-        10.00 vg+ (2) 5.00 vg
3761  Hi-Mar     9173           Velaires                  I could of cried/yes, it was me                             $  5.00  vg
3761a Hollywood  101            Tommy Vann and the Echoes I'm hoping you'll be mine/baby that's no lie                $ 15.00  vg+
3762  Imperial   5878           Velvetones                the glory of love/I love her so                             $ 10.00  m-        promo, lite stain 5.00 vg+ (3) 3.00 vg
3762a Imperial   5915           Valiants                  I'm in a world of my own/living in paradise                 $ 10.00  vg+       promo
3762b Imperial   66020          Velvetones                the glory of love/I found my love                           $ 10.00  m-
3762c Jamie      1211           Velaires                  It's almost tomorrow/ubangi stomp                           $ 10.00  m-        promo name
3763  JDS        5004           Videls                    mister lonely/I'll forget you                               $ 10.00  m-        multi (2) sm no. 7.00 vg+ stk removed 5.00 vg  multi name
3764  JDS        5005           Videls                    she's not coming home/now that summer is here               $ 20.00  m-        (2) 10.00 vg+ (4) 
3765  Jon        4219           Valets                    SHERRY/you and you alone                                    $  5.00  vg        lg name on b-side (2)
3766  Josie      900            Vidaltones                someone to love/forever                                     $ 15.00  vg+       10.00 vg (2)
3767  Joy        235            Valiants                  let me ride/let me go lover                                 $ 10.00  vg+
3768  Jubliee    45-5446        Volumes                   SANDRA/teenage paradise                                     $ 20.00  m-         10.00 vg+ 5.00 vg          
3769  Jubilee    45-5454        Volumes                   oh my mother-in-law/our song                                $ 10.00  vg         promo
3769a Kapp       268            Vel-Tones                 playboy/cal's tune                                          $ 75.00  M-
3770  Kapp       361            Vi-Dels                   streets of love/I'll keep on waiting                        $ 20.00  m-         promo
3771  KC         108            Valiants                  frankie's angel/are you ready                               $ 10.00  m-         (2) 8.00 vg+ x, 5.00 vg  stamp
3772  Keen       34004          Valiants                  good golly miss molly/this is the night                     $ 15.00  vg+        black, stk (2) 5.00 vg (2) wrt
3773  King       5090           Velvet Keys               my baby's gone/let's stay after school                      $ 50.00  m-         promo
3773a King       5158           Van Dykes                 the bells are ringing/meaning of love                       $ 25.00  m-
3773b King       5433           Valentines                that's how I feel/hey ruby                                  $  7.00  vg         stk
3773c Liberty    55574          Victorians                climb every mountain/what makes little girls cry            $ 15.00  m-         10.00 vg+ 5.00 vg
3774  Liberty    55693          Victorians                oh what a night for love/happy birthday blues               $ 20.00  m-         promo, stamp, no.
3775  Laurie     3324           Vito/Elegants             belinda/lazy love                                           $ 15.00  m-         (2) 10.00 vg+ 5.00 vg
3776  Lawn       209            Bobby Vale/gp             two fast guns/(blank lab)                                   $ 20.00  m-         promo
3776a Lost Night 102            Visions                   teenager's life/little moon                                 $  5.00  vg         pink, dj stamp
3777  Luguna     102            Vala Quons                teardrops/madelaine                                         $ 95.00  vg
3777a Ludix      102            Valentines                johnny one heart/mama I have come home                      $  7.00  vg         sm stk
3777b Mala       549            Van Dykes                 you need confidence/you're shakin' me up                    $ 10.00  vg+
3778  Mala       566            Van Dykes                 I'm so happy/a sunday kind of love                          $  5.00  vg         lite scuffs, co
3780  Medieval   207            Velvet Angels             since you've been gone/baby I wanna know                    $  8.00  m-         lite label ware red wax
3781  Memories   1002           Velvetones                glory of love/I found my love/my every thought/melody of lov$  5.00  m-         4 song ep no cover promo
3782  Mercury    71073X45       Viscounts                 raindrop/my girl                                            $ 15.00  vg         maroon (2) 10.00 vg- 10.00 vg+ black
3783  Mercury    71282X45       Voxpoppers                the last drag/wishing for love                              $  7.00  m-         (3) stk 4.00 vg+ (4)  
3784a Mercury    71315X45       Voxpoppers                pony tail/ping pong baby                                    $  5.00  vg
3784  Mercury    72188          Visions                   tommy's girl/oh boy what a girl                             $ 15.00  m-         8.00 vg+ (2) 5.00 vg
3784a Mercury    72924          Velaires                  fantasy/yes I love you                                      $ 25.00  m-
3785  MGM        K12667         Velairs                   a prom and a promise/don't tell tales out of school         $ 15.00  m-         promo (2) 
3786  MGM        K13813         Vogues                    lovers of the world unite/brighter days                     $  7.00  m-         5.00 vg+ promo
3787  Miracle    6              Valadiers                 Greetings this is uncle sam/take a chance                   $ 35.00  vg+        15.00 vg (2)
3788  Monument   435            Velvets                   time and again/that lucky old sun                           $ 20.00  m-         x 15.00 vg+
3789  Monument   441            Velvets                   tonight/spring fever                                        $ 10.00  vg+        (3) 7.00 vg+ 
3789a Monument   448            Velvets                   lana/laugh                                                  $  5.00  vg         
3790  Monument   515            Velvets                   tonight/spring vever                                        $ 10.00  m-         late press
3791  Monument   810            Velvets                   crying in the chapel/dawn                                   $ 40.00  m-         promo 20.00 vg stk removed, promo
3791a MR.PEEKE   125            Viscounts                 night for love/ballin' the jack                             $  7.00  vg
3792  Neptune    19             Vibrations                who's gonna help me now/expressway to your heart            $ 10.00  m-
3792a O'Dell     111            Verdicts                  turtle neck sweters/love's in vain                          $ 15.00  vg+
3792b Okeh       7205           Vibrations                sloop dance/watusi time                                     $  5.00  vg
3793  Okeh       7241           Vibrations                canadian sunset/the story of a starry night                 $ 10.00  vg+        promo,x, stk (3) 5.00 vg promo
3793a hold       7249           Vibrations                gonna get along without you now/forgive and forget          $ 15.00  m-
3793b Okeh       7257           Vibrations                soul a go-go/and I love her                                 $ 20.00  m-
3793c Okeh       7297           Vibrations                together/come to yourself                                   $ 10.00  vg         promo
3794  Okeh       7311           Vibrations                remember the rain/love in them there hills                  $ 15.00  m-    
3794a Old Town   1089           Vocaleers                 love and devotion/this is the night                         $ 30.00  vg+
3794b Onyx       512            Velours                   can I come over tonight/where there's a will                $ 75.00  vg+        close to m- malver/figure
3795  Onyx       515            Velours                   this could be the night/hands across the table              $ 50.00  m-         (2) 40.00 vg+ 10.00 vg+ scuffs          
3795a Oriole     1319           Charles Vanell            classmates/knowing the part                                 $ 20.00  vg         slight warp, flip rockabilly
3795b Paradise   113            Vocaleers                 have you ever loved someone/I need your love so bad         $ 15.00  m-
3796  Parkway    904            Valrays                   yo me pregunto/tonky                                        $  8.00  m-         5.00 vg+
3797  Philips    40346          Victor/Spoils             I wish that i could make you love me/a lonely memor         $  5.00  vg+        3.00 vg
3798  Poplar     107            Voxpoppers                a love to last a lifetime/come back little girl             $  3.00  vg
3799  Poplar     115            Visuals                   the submarine race/maybe you                                $ 20.00  vg+        x, 10.00 vg         
3799a Poplar     117            Visuals                   my juanita/a boy, a girl, and a dream                       $ 25.00  vg+
3801  Rama       RR-171         Valentines                lily maebelle/falling for you                               $ 60.00  m-         blue 25.00 vg+ lg stk (2) 15.00 vg blue (5) 15.00 vg+ red (2) 10.00 vg red
3802  Rama       RR-181         Valentines                hand me down love/I love you darling                        $ 75.00  vg+        60.00 vg+ sm stk, sm name
3802a Rama       RR-186         Valentines                christmas prayer/k i s s me                                 $ 50.00  m-         red label
3803  Rama       RR-196         Valentines                the woo woo train/why                                       $ 50.00  m-         blue 30.00 m- red label 15.00 vg red 10.00 blue label vg (2) 5.00 vg blue tape, lab tear
3804  Rama       RR-208         Valentines                nature's creation/my story of love                          $ 30.00  vg+        45 both sides red label
3806  Rayna      103            Vibes                     you got me crying/a killer came to town                     $ 40.00  vg         close to vg+
3806a Rayna      5009           Vito/Salutations          GLORIA/let's untwist the twist                              $ 35.00  m-         stk removed, no dist. on label
3807  Red Robin  120            Velvets                   they tried/she's gotta grin                                 $ 50.00  vg-        ring ware a side plyas with noise
3808  Red Robin  122            Velvets                   I/at last                                                   $100.00  m-         25.00 vg-
3808a Relic      503            Velours                   my love come back/honey drops                               $ 10.00  m-         lime green wax
3808b Relic      504            Velours                   can I come over tonight/where there's a will                $  5.00  m-         (2)
3809  Relic      516            Velours                   this could be the night/hands across the table              $  5.00  m-
3810  Reprise    0788           Vogues                    I will/till                                                 $  3.00  m-
3811  Rhody      218            Videls                    be my girl/place in my heart                                $ 25.00  vg         plays well  
3811a Ro-Cal     1002           Versatiles                landee dundee/whisper in your ear                           $ 20.00  vg         sm label tear
3812  Roulette   4510           Valiants                  eternal triangle/johnny lonely                              $ 10.00  vg         promo (2)
3813  Rust       5051           Billy Vera/gp             all my love/my heart cries                                  $ 25.00  m-         promo or reg 20.00 m- stk, wrt 5.00 vg lots of wrt
3814  Smash      1707           Voyagers                  sock hop/little fly song                                    $  5.00  vg+
3815  Smash      1716           Vicroys                   I'm so sorry/uncle sam needs you                            $ 20.00  m-         promo or reg (2) 15.00 m- wrt, sm lab tear flip 15.00 vg+ 8.00 vg (2)
3815a Specialty  411            Victorians                don't break my heart again/I guess you're satisfied         $250.00  vg         looks nice plays with some background noise
3816  Starfire   106            Vibes                     tell me I'm your love/up on the mountain                    $  5.00  m-         blue wax
3817  StarK      101            Velveteens                baby baby/teen prayer                                       $ 25.00  vg+        1st wrt 20.00 m- (2) 10.00 vg+ (3) 5.00 vg
3818  Starlight  19             Velours                   mio amore/this could be the night                           $  5.00  m-
3819  Studio     9902           Velours                   I promise/little sweetheart                                 $ 40.00  m-         promo
3820  Swan       4156           Vespers                   mr. ciupid/when I walk with an angel                        $  5.00  vg         marker bleed on wax nap, name
3820a Tamara     760            Vows                      DOTTIE/the things you do to me                              $ 25.00  m-         x
3820b 20th Fox   165            Velvets                   if I could be with you/happy days are here again            $ 20.00  vg+        promo
3821  UA         124            Frank Verna/gp            golly gosh oh gee/sugar lump                                $  3.00  vg         reg or promo
3822  UGHA       18             Vocaleers                 is it a dream/golden teardrops (sheps)                      $  5.00  m-
3823  UNI        55031          Visions                   threshold of love/how can I be down                         $ 10.00  m-         3.00 vg name
3824  Vibro      4005           V-Eights                  my heart/papa's yellow tie                                  $ 30.00  vg+        (2)
3825  VPM        1006           Viscaynes                 heavenly angel/yellow moon                                  $ 20.00  vg+        name on label
3826  Wells      1008           Vito and the Salutations  liverpool bound/can I depend on you                         $ 20.00  m-         sm wrt 10.00 vg
3860  ABC-Par    45-10128       Billy Ward/gp             your mine/the world is waiting for the sunrise              $ 10.00  m-         promo  or reg 5.00 vg
3861  ABC-Par    45-10156       Billy Ward/gp             you/the gypsy                                               $  4.00  vg+        promo (2)
3861a Ace        588            Ron Wills/Jesters         don't come too late/some day you'll want me to want you     $ 10.00  m-
3863  Amy        842            Lori Wood                 but that was long ago/the end of the world for me           $ 15.00  vg
3863a Amy        848            Jay Walker/pedestrians    hey now/never happen                                        $ 15.00  m-         wrt promo
3864  Argo       5435           Jerry Woodard/Esquires    with a feeling/boat of love                                 $ 10.00  vg+        co, stamp
3866  Bullseye   1001           Fletcher Williams         stop look and love me/MARY LOU                              $ 30.00  m-
3867  Carlton    477            Morry Williams/Kids       are you my girlfriend/oh louise                             $ 40.00  vg+        small n on label
3868  Chesapeake 604            Wonders                   I wonder/summer love                                        $ 40.00  vg+
3875  Columbia   41478          Michael Wesley/gp         will you love me/magic lover                                $ 20.00  m-         promo
3876  Colpix     699            Wonders                   say there/marilyn                                           $ 10.00  vg+        5.00 vg sm stk
3877  Cub        9023           Wanderers                 please/shadrach meshack and abednego                        $ 10.00  vg+
3878  Cub        9035           Wanderers                 only when you're lonely/I'm not ashamed                     $ 10.00  vg+
3878a Cub        9075           Wanderers                 I could make you mine/I need you more                       $  8.00  vg         promo, x
3879  Cub        9089           Wanderers                 for your love/sally goodheart                               $  8.00  vg+        (2) 5.00 vg
3880  Cub        9099           Wanderers                 somebody else's sweetheart/she wears my ring                $ 35.00  vg+        lite scuffs 10.00 vg
3881  Cub        9094           Wanderers                 I'll never smile again/a little too long                    $  3.00  vg         (2)
3882  Decca      9-29499        Mel Williams/gp           eternal love/roses never fade                               $ 20.00  vg+         promo
3883  Decca      9-29668        Wilsons                   first degree love/I trust you                               $  3.00  m-
3884  Decca      9-29933        Billy Ward/gp             st.therese of the roses/home is where you hang your         $ 10.00  m-          stk  7.00 vg+ (3) 7.00 m- 2nd 5.00 vg+ (4) 4.00 vg 
3885  Decca      45026          Billy Ward/gp             st.therese of the roses/home is where you hang your         $ 10.00  m-          japan press (2)
3886  Decca      9-30043        Billy Ward/gp             will you remember/come on                                   $  7.00  vg+         5.00 vg (2)
3887  Decca      9-30149        Billy Ward/gp             evermore/half a love                                        $ 10.00  m-
3889  Decca      9-30420        Billy Ward/gp             I don't stand a ghost of a chance with yo                   $  3.00  vg          reg or promo no. stamp
3889a Deck       142            Bobby Williams/gp         chapel of love/you                                          $ 25.00  vg
3889b Dee Jay    201            West Coast                christmas time/new year's eve                               $  5.00  m-          green wax
3890  DeLuxe     6090           Otis Williams/gp          gum drop/save me save me                                    $ 20.00  m-          5.00 vg          
3891  DeLuxe     6091           Otis Williams/gp          that's your mistake/too late I learned                      $ 10.00  vg+         (3) 5.00 vg    
3892  DeLuxe     6092           Otis Williams/gp          rolling home/do be you                                      $ 10.00  vg+         (2)
3893  DeLuxe     6093           Otis Williams/gp          ivory tower/in paradise                                     $ 20.00  m-          promo or reg (3) stk 10.00 vg+ (2) 8.00  
3894  DeLuxe     6095           Otis WIlliams/gp          one night only/It's all over                                $ 20.00  m-          (2) 10.00 vg+ 5.00 vg  
3895  DeLuxe     6097           Otis Williams/gp          I like to thank you mr d.j                                  $ 30.00  m-          promo/bio lab or reg 10.00 vg
3896  Deluxe     6098           Otis Williams/gp          gypsy lady/I'll remember you                                $ 20.00  m-          sm init. on label 5.00 vg
3897  DeLuxe     6105           Otis williams/gp          blues stay away form me/pardon me                           $ 10.00  m-          (2) 5.00 vg (2)
3898  DeLuxe     6115           Otis Williams/gp          walkin' after midnight/I'm waiting just for you             $ 20.00  m-          sm stk 10.00 vg+
3899  DeLuxe     6158           Otis Williams/gp          oh julie/could this be magic                                $ 10.00  m-          reg or promo 5.00 vg (2)
3900  DeLuxe     6174           Otis Williams/gp          you'll femain forever/don't wake up the kids                $ 15.00  m-          10.00 vg+ (3) reg or promo
3901  Deluxe     6178           Otis Williams/gp          the secret/my friends                                       $  5.00  vg
3902  DeLuxe     6181           Otis Williams/gp          welcome home/pretty little things called girls              $ 25.00  m-           promo
3902a DeLuxe     6183           Otis Williams/gp          my prayer tonight/watch dog                                 $ 20.00  m-
3903  DeLuxe     6191           Otis Williams/gp          too late I learned/that's your mistake                      $ 10.00  vg+          5.00 vg
3904  Dig        107            Mel Williams/gp           here at my phone/talk to me                                 $ 10.00  vg+          stk  
3904a Dig        128            Mel Williams/gp           all through the night/I cried a million tears               $  5.00  vg           sm tape
3904b hold       9              Watkin's Sis              here I stand/only you can give                              $ 10.00  vg
3905  Dootone    1201           Whipoorwills              kiss a fool goodbye/I want my love                          $ 10.00  vg+
3906  Dot        15692          Henry wilson/Bluenotes    my steady girl/mighty low                                   $ 25.00  m-
3907  Dot        16470          We Three                  one of these mornings/happy graduation day                  $ 10.00  m-
3908  EP-SOM     1002           Weston Billy              I need you/it won't be this way always                      $ 25.00  m-          20.00 vg+ promo (2)
3908a Everest    20010          Jackie Walker/Baysiders   I'm always chasing rainbows/dearly beloved                  $ 10.00  vg+
3908b Federal    12301          Billy Ward/Dominoes       st. louis blues/one moment with you                         $ 10.00  vg-         test press typed label
3909  Federal    45-12129       Billy Ward/gp             these foolish things remind me of you/don't leave me this wa$ 20.00  vg-         gold top 
3909a Federal    45-12139       Billy Ward/gp             you can't keep a good man down/where now little heart       $ 50.00  vg+         lite scrape on label a side
3910  Federal    45-12178       Billy Ward/gp             tootsie roll/I'm gonna move to the outskirts of town        $ 35.00  vg+         25.00 vg (2)
3911  Federal    45-12209       Billy Ward/gp             if I nver get to heaven/can't do sixty no more              $ 50.00  vg+
3912  Federal    45-12218       Billy Ward/gp             love me now or let me go/cave man                           $ 15.00  vg 
3912a Federal    12236          Mel WIlliams              lonely heart/soldier boy                                    $100.00  vg+         promo, bio label x 
3913  Federal    45-12263       Billy Ward/gp             bobby sox baby/how long how long blues                      $ 10.00  vg          plays ok
3914  Fernwood   45-109         Thomas Wayne/gp           tragedy/saturday date                                       $  5.00  m-          (4) 3.00 vg+ stk (3) 
3914a Fernwood   45-111         Thomas Wayne/gp           eternally/scandalizing my name                              $ 10.00  m-          (2)
3914b Fernwood   45-122         Thomas Wayne/gp           because of you/girl next door                               $  8.00  vg+         
3915  Flip       306            Donald Woods/gp           man from utopia/death of an angel                           $ 55.00  m-          sm stk 20.00 vg+ sm prt or stk (6) 10.00 vg sm print (2)   
3916  Folly      800            Wheels                    clap your hands pt1/pt2                                     $ 20.00  m-          15.00 vg+  (2)
3917  Fortune    825            Joe Weaver/gp             it must be love/baby I love you so                          $ 40.00  vg+       
3917a Fortune    831            Andre Williams/gp         just because of a kiss/didlee didlee womp womp              $ 30.0   vg+         large name flip side
3917b Fortune    837            Andre Williams/gp         my tears/jail bait                                          $ 40.00  vg+         stk removed, stamp   
3918  Firtybe    832            Joe Weaver/Don Juans      looka here pretty baby/baby child                           $ 40.00  m-
3918x hold       839            Andre Williams/gp         the greasy chicken/come on baby                             $ 10.00  vg
3918a 4 Star     1753           Willows                   there's a dance goin' on/now that I have you                $ 50.00  vg          promo 
3919  Frisco     104            Danny White/gp            the little bitty things/kiss tom                            $ 25.00  m-          (2)
3919a none       4523           Nat Williams/Ink Spots    the good times/if I didn't care (by Gene Miller/ink spots)  $ 10.00  m-          looks autographed
3919b Gotham     309            Whispers                  fool heart/don't fool with lizzie                           $ 50.00  vg          label stain
3939c Gotham     312            whispers                  are you sorry/we're getting married                         $ 50.00  vg-         sm label tear
3920  Herald     H-552          Maurice Williams/gp       stay/do you believe                                         $ 10.00  m-          (4) sm stk 8.00 vg+ (4) 4.00 (4) vg  
3921  Herald     H-556          Maurice Williams/gp       always/I remember                                           $ 10.00  vg+         (3) stk or no.
3922  Herald     H-563          Maurice Williams/gp       some day/come and get it                                    $  5.00  vg-         plays well, stk, wrt
3924  Heidi      103            Willows                   tears in your eyes/it's such a shame                        $ 10.00  vg+         5.00 vg
3925  Imperial   5812           Wardell and the Sultans   dance time/the original popeye                              $  3.00  vg          promo
3926  Jamie      1234           Will-Ettes                summertime is gone/one love is lost                         $ 10.00  vg          promo
3927  Jubilee    5163           Billy Ward/gp             gimme gimme gimme/come to me baby                           $ 15.00  m-          8.00 vg+ sm tear flip 5.00 vg x scratched on label
3928  King       1280           Billy Ward/gp             rags to riches/don't thank me                               $ 10.00  vg          stk (2)
3929  King       1281           Billy Ward/gp             ringing a brand new year/christmas in heaven                $ 15.00  vg+         (2)
3930  King       1342           Billy Ward/gp             a little lie/tenderly                                       $ 15.00  vg+ 
3930a King       1492           Billy Ward/gp             may I never love again/learnin' the blues                   $ 20.00  m-          10.00 vg no. on lab
3930b King       5322           Billy Ward/gp             have mercy baby/sixty minute man                            $ 15.00  vg+         8.00 vg
3930c King       5332           Otis Williams/Charms      rickety rickshaw man/silver star                            $ 15.00  vg+
3931  King       5372           Otis Williams/Charms      image of a girl/wait a minute baby                          $ 40.00  m-          promo 30.00 vg+ 15.00 vg
3931a King       5389           Otis Williams/Charms      so be it/the first sign of love                             $ 15.00  vg+
3931b King       5558           Otis Williams/Charms      the secret/two hearts                                       $ 10.00  vg
3931c King       5682           Otis Williams/Charms      when we get together/only young once                        $ 15.00  vg+         promo
3932  King       5816           Otis WIlliams             It just ain't right/It'll never happen again                $ 15.00  m-
3933  Laurie     3376           Wayne/Exceptions          have faith baby have faith/pt2                              $  7.00  m-          promo (2) or reg (2)
3934  Liberty    F-55071        Billy Ward/gp             star dust/LUCINDA                                           $  7.00  m-          (3) 5.00  vg+ (4) stk 3.00  vg
3935  Liberty    F-55099        Billy Ward/gp             do it again/deep purple                                     $  6.00  m-          5.00 vg+ (2)
3936  Liberty    F-55111        Billy Ward/gp             my proudest possession/someone greather t                   $  6.00  m-          (2) 
3937  Liberty    F-55126        Billy Ward/gp             solitude/sweeter as the years go by                         $  5.00  m-          promo or reg 4.00 vg+ (2)
3938  Liberty    F-55136        Billy Ward/gp             JENNIE LEE/music maestro please                             $  5.00  vg
3939  Liberty    F-55181        Billy Ward/gp             please don't say no/behave hula girl                        $  5.00  vg+         3.00 vg promo
3940  London     55071          Billy Ward/gp             star dust/LUCINDA                                           $  6.00  m-          5.00 vg+ stk, canada
3941  Melba      102            Willows                   chruch bells ARE RINGING/baby tell me                       $ 60.00  vg          rare 1st, clean record (2)
3942  Melba      102            Willows                   church bells may ring/baby tell me                          $ 10.00  m-          one line 7.00 vg+ two lines (3) 5.00 vg 10.00 m- saw tooth lines
3943  Melba      106            Willows                   do you love me/my angel                                     $ 15.00  vg+         few scuffs, name 10.00 vg+ label tear flip 5.00 vg maroon
3943a Mercury    70094          Billy Williams quartet    pour me a glass of teadrops/it's a miracle                  $ 10.00  vg+         light scratch 
3944  MGM        K12724         Webtones                  my lost love/walk talk and kiss                             $ 25.00  m-          20.00 vg+ stk removed (2)
3945  MGM        K13082         Wanderers                 as time goes by/there is no greater love                    $  5.00  m-          (3) reg or promo 4.00 vg+ 3.00 vg 
3946  MGM        K13484         Willows                   my kinda guy/hurtin' all over                               $ 10.00  vg          promo
3947  Modern     45X1004        Curley Williams           be mine/this heart of mine                                  $ 30.00  vg+
3948a Okeh       7055           Chuck Willis/Sandmen      I can tell/one more break                                   $ 75.00  m-          50.00 vg+ stk
3948b Okeh       7235           Otis WIlliams/Charms      I fall to pieces/gotta get myself together                  $ 20.00  m-          promo stk, sm scuff
3948c Onyx       518            Wanderes                  thinking of you/great jumpin' catfish                       $ 50.00  m-          (2)
3948d Orbit      9003           Wanderers                 my shinging hour/a teenage quarrel                          $ 10.00  vg          sm tear
3948e Port       70025          Whirlers                  magic mirror/tonight and forever                            $  5.00  vg
3949  Premium    405            Wheels                    my heart's desire/let's have a ball                         $ 40.00  m-          1st dip 25.00 vg+ (2)   
3949a Premium    408            Wheels                    teasin' heart/loco                                          $ 20.00  vg-         name plays with some noise
3950  Rama       65             Wrens                     will you come back my love/beggin' for love                 $ 55.00  vg+         slight dish,nap blue 25.00 vg blue 
3951  R&M        none           Maurice Williams/Zodiacs  first love/forever beach                                    $  3.00  vg+
3951a Recorte    410            Danny Winchell            we're gonna have a rockin' party/don't say you're sorry     $ 50.00  M-          STK
3951b Reed       695            Jerry Woodard/et al       don't make me lonely/atomic fallout (instr)                 $ 10.00  vg-         plays with some noise with bobby mizzell/gp
3952  Ronald     1001           Andre Williams/gp         please give me a chance/I still love you                    $ 10.00  vg          lite scr's label ding
3953  RORI       703            David Winters             DORI ANNE/bye bye                                           $ 20.00  vg+         promo, x
3954  Round      1003           Dick Whittington/cats     I still find you in my heart                                $ 30.00  vg          name (2)  
3955  Roulette   4271           Wheels                    I've waited for a lifetime/no one but you                   $ 50.00  m-          promo, x
3955a Ro-Zan     10001          Ward Billy/Dominoes       my fair weather friend/man in the stained glass window      $ 20.00  vg+         promo, #, stamp
3956  Savoy      1098           Wanderers                 how can I get along with you/don't do nothing I wou         $ 15.00  m-           
3958  Seg-Way    1008           Rudy West/5 Keys          out of sight out of mind/you're the one                     $  5.00  vg+         3.00 vg (3) stk
3959  Sew City   103            Witches/Warlock           behind locked doors/same by Matt Parsons/gp                 $ 30.00  m-  
3960  Sew City   104            Witches/Warlock           I don't want to live my life alone/let them talk            $ 50.00  m-
3961  Soultown   502            Maurice williams/Zodiacs  may I/this                                                  $  5.00  m-          sm label tear flip
3961a Tee Vee    301            Morry Williams and Kids   are you my girlfriend/LOUISE                                $100.00  vg          lite scr, sm nme
3962  Times Sq   112            Whirlwinds/de ja elgins   heartbeat/that's my girl                                    $ 30.00  m-
3964  UA         570            Wanderers                 after he breaks your heart/run run senorita                 $ 30.00  m-          promo
3964a Veep       1259           Wally & the Knight        I need you/uncle sam                                        $ 20.00  m-          proko
3965  Warwick    524            Willows                   you/my dear dearest darling                                 $ 10.00  vg          promo
3966  Whirlin Disc 108          Whirlers                  tonight and forever/magic mirrow                            $ 50.00  vg          plays fine
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 
4000  Smash      1996           x-cellents                I'll always be by your side/hey little willie               $ 10.00  vg+         reg or promo
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 
4999  APT        25021          Youngsters                teenager susan/sweet talk                                   $ 10.00  m-          sm stk
5000  Crest      1109           Young Men Four            don't be bashful little girl/goodbye bye bye bye            $ 10.00  vg+
5001  Double Shot 107           Yongfolk                  early in the morning/lovin' seed                            $ 10.00  m-          promo,x
5002  Empire     45-104         Youngsters                shattered dreams/rockin rock'n roll'n cowboy                $ 50.00  m-          40.00 m- sm label nick 25.00 vg+ 10.00 vg 
5003  Empire     45-109         Youngsters                dreamy eyes/I'm sorry now                                   $ 30.00  vg+         20.00 vg (2)
5003  Empire     45-109         Youngsters                dreamy eyes/christmas in jail                               $ 30.00  vg+
5004  Hanover    4530           Edison Youngblood         tennis shoes/maybe now                                      $ 10.00  vg+         wrt
5005  Indigo     108            Kathy Young/gp            a thousand stars/eddie my darling                           $  7.00  m-          4.00 vg+ (4)
5006  Kelway     100            young lords               peace of mind/oh stop it (Dave and the Du Woppers)          $ 15.00  m-          red wax
5007  Maltese    105            Young Men                 angel baby/a young mans problem                             $ 10.00  vg-         plays ok
5008  Relic      527            Young Ones                sweet than/picture of love (by the El Sierros)              $  5.00  m-
5009  Swan       hold           Young Ideas               dream/touchdown                                             $ 15.00  m-
5010  Twurk      2991           Young Sisters             my guy/casanova brown                                       $ 30.00  m-           promo, wrt
5011  UGHA       6              Yesterday's News          our anniversary/micky mouse chant                           $  5.00  m-           (2)
5012  Yussels    7701           Youngones                 marie/those precious love letters                           $ 25.00  m-  
5013  Yussels    7703           Young Ones                I'm in the mood for love/no no don't make me cry            $ 10.00  vg           5.00 vg sm label tear, name        
Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z  Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z
5049  AMBER      851            Zircons                   one summer night/the lone stranger                          $ 10.00  vg         red wax
5050  Better     001            Zip-Codes                 sweet meat pt1/pt2                                          $ 10.00  m-         (4) 8.00 vg+
5051  Cool Sound 1030           Zurcibs                   I hear silver bells/you are my sunshine                     $ 40.00  vg+        (2)
5052  Dee-Su     304            Zodiacs                   this feeling/May I                                          $ 25.00  m-         20.00 m- minor scuff 10.00 vg+ 5.00 vg 
5053  Dot        15724          Zircons                   I need it/only one love                                     $ 40.00  m-
5054  Heigh-Ho   607            Zircons                   where there's a will/don't put off tomorrow                 $ 15.00  vg+
5055  Hickory    1252           Zippers                   pretend you're still mine                                   $ 15.00  m-         promo  8.00 vg  promo
5056  Spot       1002           Zoro and the Zips         the woodpecker song/frankie & johnny                        $ 10.00  m-         
5058  Seeco      6074           Lani Zee/gp               funny funny funny/sea tides                                 $ 25.00  vg+        x on lab                                